X-TW Server issue
Theres a huge difference between 10-20 points and 200 points.0
What do you want tPWE to do then? It obvious they lack the competence around xTW to just revert the situation back to what it was before this weekend. That being their only fair solution to matter.
Randomly ending season to what it was last week would be even more unfair than continuing the season as it is though. This is because I know we built our strategy around season ending in August (According to news item) and I would hope we werent the only ones. Only Crisis went for short term strategy and Vindicate was already almost passing Crisis last weekend. If it wouldnt of been Vindicate who would of passed Crisis, it would of been one of the other factions gunning for the long term strategy. So giving Crisis the win, when they likely would of not won it w/o glitch, would be absolute bs.
Now I`d like to point out another thing, thats bothering me. I dont believe the scores were calculated correctly this week.
The scores before the glitched rankings update: https://prnt.sc/fa5h9v
The scores after the glitched rankings updated: https://prnt.sc/fa5n5a
Now, 2 things I want to point out. You can clearly see 2 tier 2 lands and 5 tier 1 lands on the latter SS as taken but only 60 points were awarded. I could be wrong but afaik each land should give 10 points, making the real count 70. Karma does, however, only have 6 lands taken on the map so maybe its just wrong on the ranking screen? Rechecking the npc it shows only as 1 tier 2 land is acquired so maybe it was some glitch/lag/something when I took the SS?
2nd thing, Vindicate has been stated to have 8 lands in this thread. I tried to count them and I came to the conclusion of 6 tier 2 + 2 tier 1s = 80 points. But as you can see in the SSs Vindicate gained 90 points. It could be I am just missing one of the tier 1 lands, I`d appreciate if Vindicate member could SS their xTW map so we can see their lands highlighted and confirm if I am just being blind.
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Winning an attack on swirling gives an extra 10 points.
This isnt just about this 1 week though. This have a huge effect on the upcoming weeks as well in terms of points.
If it were my decision and no cross server rollback were possible, i would probably have ended the season now and giving out some prizes (not max rewards, just some)0 -
basically this bug more or less ruined whole crisis xtw season because of how this week played out.
And yea ppl will say its annoying what happened bla bla but it is what it is , its just one week and lets just ignore it? Hell no.
First of all it sux that the glitch happened. I mean I do believe that that everyone wanted to have their fights and in a way we all keep looking for them. Im not the one to be happy about how it turn out. Yes, Vindicate was lucky to bring some ppl into the xserver, from which 5 ppl got into last 30 min of fights recovering lost scores. Crisis ruined their xTW season before by going weekly for 60 points (probably right now u regret u didnt go for it this week).
Vindicate which had 7 lands had 4 wars this week , one was against Crisis , 2nd against Infamous , 3rd against Tempest and 4th against Echo, so out of this 4 wars they would most likely only be able to win 1 war (against echo) and loose the other 3 since each faction would show them in full power of 60ppl.
Infamous had fights too, so did tempest. Doubt any of those 2 guilds would show up full power if at all. Not to mention videos of what happened last week with Tempest are avaible on YouTube. We probably wouldnt show to Crisis and won rest of the wars. I mean i understand Crisis think u need to fill each war with 60 ppl but it rarely happens in xTW. Guess u guys dont know since u have no fights.
So that would make them loose 3 lands from the current 8 they got thanks to this bug and this put them in huge lead in the first place thanks to this and like he said it will just snowball their lead by 150-200 points easy all thanks to xserver being bugged.
Even if u guys would win a war u guys would get 40 pts this week (instead of 20 u got), now I can guarantee you we would at least win Echo and Tempest which would give us minimum 70 pts (instead of 90 we got), so I dunno where ur maths come from, but the difference is max 30 pts for this week, what is gonna happen next week depends again on how attacks and defences get split into.
Now what is also insane is they managed to get 8 ppl inside xserver while it was bugged for others and they managed to enter the wars and secure the wins in them since every enemy faction could only bring in 1 maybe 2 ppl which was less then them per war. So they managed to defend all 3 defense wars and even win the attack war which gave them the 8th land.
So the bug that happened this week basically destroyed the chances of every faction to fight for 1st place other than vindicate xD
Yes, the bug sux, we cant rly predict what would happen, but some ppl were able to enter from each guild and each server. Of course it would be more fair to reset this weekend of xTW, but again I think Vindicate would be first this week regardless and other factions would be a lot behind anyway on the ranks. Season is 2,5 months more a lot can happen.
Im really curious whats going to happen now , are you gonna decide that the rest of season is invalid cause of the bug and season end rankings are gonna be from the week before the bug happened , or are we just gonna ignore what happened this week and continue like nothing happened effectively ******* up every faction that fights for 1st place other then vindicate?
In first season of xTW all the guilds from TT had the glitch and all Dawnglory guilds won their battles by default, even though none was able to log. nothing was reset. 2nd season was not even announced. 3rd season had to restarted. Always a problem happens... Highly doubt they will be able to fix the ranks...
And another question is what if you cant fix this , whats gonna happen next week , will they just continue getting more and more points while others cant do anything about it?
I hope they can either fix it or like other stuff put on hold for a week till its fixed so points dont get accumulated.
Since xtw is one of main reason most of the ppl still play this game and with this kind of bug happening now and ruining the whole season for some factions we simply cant ignore what happened this week and how this bug ruined whole season for almost every faction fighting for 1st place other then current 1st place vindicate.
Again Vindicate would be ahead by at least 40 pts this week in xTW standings, no matter how much u gonna cry on the forums. And for next weeks that gap would also increase regardless. We proved on battlefield we beat all other guilds that u call competition for rank 1. It was Crisis choice to play it bad from the scratch hoping 60 pts per week is all u need to win. Otherwise why would Karma be just 10 pts behind u? LOL
I really hope you will address this problem seriously and come up with a fair solution for every party involved.
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Im loving the result oriented analysis. People trying to look smart when they lucked out due to the game being broken, criticizing Crisis' strategy. I have bad news, but nothing is as dumb as result oriented analysis...
Example: I'm hiding 10 balls, 9 red ones and 1 yellow one, and I will pick one blind (at random), what color ball will I pick?
Vindicate basically chose yellow, and what do you know, I drew a yellow one. But even though you were right and picked the right color that doesn't mean you're smart for picking it. Picking red is always the right option, even when the result turns out to be yellow. In fact, even though you got it right, you're stupid for picking it.
So you can stop criticizing Crisis and making laughable claims like ''we wouldve beaten Tempest and Echo'' (even tho Tempest won the last time u guys faced off in a 1v1, in probably the most embarrassing fashion any faction has ever lost an xTW) and pretend its all part of some really smart plan. Because this was nothing but luck, there was no ability involved. The game broke and you got 4 free wins. Which are all lands that will not be attacked the next ~3 weeks (eyo free 120 points, thx a lot). Looking at your actual results this season in terms of 1v1s you best pray the glitch happens again next week (because yes, you'll at least have 3 battles next week), there's plenty of time left for Crisis/Tempest/Karma/Infamous to catch back up, all factions that are *yikes* better than Vindicate, despite the fact Vindicate way outgears them.0 -
It's the same strategy Karma used successfully in previous seasons, sounds like a red ball choice to me.
Vindicate was on pace to pass Crisis this week for first anyway, this glitch just makes it look illegitimate. A rollback to the previous week's scores would be the best solution but I doubt PWE can manage that.0 -
i dont think we ever had an xtw season that didnt glitch or break at some point lol0
LOL head shot ...... man qontrol so mad .....more than the 200 members of crisis..do you think he wouldve been mad if his leader and that trash DB won that fight ?
and why he even here last i checked knights have better points than echo lel
anyway yea the only fair way to do it, is to roll the server back but knowing pwi if they do such thing looool we might not have Xtw for another 6 months...
Maybe qontrol and his pve faction shouldve try to log to X-server not form DHD :P
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Now, 2 things I want to point out. You can clearly see 2 tier 2 lands and 5 tier 1 lands on the latter SS as taken but only 60 points were awarded. I could be wrong but afaik each land should give 10 points, making the real count 70. Karma does, however, only have 6 lands taken on the map so maybe its just wrong on the ranking screen? Rechecking the npc it shows only as 1 tier 2 land is acquired so maybe it was some glitch/lag/something when I took the SS?
6 lands is 60 points, which you got. Your tier 2 was a defense so you wouldn't get the extra 10 points from winning it.0 -
There should be a roll back. Factions take allot of preparation for XTW battles. Its unfair for factions like Crisis when the lose 1st place just because its broken and nobody can enter.0
QQonTroll you still harping on about Vindicate gears? Vindicate has less NP and endgame geared members when they beat you, first in defence TW. After you QQ about turtling, Vindicate beat you in offence. Then soundly in xTW. All the while having less NP toons than Hoorah/Origin/Ok/Echo or whatever you wanna call youself nowadays. And they didnt need 5v1s nor attempt to hide behind "xTW only" excuses, all the while saying you have the only PvPers on the server.
Stop trying to stir up **** against other xServer guilds - you were the ones boasting you will trash Crisis in a 1v1 and never made it close. Vindicate had has good fights against Tempest, Infamous, but likely will have a tough fight against Crisis still. Stop QQing about fake news.0 -
All Vindicate has to show for this season is beating a 1 month old faction. You guys have done nothing but look weak, xTW has been out forever and you still send half your faction back to base to respond to 2 assassins, its an embarrassment, but it seems you at least have yourself convinced you are anything but a B-tier faction, roleplay on point as usual.0
All Vindicate has to show for this season is beating a 1 month old faction. You guys have done nothing but look weak, xTW has been out forever and you still send half your faction back to base to respond to 2 assassins, its an embarrassment, but it seems you at least have yourself convinced you are anything but a B-tier faction, roleplay on point as usual.
loool one month old faction ? hahahaha it always been the same ppl but they rage quit and join another faction or rename it..
by the way what happen to the faction was going to solo all and kill all and not allied with anyone ? hehehehe candy B.S story of my life since 2009.
and we look week ? yea 2000-112 lel
Vindicate Beat all of the factions infa temp crisis karma including your faction who have their 27th name now0 -
What i am saying is yes vindicate would pass crisis this week with a few points lead , but vindicate would have lost 3 lands and would have 5 NOT current 8 lands , Crisis with wining this t2 would have 1t1 2t2, and this is the main problem here cause this bug heavily influenced how the fight for 1st place would go for the next 1-2 months.
So it would be 5-3 in lands compared to 8-2 and this is what im complaining about , this basically gives vindicate 1 free luck week where they not only keep their lands but gain one extra.
Vindi strat is luck based , they gain more points but if they end up against 4+ strong factions they are sure to loose at least 3 lands in that week , which actually happened yday.
What im saying is crisis would have got 30 points total yday and vindicate would got 30 points less and difference would have been just 20 points with vindi having 5 and crisis 3 lands with crisis having good chance to catch up and pass through vindicate in a month or so.
But with this bug now crisis ends up with 2 lands and vindicate with 8 , 60 point difference and next week depending on their luck they can just snowball that lead even more if xserver gets fixed to like 150-160 points giving them unfair advantage that would have just been around 40 points at best next week.
And if xserver doesnt get fixed will they autowin all def wars again and snowball the lead again or be able to enter with more chars again to secure the wins on all lands xD
Imo best way to resolve this would be if PWE could just pause and revert the rankings to last week and to recreate the wars every faction had this week in same fashion but we all know thats gonna be impossible xD
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> @dingo488 said:
> All Vindicate has to show for this season is beating a 1 month old faction. You guys have done nothing but look weak, xTW has been out forever and you still send half your faction back to base to respond to 2 assassins, its an embarrassment, but it seems you at least have yourself convinced you are anything but a B-tier faction, roleplay on point as usual.
That was the xTW you ragequit btw so please dont pull info outa your **** if you were not in the fight till the end.0 -
can the vindicate members that just wanna personally attack dingo stay out of the thread, unless they have something topic-related to say? thank you.
from a neutral point of view, its pretty obvious that vindis tactic was pure luck based and that crisis took the turn to lvl 1/2 lands way too late. both factions missplayed but in the end it would have been a very close call for number #1. (with even infamous and karma having chances to still win)
due to the glitch, which i predicted to happen, vindicate basically got handed the victory for free. and THAT is the real problem here, not who would beat the other faction 1vs1.0 -
... This happens to be the week vindicate climbed to first @kalystconquerer#0876 think we were like 20 or something points off first last week (idk i am not a points counter but something like that). So this server issue was bad timing and thats why so many are upset, 1 fac lost first place, another fac is in solid third, and another fac is in like... 18th or something and just doesnt like to see vindicate win.
Obviously the best answer is to revert it. I cant say for sure if vindi would win or not without the xserver issue, no one can unless they have a crystal ball. but looking at the past ill be kinda confused if we do reset. Like @wadek says: "In first season of xTW all the guilds from TT had the glitch and all Dawnglory guilds won their battles by default, even though none was able to log. nothing was reset. 2nd season was not even announced. 3rd season had to restarted" it seems to me like its impossible...? Even resetting seasons they have problems actually reverting it x)
Ending season and nullifying all rewards would be very unfortunate for all guilds that put effort in this season. I saw someone suggest that, i hope thats not an option.
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Am I the only one salty not because of points but no war? QQ105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
http://mypers.pw/5/#2589580 -
this bug heavily influenced how the fight for 1st place would go for the next 1-2 months.
Overestimated, IMO. More lands -> more attacks on you -> harder to hold them all even if all your 200 members are not alts and show up ready. There is still enough time till the end of the season for strongest to show their strength and to reclaim what they didn't get and receive the points they deserve. I don't believe Crisis can't recapture their 1st position in 2 months if they are obviously stronger than any other fac participating.
It would be huge influence if 1) the number of attacks was limited 2) this happened in the last week of the season.
But in the event when you can lose big part of your lands in one go or get unluckily baited for a no-show fight... *shrugs* dunno.
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and another fac is in like... 18th or something and just doesnt like to see vindicate win.
Dont bunch us all together, some of us dont care who wins but just wants to have good/fun fights.Am I the only one salty not because of points but no war? QQ
^ This.
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It's not the first time there have been glitched xtw weeks and it likely won't be the last. I doubt anything will be done though a roll back would obviously be most equitable.
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... This happens to be the week vindicate climbed to first @kalystconquerer#0876 think we were like 20 or something points off first last week (idk i am not a points counter but something like that).
Vindicate were 10 points behind Crysis heading into this week. I think the issue most have is that Crysis take the tier 3 and get the 60 points for the week, Vindicate points gain would have been hard to tell due to having 3/4 fights against 3/4 of the top server factions? so they may have still been in 2nd (we will never know now).
I think the best way forward is to just end the season from last weeks points tally and have that as a mini season, but restart it from as soon as they can and continue it until the original end date. Tally the points from both mini seasons and then do a final rankings from that.
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This topic went south really quick...
I have to get more information from CN first as to why DC was messed with (as, to my knowledge, these should have been separate services from Arigora). At best, I might not see a response until later tonight/early morning my time (around 1-2 AM PST)
From there, I'll be able to figure out what to do. Also, I seriously doubt a rollback can happen on cross server rankings, but then again, I've never asked. I'll need to talk with the relevant stakeholders on Monday to figure out what we'll do regarding this.0 -
kalystconquerer#0876 wrote: »This topic went south really quick...
I have to get more information from CN first as to why DC was messed with (as, to my knowledge, these should have been separate services from Arigora). At best, I might not see a response until later tonight/early morning my time (around 1-2 AM PST)
From there, I'll be able to figure out what to do. Also, I seriously doubt a rollback can happen on cross server rankings, but then again, I've never asked. I'll need to talk with the relevant stakeholders on Monday to figure out what we'll do regarding this.
I suggest you put forward the idea of 2 mini seasons as suggested in that discussion you'll have. Remove the scores from this week and have a final tally as final standings.
Yes it will be different from what factions could have gained if season continued but it should be no problem for certain factions to reacquire these same number of lands again.Moonshine drinker
In a world of 10s, be an 11.0 -
@valdisman I would be lying if I didn't say that that was my initial knee jerk reaction to it. But it's better to make sure I discuss what's at stake, the effects and the solutions on Monday and not make any hasty decisions. At least to that end, I would hope players understand this and that I weigh everything carefully.0
Thanks @kalystconquerer#0876
I hope you can give us an offical answer/solution before next bidding start!0 -
Like I said earlier in this thread, ending season randomly on last weeks standings would be extremely unfair to everybody but Crisis. Even Crisis realized their strategy was flawed seeing they changed their approach this weekend. Would all the other factions gone for strategy they went for had they known season would be this short? No.
What you guys are asking for is giving Crisis completely free season after a strategic plunder. That to me is even more unfair than continuing the season as it is. The perfect solution would be to revert rankings back to what they were before this weekend but that doesnt seem to be possible.0 -
kalystconquerer#0876 wrote: »This topic went south really quick...
I have to get more information from CN first as to why DC was messed with (as, to my knowledge, these should have been separate services from Arigora). At best, I might not see a response until later tonight/early morning my time (around 1-2 AM PST)
From there, I'll be able to figure out what to do. Also, I seriously doubt a rollback can happen on cross server rankings, but then again, I've never asked. I'll need to talk with the relevant stakeholders on Monday to figure out what we'll do regarding this.
I suggest you put forward the idea of 2 mini seasons as suggested in that discussion you'll have. Remove the scores from this week and have a final tally as final standings.
Yes it will be different from what factions could have gained if season continued but it should be no problem for certain factions to reacquire these same number of lands again.
I agree with this comment , best course of action imo would be to end the season now and reward top 3 factions with same halved reward (2 xtw helms each , half of mogs/sows and g17 mats to all 3) since anything else would be totally unfair to others.
If lets say we look at rankings from previous week Crisis was in lead there and thats the last legit rankings we had pre bug, but this isnt fair to VIndicate who would have passed Crisis in points but not in same way as with the bug.
So imo this would be really fair to both parties since both can use their own argument and both would end up being correct.
So imo best is to end the season like that if you can and prepare to start a new shortened 3month season in 2-3 weeks again.
@kalystconquerer#08760 -
> @saxroll said:
> Like I said earlier in this thread, ending season randomly on last weeks standings would be extremely unfair to everybody but Crisis. Even Crisis realized their strategy was flawed seeing they changed their approach this weekend. Would all the other factions gone for strategy they went for had they known season would be this short? No.
> What you guys are asking for is giving Crisis completely free season after a strategic plunder. That to me is even more unfair than continuing the season as it is. The perfect solution would be to revert rankings back to what they were before this weekend but that doesnt seem to be possible.
Agree with this.
No matter what decides to be done, randomly ending a season on whatever date the server screws up is just unfair to everyone involved and a waste of peoples time.
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