PWI: Primal Warfare Content Update Discussion.

heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
edited October 2016 in General Discussion
Hello All,

So new Expansion announced. PWI : Primal Warfare content update!

So Ill keep a few Good points here.

Homestead Updates and Teaser ONE!
Primal Warfare Preview II
Primal Warfare Preview III
Info from player on the Minion-System

1. So does this mean if we're married we don't each have to own a home we can share the quests of one home?
2. When Will the TW/XTW Map Be Reset and has this been taken into account of the update.
3. Will the weekly PvP tournament from previous update be activated along with this update ?
4. Will at least the minions be trade-able?

Post edited by heerohex#3018 on


  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    Hmm. So does this mean if we're married we don't each have to own a home we can share the quests of one home?

    I'm all for laziness.
  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    edited September 2016
    eirghan wrote: »
    Hmm. So does this mean if we're married we don't each have to own a home we can share the quests of one home?

    I'm all for laziness.

    Good Question! Ill make a List!​​
  • spaz95
    spaz95 Posts: 110 Arc User
    Will this update have UPJ + the skill updates? Or is it just homestead bs?
  • dog10240
    dog10240 Posts: 108 Arc User
    spaz95 wrote: »
    Will this update have UPJ + the skill updates? Or is it just homestead bs?

    And the new sky boundary primal update.
  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    Your have to wait for the other previews. Before I'll put this as a question.
  • ailiadrake
    ailiadrake Posts: 282 Arc User
    I do wonder... what can you do with the beasts? I saw a video on youtube (chinese version) you can train them by letting them fight each other, but then what?
  • shopcheese
    shopcheese Posts: 758 Arc User
    If we get the same as in pwcn when they had their expansion, we will also get the skills changes, new boundary and two new passives.

    UP get deicide mode.

    What goes for being married, it sounded like you can just edit eachothers homestead (customise) if settings allows. In case anybody didnt notice, as it is right now you can uncheck every option for who can enter, but your spouse can still enter - and you cant ever kick your spouse lol.

    Beast can do battles for rewards, such as star chart stuffs.
  • keihan007#7641
    keihan007#7641 Posts: 1,190 Arc User
    Preview 2 is already out, I wonder when the update is taking place as this pace for info updates is pretty fast. I cant think it would be next maint but maybe one after that?
    BlackList vs Frenzied 3/17
  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    Wow Im useless AT the moment.

    So Link Fixed... and New one posted.​​
  • freygin
    freygin Posts: 737 Arc User
    What's new in UP deicide mode ?
  • booker27
    booker27 Posts: 167 Arc User
    Oh **** time to look for a wife now.
  • xlayon
    xlayon Posts: 80 Arc User
    Will the homestead quest finally get fixed? Level 99 with no homestead, maybe I'll get it after i rebirth ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    edited October 2016
    Update again with Primal Warfare Preview III info

    These are coiming in fast... worrying... and on a sunday...

  • forbiddenwords
    forbiddenwords Posts: 321 Arc User
    Silly question you have to be married to that person to "share" the house with them? I feel like the answer is yes monkey-44.gif
    Also in one of the older threads about the PWCN expansion they also mentioned some regular skill revamps/upgrades (or nerfs?), are we gonna get those in this expansion as well? Didn't see anything about that in the teasers so far fox-39.gif
    ☆ Pixel ♥ Heart ☆ Etherblade ☆
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  • orangeitis
    orangeitis Posts: 183 Arc User
    Would be cool if I knew how to get a Homestead in the first place. =(​​
  • marianafix
    marianafix Posts: 23 Arc User
    how i will get the new passives? with old bloods or there will be a new one?
  • keihan007#7641
    keihan007#7641 Posts: 1,190 Arc User
    marianafix wrote: »
    how i will get the new passives? with old bloods or there will be a new one?

    You need both primordial and barbaric bloods for the new passives. And the total amount of these bloods needed is absolutely ridiculous.
    BlackList vs Frenzied 3/17
  • arspaulina#4310
    arspaulina#4310 Posts: 347 Community Moderator
    @ladyblonde69 I'm not actively looking at what staff sees, so I cant say one way or another about the tournament. And I dont want to toss out unrealistic expectations either :( Thats definately one of those things were we'll need an official word on.

    Anf when you say new passives, you mean universal passives or do you mean adds on the weapons itself?
    ⋆Have a question? Feel free to shoot me an ask!⋆
  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    Does anyone have a link to the skill changes? If I recall sins ultimate was ganna become broken as heck and cursed jail was ganna be literally the most broken skill ever but that's all I recall
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • rieihdius
    rieihdius Posts: 468 Arc User
    :D 700 primordial bloods are needed?
    this really will be a pain, I have 300 or so on main but still...
    Guess is really good that I saved those.

  • ayejay101
    ayejay101 Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    mymbarb wrote: »
    Well here goes (only changes listed, the rest stays the same):

    • Flame Tsunami: 90% stun chance increased to 100% stun chance.
    • Farstrike: Weapon damage increased to 150% for demon and 210% for sage. When the target is within 10 meters, it will be dealt an additional base attack damage, but can not be a critical hit.
    • Spirit Chaser: Weapon damage increased to 100% from 80%. The next Farstrike within 6 seconds will be a guaranteed critical hit.
    • Valkyrie's Might (ult): Channeling time reduced to 0.1 seconds from 0.6 seconds.

    • Elemental Invocation: Deals base magic damage plus 150% of maximum mana as earth damage instead of only 150% of maximum mana.
    • Frozen Flame: Channeling time reduced to 1 second from 2 seconds.

    • Surf Impact: Increases threat (aggro) more.
    • Sunder: Increases threat (aggro) more.
    • Violent Triumph: Can now be used in tiger/panda form.
    • Cornered Beast: Can now be used in tiger/panda form.

    • Grudge Strike: Deals an additional 200% of weapon damage.
    • Dark Taboo: Deals an additional 200% of weapon damage. Heals by at least 2000HP, higher with higher Soulforce.
    • Malefic Crush: Deals an additional 400% weapon damage.
    • Stunning Blow: Deals an additional 200% weapon damage.
    • Ultimate Summoning (ult): Deals 2x base magic damage instead of 1x base magic damage. Amplify effect increases damage taken by 30% up from 20%.

    • Ataraxia: Channeling time reduced to 0.1 seconds down from 0.8 seconds.
    • Frost Splash: Casting time reduced to 1 second down from 2.5 seconds.
    • Feather Armageddon: Can knock back players as well now.
    • Blackwing Arrow (ult): Physical penetration time increased to 20 seconds up from 5 seconds. Either Quickshot can be cast with Q, Lightning Strike with E and Take Aim with R once after using Blackwing Arrow.

    • Guardian Light: Movement speed increased by 50% up from 30%.
    • Heaven's Wrath: Increases weapon attack by 200% up from 150%.

    • Deaden Nerves: Channeling time reduced to 0.4 seconds down from 1.5 seconds.
    • Knife Throw: Casting time reduced to 0.9 seconds down from 1 second.
    • Cursed Jail: Deals 2x base physical attack instead 1x base physical attack.
    • Master of Shadows (ult): When using skills while stealthed, they deal 50% more damage.

    • Soul of Silence: Seal chance and duration is now dependant on both attackers and defenders Soulforce. If the defender has higher Soulforce, it lasts longer and has a higher chance. If the attacker has higher Soulforce, it will last shorter and lower chance.
    • Spirit Phalanx: Channeling time reduced to 1 second from 2 seconds.
    • Shroud of Shadow: Chi cost reduced to 2 sparks down from 3 sparks.
    • Furious Ocean: Damage area increased to 10 meters from 8 meters.
    • Psionic Infusion (ult): Soulforce is reduced by 100% for 40 seconds instead of 30 seconds.

    • Sacrificial Slash: Reduces defense level by 60% (up from 40%) and increases attack level by 60% (up from 50%) of reduced defense level. Reduces defense level by at least 30 (up from 20).
    • Avatar of the Blade (ult): Increases weapon attack by 500% up from 200%.

    • Energy Leech: Instant channel and cast, down from 1 second channeling and 1 second casting time.
    • Nature's Barrier: Damage reduction increased to 70% up from 50%.
    • Sublime Transfusion: Absorbs 45% of healing (up from 30%) from enemies of your level. Up to 70% (up from 40%) from enemies of lower level.
    • Healing Herb: Sage and demon version. Both heal an additional 33% of casters weapon damage and have a 40% chance to take only 1 damage. Sage heals 100HP more, demon has a 50% chance to take only 1 damage.
    • Vital Herb: Sage and demon version. Both heal an additional 20% of casters weapon damage. Sage increases healing added each pulse, demon increases initial healing amount.
    • Warp Shield (Salvations third skill): Shield amount gets increased depending on weapon damage.

    • Night Howler: Increases area of affected allies to 30 meters up from 12 meters.
    • Umbral Stalker: Increases movement speed by 100% while active.

    • Monsoon: Sage deals an additional 20% of base magic damage (up from 10%). Demon has a 30% chance to get 50% damage reduction (up from 30%).
    • Call Lightning: Chi cost reduced to 60 down from 75.
    • Lunar Blessing: Channeling time reduced to 0.1 seconds down from 1 second.

    All classes
    • Passive: "Four Holy Noble Defense"(?): Reduces critical damage received. (No numbers given in the text so far.)
    • Passive: "Plus all the defense"(?): Increases defense level. (No numbers given in the text so far.)

    For statistics people: Time spent to translate and write this = about 2.5 hours. lol
    asterelle wrote: »
    Defense level passive is 40 barbaric + 80 primordial blood per level (+2 def lev per level)
    The crit reduction passive is 15 barbaric + 60 primordial blood per level (-4% crit damage taken per level)

    There are 5 levels of each.

    You need a total of:
    40*5 + 15*5 = 275 barbaric bloods
    80*5 + 60*5 = 700 primordial bloods

    At which point you'd have +10 def lev and -20% crit damage reduction.

    Start saving!

    EDIT: You get about 60 barbaric bloods from the new quest chain.

    Also there is a little key icon near the minimap that brings up this window, anyone know what it is?


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  • splendideyes
    splendideyes Posts: 328 Arc User
    ayejay101 wrote: »

    [*]Master of Shadows (ult): When using skills while stealthed, they deal 50% more damage.

    im endgame geared and a sin hit me for 34 k on full buffs with no debuffs on me. i doubt any psy will have 51 k hp soon to survive the new ulti damage...china please.
  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    ayejay101 wrote: »

    [*]Master of Shadows (ult): When using skills while stealthed, they deal 50% more damage.

    im endgame geared and a sin hit me for 34 k on full buffs with no debuffs on me. i doubt any psy will have 51 k hp soon to survive the new ulti damage...china please.

    O dear... Broken class me thinks.

    Thinking that may not be 100% correct. Damage reduction may be? Would make sense as your tip toe around you dont hit as hard. They messed that class up from the start with DEX. May be they should have added a new attribute to compensate for this.

    What I would love to see is each class gain a skill like this.
    • Celtic Defence "The Wise Elves Devised a stance that would generate a flow around them using their wings they can go into this stance that will increase their defence. Using this you are unable to move, attack or perform any action." Drains MP and Your Defence Reserve Lifeforce. You Take reduced damage All pots and add-ons stop working in this state.
    • Arcane Defence "Known to the Wizards and Blade Masters the power to drain your manna into a stance that will give you greater defence. Using the weapon as a counter is shields increases your defence. Using this you are unable to move, attack or perform any action." Drains MP and Your Defence Reserve Lifeforce. You Take reduced damage All pots and add-ons stop working in this state.

    You get the idea. So Your be able to defend but unable to attack or move. The DRL (Defence Reserve Lifeforce" something I just made up would be a counter to Classes with a low MP Pool. This could be recharged similar to the Genie Pool and Using something that would bring an item to some importance.

    EAK... however this would have to be balanced to the "T".​​
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  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    Sorry to much.

  • mistressmuerta
    mistressmuerta Posts: 152 Arc User
    This is great fox form moves will actually deal scary damage with a demon irowood 0 def proc.
  • ninjakitchenrulr
    ninjakitchenrulr Posts: 70 Arc User
    I can't wait for this expansion so I can finally get clarification on how bad my soul of silence skill gets nerfed...
  • bboycraze
    bboycraze Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    I can't wait for this expansion so I can finally get clarification on how bad my soul of silence skill gets nerfed...


    Am I this *..* much fked? Am I this *......* much fked? The suspense is killing me!