Twilight Sky pills and Morai skills put into the boutique...

Posts: 455 Arc User
edited March 2017 in General Discussion
After being busy with school and work and working on a DB I realized I completely forgot to do dailies on the main lel...
So onto the question, now that most people that are active in game are twilight sky 10 is there a possible way to get twilight sky pills similar to that of mirage sky pills. I am not asking for a boundary pill since PWE is just gonna throw them at stupidly high prices, simply asking for twilight sky pills so I may speed up the process of getting back into the same spirit range as other players.

I noticed that there is no pwdatabase item for it but, I've heard that it appeared in the boutique during a pill sale... So if possible a sale or just the item to be put permanently into the boutique.

I suggested the morai skills during the players choice boutique but, was misunderstood as a skill all for a class. I am wanting class equality simply as that. During late night auctions a Duskblade or Stormbringer can purchase all their Morai skills without even touching morai... Meanwhile skills for seeker are limited to sacrifical slash and skills for other classes are limited as well.

Simply put a 5 gold morai skill book sale
Seeker Morai skills for example:
Raident sight-
Sacrifical slash-
BM Morai skils
Archer Morai skills
Wizard Morai skills
Cleric Morai skills
Barb Morai skills
Mystic Morai skills
Sin Morai skills
DB Morai skills
SB Morai skills
Veno Morai skills
Psy Morai skills

this sale should only be limited to skillbooks that are limited to morai only
Only reason I am asking is that DB and SB can get all morai skills from boutique only, why must I be punished for playing a class that's not one of these.
A scrub seeker, Prespire


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  • Posts: 240 Arc User
    Skillbooks are not gonna be sold on boutique my friend. But it could be done on Bidding hall.

    I'd like to see BM skill Reckless Rush in Bidding hall :smiley:
  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    Katalyst mentioned that she could get skill books into the boutique at one point so I might as well ask
  • Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    @nunuator At this time, I believe there are no Twilight Skill pills, so only the universal Vitae pills or other Vitae gaining pills/items will work (i.e Conches). Morai is definitely a stop gap in skills I've mentioned to CN, so this is an ongoing conversation. As far as individual skillbooks, I've never approached them about selling these directly.

    Aside from the Morai skills, is there a pressing need for skillbooks to be obtained by a direct means as opposed to the ways I remember? Or if there some market for them that would upset the balance if skillbooks were to be sold directly? Skills used to cost so much and now the only really expensive skills are a single assassin book (Twin Strike iirc?) and maybe some of the more popular cultivation specific skills (such as Cleric IH, Res, BM Roar, Bell and Barb HP buffs).
  • Posts: 1,190 Arc User

    Aside from the Morai skills, is there a pressing need for skillbooks to be obtained by a direct means as opposed to the ways I remember? Or if there some market for them that would upset the balance if skillbooks were to be sold directly? Skills used to cost so much and now the only really expensive skills are a single assassin book (Twin Strike iirc?) and maybe some of the more popular cultivation specific skills (such as Cleric IH, Res, BM Roar, Bell and Barb HP buffs).

    The Twin Strike and Puncture Wound books only drop in FSP currently and the only other means of supply is bidding hall. As a result these skills are extremely hard to come by and can cost a fair bit of coin. I think Psys had some similar skills though I cant for the life of mine remember the names.
    BlackList vs Frenzied 3/17
  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    Yeah but the point being that nearly every skill that is hard to obtain is in the late night bidding twin strike puncture wound spirit blast etc

    Certain skills would kill the market seeing that I and many other players purchase skills like puncture wound and what not at 3-5 gold and sell for a profit at 80-150mill depending on the book.
    But, like I said the only skills not getting love at the moment are Morai skills for classes besides DB/SB
  • Posts: 37 Arc User
    TBH I never thought there was much wrong with our current skill market for base skills anyway, aside from skills like twinstrike and puncture wound. you can get a god chunk of them with OBP for really cheap, and others via tokens for around 10m or so (like heart shatter for seekers.) I do think punture and twinstrike should be added to more instances tho. Its kinda BS having to fight for the skill if you need it in FS, making it very difficult to finish our skills and thus putting those classes at a disadvantage. I don't think any other classes have skills that even sell above 20m so 100-200m for one skill for one class is rediculous.

    Primal skills I do think need more work done. Its been a huge deterrent for new players for a long time. From first setting in primal you have to collect bloods, and then lvl up your sky lvls to learn higher skill lvls. The entire process takes well over a year. Even if a new player cashes r9 they will still feel horrendously underpowered untill they are caught up in their daylies. I think having a alternate means for primal skills may help, (perhaps the class skills as an FSP/UCH drop?) It would allow a newer player an easier time to catch up. And possibly they might actually BUY the 500$ boundary, pill not having to worry as much about blood collections. I'm sure there haven't been many sales for that item.
  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    Many players are just waiting for a sale on said 500$ boundary pill for with ancient gifts and a sale on let's say shifting skill pill, 20$ ish give or take per boundary level with a sale at 1 gold each for each sky lvl pill... The shifting sky boundary pill was stupidly overpriced. 20 bucks per boundary give or take w/o boundary quests that is so... Maybe 150-200 gold for shifting 10 if you do boundary quests.

    Many new players are coming to pwi and these players are normally cash shop contributors, most will end up as a DB/SB since skills via morai are easier to obtain and these 2 classes are easily overpowered.
    Like I said earlier the 100-200mill skill books are easily obtained via late night auctions and have dropped to 80mill or less in the past couple of weeks...
    Let's take sin for example, sins are not underpowered if they do not have all their skills, life hunter, elimination and cursed jail are all more PvP based. PvE a sin will be perfectly fine farming with APS or ribstrike skill spam, for being a no skill class 100-200mill for a skill that is potentially facerollable in PvP is completely fine.

    The only class at a disadvantage for skills via Primal in the current meta is a BM.... seeing how many 60 blood skills they need and being a pure support class at the moment due to being blindsided by PWCN, puts them at an obvious disadvantage. (Hoping this rune update fixes them)

    I like the fact that I as a player can obtain nearly every skill for a class within 2-3 weeks, even less if I decide to cash shop, but with morai skills for classes taking so long to obtain ruin this entire idea... With my DB I was able to obtain all the skills 100/sage/morai all within 2 weeks or so since morai skills for DB rotate through the late night auction.
    Meanwhile my seeker is still lacking morai skills since yet another daily to do for 2-3 months for a single skill is not worth it in my opinion.

    I know that I am not the only player with this morai skill issue and I hope pwi is able to take into account players that may actually have a life and can't do near an hour of dailies each and every day for 6 months so they may remain competitive.

    I know I requested bloods into the boutique at one point and was told nope PWCN rejects them yet, they are still present in charge rewards. I'm not sure which is more two faced for me PWE telling us no we can't get items and then putting them in anyway or PWE rejecting player suggestions, which may or may not save this game, just because they want more cash flow.

    Honestly if PWE had any common sense they would take dailies out of this game like many popular MMORPG's have since daily grind, for what a year now since twilight sky 10 is a thing now, is just plain outrageous. If we wanted to get more players interested into the game removing dailies and a daily grind for skills is the way to go.

    I know that on twilight temple alone we have had a couple of new players cash like crazy and get full +3 attack/defense but, can not even compete in PvP since they get 1 shot by any Twilight sky 10 player.
  • Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    @Sirkura It definitely sort of locks you in to be dedicated to the Primal World, doesn't it? Which of course kind of goes back to Morai - that there are these odd stop gaps in progression that we need to take a look at. Leveling, getting gear, questing and playing in dungeons for the most part have all been streamlined and updated, but we have trouble spots that would be nice to take a look at. And ideally, having both methods open and that are realistic and meaningful as well - don't want to create another system or bypass to bypass the system that was originally put in place.

    @nunuator Yes, its true they will not let us sell them directly. In charge and spend rewards we can bypass those restrictions but only because it's in a controlled environment (limited time of redeem) and even then, we can't just always have them in and too low of a price.

    Because of this, I've also been asking for player feedback regarding in-game ways to speed up blood obtaining methods (Twilight Survivor, extended duration on the Penguin Event etc.) and I'll still try to work them into monthly codes where appropriate. So I'm still cautiously aware of these supply issues, how we're addressing them and how to improve them with the methods I have available to me. I'd like to think that we're making improvements, but if you find any other compelling events that we could run that I haven't done yet or you have suggestions to help with Blood supply, I'm definitely happy to hear them! As a side note, when I do these events and do the announcements, should there be a guide somewhere posted by me or another player that details why the events are good and what the total amount of a certain "chase reward" you can get?

    As far as Morai skills go, I actually am still missing one from a character because I do not have the time to dedicate to sticking to a particular order to get it, and it's a pretty vital one for squad play too. So, yes, you have a very good point that Morai skills (compared at least to the ease of acquiring other skills) can cause player issues, especially when compounded by doing dailies once they get to the Primal World portion.
  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    hmm well there is that one that was a troll april fool's quest that could be brought up and maybe changed. It's an extra blood a day but, it's a step in the right direction.
    House of Resentment Quest (maybe tweak blood drops?)

    Another way that players have found to get a decent amount of bloods is via Thursday night tourney. Maybe a new way to get the token of might's to speed up the process even more. But, I know that tourney is more of a blood farm than anything at the current point, why we see soo many alts in there constantly. Plus worst casinario with more Token of might's is players get free rune's to use with there weapons since the current trade rate is:
    5 for 1 attack rune
    5 for 1 deffense rune
    1 for 1 primordial blood
    5 for 1 barbaric blood
    Rest of the other items require token of vallancy...
    Maybe a bonus event where dailes reward token of mights instead of the usual bloods, or maybe even a tradeable version of the tokens of might.
    Token of might

    On a side note: maybe put an item to max out meridian on a toon, since meridian struggle is still a thing for active players as well.
    Post edited by nunuator on
  • Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    I would agree about the Morai books.

    Disclaimer: NOT the level 100 books (these require 7000 Prestige, or max level Morai) Its a tiny market but I imagine there are still people who farm world bosses for the pages to make these books so I think making those available for cash would destroy whats left of that farming avenue unless they were worth more than the in game coin equivalent. There are currently already two options to get level 100 books in game: Farm Morai to max level or get these pages to create books (essentially you can buy them this route). I don't think we need these in cash shop.

    BUT the OTHER Morai books that are sold for 3500 Prestige in Morai -- listed here here and here -click sell items on display mode- is a great idea and would be a good income for PWE. Random selections of these books are available in the bidding hall, but the books already available are worth almost nothing due to flooding the market with them from the bidding hall for years. If you could do a pull to confirm I wouldn't doubt these skills consistently go for 1-2 gold for less... or not sell at all.

    Examples of these currently in the bidding hall rotation: Verdant Blessing, Spoils of War, Natural Synergy.
    In my personal opinion it might be neat even just to see the other more desirable books from this list in bidding hall just to make it an event worth watching. Having really sought after skills from this list available, like invigorate or share the stealth will probably earn PWE a few pretty pennies. I know several friends who casually play who would cash for the archer leaps for example (because they are too casual to bother with the morai dailies :D )

    Also seeing other skill scrolls in the bidding hall I know is something that many others including myself have asked for. Some of the RNG from pages is painful... Was worse before FSP was a thing, back when skill books would be worth hundreds of millions. It's not as imperative now but if updating the bidding hall is on the list of to do's it would be nice to see. (Edit: on second thought pages are probably a minor source of income for farmers nowdays so maybe it's better left alone :s )

    This is all my personal opinion only and not meant to upset anyone.
  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    agreed the lvl 100 celestial sage/demon skills should stay locked to chrono pages only... reason being there is an exchange for tokens of best luck for them. So worse comes to worse you be lazy and spend 50mill per skill or 10 tokens of best luck per skill.
  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    Just gonna bump this since it seems to keep getting ignored QQ...

    Anyway that you can put in a request to speed up Morai quests or even get the books into the botique in some way
  • Unknown
    edited March 2017
    This content has been removed.
  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    Yep you got me... I'm not trying to push something that many players are still struggling with I'm just salty cause I can win 3 CoM to fund my R9 and am asking for something that is actually worth picking up a card and cashing or just spend some of the JOSD funds I have saved up from a 2x...

    But, @teabagg if your goal on this forum is just to trigger people for making suggestions to improve a game your not gonna find much love on here.

    On a side note w/o people who "cash" this game would've been shutdown a long time ago. So if you want to hammer people for paying the staff and keeping the updates coming I'd advise you do it elsewhere...

    Everything in this game even Nuema Portal is perfectly farmable if you have patience,1200 gold bought through ah to resell and repeat until all cards go through spend promo, and I'm sorry if me having a life gets in the way of pixels on a screen.
  • Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    edited March 2017
    @nunuator I haven't heard anything about this from CN yet, so I have nothing to report, unfortunately.

    I sent them this query last week, so I do not expect a response for at least another day or so.

    If I don't get one back, I'll just hit them up with another email :)
  • Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator

    stupid question may be... But could you not put the order badges into the Shop? the ones where you gain and extra % of earned prest... Since this is old content kinda kicks me in the right direction one for old players who chnage order and for new players to get skills quicker?

    Event gold may be?​​
  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    Hmm I never thought of the order badges but, i'm gearing at the direct sale of morai skills into late night auctions or straight into the boutique.
    thanks for keeping us updated really appreciate it <3
  • Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    Order badges would be interesting if that would enable you the max benefit for all three orders.

    Iirc my badges didnt disappear (get used up) until i maxed the order. Though, if a player mistakenly npced it somehow (is that possible?) that could be a real kick in the balls
  • Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    Alright so I got an...interesting response, for lack of a better term. I'll try not to spoil anything since some of it is related to new content, but devs do not seem horribly opposed to it. I'm not sure if they mean "all skills" as in all classes at once in the shop with what I was inquiring about, or if they mean something different...I know I specifically only asked about Morai and not 100 skills or anything else.

    I'll see about the Morai related badges in the Event Shop but I'm not entirely expecting a yes on that.
  • Posts: 89 Arc User
    Re morai skill books.

    As others have already said, all you need to do to get morai skill books is time and dailies. It would be nice if the order badges increased the rate of gathering influence as well as, or even instead of prestige, but is not necessary.

    However what is needed is some reasonable method of getting the skill books that are currently ONLY dropped in FSP. You know, the ones that USED to be dropped in Abaddon and Seat of Torment. The ones that are supposedly lvl 89. The ones that are STILL shown in pwdatabase as dropping from Peachblossom Ritualist and Hellfire Abomination (0.6% drop rate whatever that means in real terms).

    By reasonable I do not mean putting them in auctions where some of them go for upwards of 40gold.

    That's an idea, put them in Undercurrent Hall, that will give a use for it apart from getting bloods.
  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    Skill books are all perfectly obtainable via tokens of luck late night auctions and FSP/fsj... The only reason I asked for Morai books is due to the fact that DB and SB don't have to touch Morai to obtain all their skills... If you are patient you can easily pick up the harder to obtain skill books for 5-10gold most I've ever seen them go up to is 20gold but, these are often heavy cs'rs back last year... Most people buy the skills to resell them puncture wound and twin strike go for as low as 2 gold now and with a 100mill price tag on them I don't see why not buy them for 5-10mill...

    If you are still lacking skill books that are "expensive" none of them ever go upwards to 40 gold that's 160mill... Maybe last year but now most are bought for alts or to quick sell for coin if you truly need an expensive skill book from AH spend 10gold on it most players won't go above that since it's being bought and sold for profits.
  • Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    Alright so I finally have an update on this since I was doing some back and forth with CN. Yes, I realize I am necroing a bit, but I didn't want to leave this topic hanging.

    They will not allow Morai skillbooks to be sold in the Cash Shop, unfortunately. However, I think I'll just offer it as a contest prize for something in the future instead! It just means I'll be upping the rate of contests in the future that's within my bandwith and maybe making it an alternate prize for something that players can pick. This is obviously not an ideal solution, but I'll see if I can strike up a different type of conversation with them post launch about these skills and obtainment methods.
  • Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    Two weeks is hardly a necro.... It's not like commenting in a thread that's been dead for 3 years. normal-47.gif​​

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  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    I mean the ones that require homestead upgrades or even upcoming rune upgrades such as the seeker transposition that adds an un- targetable to the homestead upgrade...
    Should be more easily obtainable since they add whole new mechanics to classes while some skills such as radiant sight just increases stealth detection, while useful it has another option for it which is a stealth detection pot so not as game changing as certain homestead and or rune update skills.

    The only real reason I asked for it in the first place is that transposition has a homestead upgrade as well as many other Morai skills and if you were unlucky enough to not do Morai or lack the dedication to do Morai dailes then you are now even further behind... Some of the homestead upgrades are major game changers for classes, I'll just leave it at that.

    I guess a way to sneak them in is to rotate them into the late night auction (at least the homestead upgradeable ones)
  • Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    Well, In a way I think this is OK. Most skills from Morai have a use strictly in PVP (Most, not all, but most) I think it's fair to expect a certain dedication (think a few months of morai dailies vs years of primal dailies for sky level) to be PVP viable.
  • Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    Since February 100 lucky coins=book for 3500 prestige. 3 books Corona/Lumi/Shroud

  • Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    Oh yay this is very helpful! Not the way I would have thought it to be implemented, but at least there is some consideration being had there. This makes the response I got from them make more sense, but since this is a newer feature this will not be out in our version until most likely the next content update. Well, in the meantime contests it is!
  • Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    Very cool! that basically eliminates lazy issues without the use of cash shop. Thanks @mars19


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