
  • dblazen1
    dblazen1 Posts: 1,177 Arc User
    You know what would be fun? Since the proc rate debate has been brought up in China, it'd be fun if they actually would update the proc on NA R9rr to be the CN one.

    Oh imagine the salt on the forums.
    All that delicous salt.
    The dead sea would be shamed.​​
    The only fitting image for this forum.

  • weapon762
    weapon762 Posts: 187 Arc User
    Superfedee I just wanna thank you for testing some of these procs, I did have a question about that benevolent ward, have you tried qpqing it already?

    Since you can just lv 79 skill and steal a seekers qpq do u think it would work on bosses ?

    Would be interesting because potentially that could wreck a boss like a like some type of variant of a death chain.
    Vae Victis.
  • jsxshadow
    jsxshadow Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    I will never understand you guys. Cashing for a weapon like that or even something better (like np set or g17r4 or something) does not only empty your bank account. No. No. If you have a massive advantage you will get flamed by a majority of people for only winning due to the advantage. If they manage to wreck you despite your advantage you will be flamed even harder for how much of a failure you are.

    Why even bother then? getting anything above meta in a game like this has 0 benefit to your actual experience in this game. In fact it only causes trouble hence why I have multiple decently geared chars instead of 2 or 3 decked out ones.

    Being reduced to gears is the least desirable thing in this game. Sure its nice for testing purposes that fede got his g17r2..but that should be all there is. Even if they release all the mats you'd need for g17r4 instantly now..you would still be in for 10k+ $ if not more to get the maximum out of it. For friggin what? there is no friggin point. None of the shown g17 procs are even remotely OP (cept for the debuff which is hardcore OP in selfbuffed 1on1s, thats all) or would justify spending that much money. A 80 def lvl weap..yeah that would be nice for seeker and general tankyness...but not more.

    In the end..I really wish that "winning at all costs" mentallity would vanish..but oh well.
  • dblazen1
    dblazen1 Posts: 1,177 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    jsxshadow wrote: »
    I will never understand you guys. Cashing for a weapon like that or even something better (like np set or g17r4 or something) does not only empty your bank account. No. No. If you have a massive advantage you will get flamed by a majority of people for only winning due to the advantage. If they manage to wreck you despite your advantage you will be flamed even harder for how much of a failure you are.

    Why even bother then? getting anything above meta in a game like this has 0 benefit to your actual experience in this game. In fact it only causes trouble hence why I have multiple decently geared chars instead of 2 or 3 decked out ones.

    Being reduced to gears is the least desirable thing in this game. Sure its nice for testing purposes that fede got his g17r2..but that should be all there is. Even if they release all the mats you'd need for g17r4 instantly now..you would still be in for 10k+ $ if not more to get the maximum out of it. For friggin what? there is no friggin point. None of the shown g17 procs are even remotely OP (cept for the debuff which is hardcore OP in selfbuffed 1on1s, thats all) or would justify spending that much money. A 80 def lvl weap..yeah that would be nice for seeker and general tankyness...but not more.

    In the end..I really wish that "winning at all costs" mentallity would vanish..but oh well.

    And this is why threads always derail when you comment.
    This thread is about someone testing the procs on G17R3.
    And here you go, ranting and raving about people cashing for the weapons. What?
    The same could be said about back when R9 came out and wasn't a thing yet for the majority.
    It repeated with recasts, it repeats again with G17.

    You're hardly talking about what the thread is about, jesus christ, keep your thoughts to yourself for once.​​
    The only fitting image for this forum.

  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    Aoe paralyze/purge rip GG xD
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • shpmonkey
    shpmonkey Posts: 4 New User
    Anyone have an idea of the approx cost of g17s3 these days? Bit out of touch with prices.
  • shpmonkey
    shpmonkey Posts: 4 New User
    Thanks, just making sure it's still out of reach for mortals
  • jsxshadow
    jsxshadow Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    @Thats 5x full r9 right there ijs xD + the rerolls you made its also most likely full +10 x5 xDD
  • shpmonkey
    shpmonkey Posts: 4 New User
    Useful information unless of course you already have r9 I guess
  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    shpmonkey wrote: »
    Useful information unless of course you already have r9 I guess

    Well as you can see this beats out r9 by a long shot with the right procs. And realistically anything added to the game is useful information regardless of whether you get it or not because inevitably you will run into it with the competition. So imo there's no unless about it :) Thanks for wasting your gold so I don't have to @superfedee
    jsxshadow wrote: »
    getting anything above meta in a game like this has 0 benefit to your actual experience in this game. In fact it only causes trouble hence why I have multiple decently geared chars instead of 2 or 3 decked out ones.

    Being reduced to gears is the least desirable thing in this game.

    Maybe you experienced trouble when you got above meta, but in this game with the amount of people who seem to have unlimited supplies of cash, any time there is something new released you have a limited amount of time to be above meta. New releases are the new meta. We've seen it with all of the recasts, war avatars, sky levels, rebirths, and I'm even looking at you r94/CN cast weapons. Every time something like this is released the community goes OH NO NOT AGAIN I'm not doing that. And then the groups of crazy cashers on each server get it, or the crazy **** farmers rebirth 105 three times in a few months, and they kick everyone's **** and slowly we oblige. Because no one wants to be BELOW the meta.

    That's exactly how this game makes money. Keeping up with the Belewizes. Sure it's noble to encourage people to not give in, but if no one got g17r5 or whatever new thing gets released the game would be stale and dead. *shrugs* so this is what we have to deal with.
  • shpmonkey
    shpmonkey Posts: 4 New User
    edited September 2016

    Relax yo, responding to joe who thought it was useful information how much full r9 sets you could buy with the g17s3 money. It's not very relevant since anyone getting the g17 weapon likely already has r9s3 armor.
  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    shpmonkey wrote: »

    Relax yo, responding to joe who thought it was useful information how much full r9 sets you could buy with the g17s3 money. It's not very relevant since anyone getting the g17 weapon likely already has r9s3 armor.

    I'm very relaxed. I enjoy responding to the forums when I am waiting in line, bored etc. Rarely am I very anxious, upset or angry when I respond on forums. You replied to no one in your post so I assumed you were replying to the posts subject, which was the information on the procs. You said it wasn't useful information to people with r9 and I disagreed.

    Not everyone who disagrees with you is raging tiger-3.gif
  • aensidhe
    aensidhe Posts: 178 Arc User
    Don't worry Eirghan - even some of us cash shoppers are getting tired with a black hole gear system with a severely rng-based War Avatar system. It will eventually come down to a value-for-money proposition - to invest in a new property or dump cash into broken game mechanics.
  • booker27
    booker27 Posts: 167 Arc User
    Wow GG some of these procs are going to be OP once they become pretty common. Thanks for testing them mate.
  • freygin
    freygin Posts: 737 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Spirit Blackhole proc chance 20% is still by far the most ridiculous addon. It'll make cleric super busy rebuffing everyone in the squad xD.

    Full pdef buff is 60% (cleric), 75%-90%(demon/sage bm) , 20%(nw buff) = 155%-170%.
    Full mdef buff is 60%(cleric), 20%(nw buff) = 80%.

    Purge can erase 135%-150% pdef buff, and only 60% mdef, Heartbite rend would reduce pdef buff to only like having cleric buff (if fully buffed), but for mdef it'll reduce 40% more from passive/nw, so when fully buffed it's like having 60% primal passive mdef buff. So I guess Heartbite rend is the answer for not having purge for mag classes.

    Imagine if purged then Heartbite rend landed, tangling mired, shattered by barb. Then got hit by a zerkcrit with high penetration. When zerkcrit landed, even having 79317 pdef/mdef (95% redux) is like being hit by non zerk and non crit hit but with only 16700(80%) pdef/mdef.

    My cleric has like 12.000 gear defense. 55 str, 142 vit. If 55str is applied it will boost pdef to -> 12854, add 142 vit ->14210 , add primal passive -> 23810, add cleric buff 60% -> 31010 , add nw buff 20% -> 33410 , add demon bm -> 42410.

    From 42410 pdef, after being purged -> 26210 , Heartbite rend -> 14210, tangling mired ->10010, tiger form shatter 50% -> 4010 (48.9% dmg redux at this point), so I'll be receiving 51.1% dmg from whatever dmg a sin has for example, when this sin crit, the damage is multiplied by 2, at this point I'll be receiving 102.2% dmg from whatever dmg said sin has, armor defense is already nulled. Whatever left is just amplification.

    Doesn't matter how endgame you are with all the money you have spent for adding that hard earned reduction, in the end it might give 0 protection to you. This game makes you wasted lots of money to achieve the state your character has now, and then they might null them all by game mechanics, being attack assisted by a few people with different weapon procs will drop you fast, real fast.

    In the end SIN will be king, because sin is the only class with a skillset that allows them to evade debuffs for quite some time, debuffs could wreck you even more than just high damage alone, but sin can even evades everything with stealth.

    @superfedee : Thanks for the efforts showing us the proc rates :)
  • dregen543210
    dregen543210 Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    superfedee wrote: »
    rend can potentially 0def full buffed people in combination with undine fist spark + penetration chart or perigean combo

    with rend constellation tangling (100%+90%+35%) i more than halved full buffed garnet sharded mistic on full buffs (from 42k to 19k)

    rend undine fist spark is 100+60+30+100
    rend cloudburst perigean maelstorm 100+40+100+100 (lmao)​​

    Lol...gg to everyone that spent a buttload +12'ing their gear and putting in JoSD/Deity...glad I got my DoD's for 3m/9m. But what a waste getting +12 ring with 100% debuff everywhere after G17.

    Still kind of dumb to have all these gear+neuma+engravings that everyone worked for years on all be instantly nullified by a proc, PWI just took the easy way out :smiley: .

    Also I watched some of your purge video and the proc chance only seems to be a little bit higher than spirit black hole? Like 10% maybe. Still broken w/ DB skills.

  • catgirldesu
    catgirldesu Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    It's okay, they will release G17 armor with defence procs that counter these new G17 weapon procs. monkey-37.gif​​
  • eeepsilon
    eeepsilon Posts: 294 Arc User
    It's okay, they will release G17 armor with defence procs that counter these new G17 weapon procs. monkey-37.gif​​

    Yes and if that happen it will cost same as real life house :D:D:D
    Like 150.000 USD on weapon and armor :D
  • freygin
    freygin Posts: 737 Arc User
    eeepsilon wrote: »
    It's okay, they will release G17 armor with defence procs that counter these new G17 weapon procs. monkey-37.gif​​

    Yes and if that happen it will cost same as real life house :D:D:D
    Like 150.000 USD on weapon and armor :D

    And a few years later, g18 comes out.....

  • marius#8026
    marius#8026 Posts: 8 Arc User
    Congratulations on the weapon, @superfedee. Hey, you guys from PWI don't have xTourney activated yet, right? I'm asking because I think with xTourney, craft G17 third cast would be much easier, no? Do you think if you have xTourney activated, more people would have G17r3 weapon? I'm asking because in my version of Perfect World, Elysium didn't come until now, and I'm curious to know how hard will be to craft G17r3 weapon. I guess that when they bring Elysium to us we will have xTourney working well. Cheers!
  • marius#8026
    marius#8026 Posts: 8 Arc User
    superfedee wrote: »
    xtourney was released in a previous patch but wasnt functional

    they said they would've fixed it in 2 weeks tops, 4 months passed and not a word.

    if xtourny will be released not only g17r3 will be much more affordable, but we could actually aim @ g17r5 which red mats come as a reward in final xtourny room​​

    I don't know if G17r3 weapon will be hard to craft with xTourney activated, but I think it will be at least as common as warsoul weapons. G17r4 and r5 I believe will be very hard and expensive to get, only to heavy cash shoppers =S Well, I have to wait for the Elysium to see. Thanks for the answer, @superfedee.
  • dregen543210
    dregen543210 Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    At this point we can assume PWI has decided not to bother with X-tourney, and will most likely just put all the materials into cash shop. I mean, if PWRussia can do it, it's obviously not a restriction from China, but rather a conscious financial decision PWE itself has made for their own market.

    This is probably a good thing, since we can be assured not that many people will be able to afford it for at least a year or more, though it depends on when PWI decides to introduce zenith skulls into the shop and how early they discount it.
  • krian090590
    krian090590 Posts: 235 Arc User
    as far as i've seen zenith skulls are just a realy rare drop from UP and there are people on Etherblade who either have them or the tradable Dull version. So for the few that have those and bought the profane wood, they would be rather close to getting s4 or s5 G17, unless there is a mat i'm forgetting about
    Etherblade Server
    due to mishaps in my past few years in game, I do NOT accept random invites (faction/squad/friend no randoms period) NOR will I give buffs (cleric/barb/sin/exp if i have it) to random people because they ask. If I DO give buffs to a random person, it's because of a random whim (much like the red detonator button sitting at my desk that i will one day push at a random whim)
    Also do NOT look at my gear and then proceed to pm me asking to buy my gear or for a loan of coin. It's just plain rude.
    I have too many toons to name, but if you play on Etherblade server and you come across a toon that acts this way, or if the world is suddenly destroyed, it was probably me.
  • demansfairy
    demansfairy Posts: 456 Arc User
    Ok, what's with all the "josd are now useless" posts I'm seeing? If anything these new procs are gonna make josd mandi tory since they'll still be 8n full effect if you get purged/heart rend. Vit gonna be near useless ( you only get a bit over +19% base p/m def from full vit sharding), garnet/sapphire aren't gonna help much if you get full de buffed w/ heart rend, cits...well they might help get your hp high enough to avoid a 1 shot. Josd still seems like the best choice since it provided same damage reduction regardless if your p/m def is 0 or 100k.
    full +12 SB, currently lv 105 105 105
  • arspaulina#4310
    arspaulina#4310 Posts: 347 Community Moderator
    I think its a bit of a stretch to assume that PWE doesn't care about tourney - if anything people kept slamming them for broken content, so maybe they've just had it disabled because they haven't been able to get it to actually work properly. Also just because a different version has it doesn't mean they have the same type of licensing agreement as PWE does - PWRU isn't ran by the same company. How do we know it won't get released until the next content update anyways? Crying foul too early in my books - if it doesn't come in this next content update then we can run around with our heads cut off.

    Also thanks again for doing all these weapon tests :D
    ⋆Have a question? Feel free to shoot me an ask!⋆
  • capnk
    capnk Posts: 486 Arc User
    Josd still seems like the best choice since it provided same damage reduction regardless if your p/m def is 0 or 100k.

    You can plug your own gear into Asterelle's calculator and see for yourself. But generally speaking, vit stones/creation gems are better than josd when purged. Not a lot better, but better.


  • keihan007#7641
    keihan007#7641 Posts: 1,190 Arc User
    capnk wrote: »
    Josd still seems like the best choice since it provided same damage reduction regardless if your p/m def is 0 or 100k.

    You can plug your own gear into Asterelle's calculator and see for yourself. But generally speaking, vit stones/creation gems are better than josd when purged. Not a lot better, but better.


    Eh, vit stones are better for non endgame ppl. For endgame ppl jades are better even when purged. When debuffed is when jades actually do lose to vit stones even for most endgame ppl. The breaking point is ~30k hp/M.def/p.def for when jades become stronger purged.
    BlackList vs Frenzied 3/17

  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    It's okay, they will release G17 armor with defence procs that counter these new G17 weapon procs. monkey-37.gif

    Lol... Youre probably right...

    More and more people will start to spend their time in other games that focus on PVP with little to no time investment (i'm looking at you dailies) or cashing or gear gaps. I tried a good one that had a free weekend on console (its still on for another four hours) I recommend you guys try it out if you're getting tired of trying to keep up with the fast changing gear meta. fox-32.gif
  • dregen543210
    dregen543210 Posts: 110 Arc User

    capnk wrote: »
    Josd still seems like the best choice since it provided same damage reduction regardless if your p/m def is 0 or 100k.

    You can plug your own gear into Asterelle's calculator and see for yourself. But generally speaking, vit stones/creation gems are better than josd when purged. Not a lot better, but better.


    I'm not seeing this at all. Vit stones are decent when you have under +10 gears and a 0vit build, but anyone with +11/12 or better are still better off with JoSD.

    Vit stones only seem to be slightly better in a perfect, best-case scenario where you're debuffed, purged, and unable to press AD and forced to tank in that state.

    I do feel sorry for all those drakeflame-sharded arcanes however. They have a TON of stacked p. def, and that rend proc is just going to tear them to shreds.
  • dregen543210
    dregen543210 Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    superfedee wrote: »
    shards won't matter imo, if you get someone playing rend meta and he procs he most likely 0defs you, at which point you get 2-3hitted no matter the shards.​​

    Target would have to be purged to get 0def, so you'd need help from veno/purge proc. Just rend on self-buffed mystic/wiz/sage priest is like 25-30% damage increase iirc, which gets eclipsed by the spike utility of zerk.

    I do wonder how many people will forgo zerk crit procs to get purge/rend though. The real value of Zerk procs was the 4x damage spikes, and with the 20% crit damage reduction and inkdragons crits won't really be of much value.

    I've seen sins get unlucky and not zerk while I was on inkdragon, and the damage was pretty pitiful, 2-9k, which is nearing archer territory (sorry archers).