Giant list of things that should of been fixed a long time ago:



  • jabq
    jabq Posts: 821 Arc User
    Well hopefully We can change things now. :) I'm still leveling and learning, but I think I'm starting to get the gist

    Glad you are having fun. Are you encountering any problems @thenamesdomino so far? If you go by etherbalde city (After you get a flyer), jump in the pool next to the main city enterance, you will rubber band. Try to approach the cube npc, the doggy by a lady. There is a rubber band issue around that npc as well.

    Let's hope you keep a list of things you would like to see fixed.​​
  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    We know your never fix all the bugs. Sylenthunder said it would be nice to have a main patch that would just fix issues. And you know what some people would help with that. May b PWE could step up and reward them. After all it can't just be a bug in our version with some of them.
  • ftwomg
    ftwomg Posts: 10 Arc User
    When on my duskblade I never have a problem autopathing while flying
  • tictic99999
    tictic99999 Posts: 204 Arc User
    ftwomg wrote: »
    When on my duskblade I never have a problem autopathing while flying

    I am not talking about the normal autopathing, I never was. Let me clarify. ever since a couple updates ago, we finally got a patch with auto version 2.0. The new auto-path is a much smarter design that actually takes the world into account. This auto path takes you from your current position to the destination while avoiding all obstacles from point A to point B, you can actually go afk while using this auto-path because you will get to the destination without fail. The old auto-path, version 1, is a simple straight line auto-path and nothing else. Everytime the newer auto-path fails to work, which is almost always, the older one takes its place in that instance. The newer auto path never works when flying, and only works in some specific cases when on the ground.​​
    (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)
    Dawnglory's legendary Stormbringer ShockWave LV 105-105-103
    7 year old Harshlands character, semi-retired Wizard Boomz
    Will he reach 1800 spirit?
  • jabq
    jabq Posts: 821 Arc User
    The newer auto path never works when flying, and only works in some specific cases when on the ground.

    The times that it is not working, trying to place the destination spot in the middle of the path/road, away from buildings, big things. That helps increase the chance of getting the auto path done, that being said the auto path is horrible when going over mountains. Also not very useful over long distances, chances are you will get stuck behind a rock, tree or an obstacle at a certain angle.​​
  • saigah#4830
    saigah#4830 Posts: 4 Arc User
    More blatant disregard for TOS in tw this week. Go figure. Can someone prod Navi to actually do something about this?​​
  • jabq
    jabq Posts: 821 Arc User
    Can someone prod Navi to actually do something about this?

    Luffy is also waiting for the navi to set, be patient onion-1.gif​​
  • doods00
    doods00 Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    chary said:

    1. psure Arena doesn't even work on CN now and that theater of blood was
    5. psure this was done specifically to curb people from being able to get full rewards on 9 alt chars on the same account.

    corrected it . they changed shortly after squads went from 6 to 10 person max. Public Quest was already abused before that , then it got worse. if retaking a quest when u complete each section is glitchy then learn how to play.

    Video of solo PQ3 completeion with quote unquote glitch.

    but all the people who want to abuse the game please qq about it more.
  • chary
    chary Posts: 850 Arc User
    It was only realistic to get enough points to qualify for rewards on two chars per account, iirc. You did up to boss on one char and then switched and did boss on another char. Of course, it wasn't like people did this on only one account.
  • dingo488
    dingo488 Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Im afraid the main issue would be if u start enforcing a rule and banning people that abuse a glitch, you will have to ban ALL people abusing this glitch. Simply throwing this to the GMs with the message: ''Ban this person look I have proof.'' Is not a proper way to go about this to begin with.

    1. Not everytime someone gets stuck in terrain after transposition is it actually intended, u can very rarely prove ill-intent
    2. Not everyone cares enough to report people that abuse it
    3. Not everyone records their TW/NW and goes thru leaps n bounds to record the glitch from all possible angles and edit it into some fancy montage

    The result of this method of witch-hunting basically comes down to the loudest and most annoying people getting what they want and the more casual 'victims' will just continue to play the game their way, leaving a lot of people unpunished. And when we're talking about the loudest and most annoying people Im afraid that basically means whomever Eirghan wants to see banned gets banned.

    This is not a fair approach, there's only 2 real solutions, only one of which is actually realistic

    1. A system needs to be implimented to report the glitch ingame as it happens to have a GM monitor the situation
    2. The bug just needs to be fixed.....

    And Im sure our new CM will do what they can to make the 2nd option happen, the first one is simply not realistic and also not pleasant. (Also this is in no way a guarantee the 2nd option will actually happen, this depends entirely on china, so dont get too many expectations and demands)

    So my suggestion for this thread would be to continue listing things that ''Should of been fixed a long time ago'' instead of trying to force a solution u personally desire onto the GM/CM. One would say this thread has gone wildly off-topic and has basically changed from something that could be helpful for the GMs into people whining....again
  • axel320
    axel320 Posts: 66 Arc User
    dingo488 said:

    Im afraid the main issue would be if u start enforcing a rule and banning people that abuse a glitch, you will have to ban ALL people abusing this glitch. Simply throwing this to the GMs with the message: ''Ban this person look I have proof.'' Is not a proper way to go about this to begin with.

    1. Not everytime someone gets stuck in terrain after transposition is it actually intended, u can very rarely prove ill-intent
    2. Not everyone cares enough to report people that abuse it
    3. Not everyone records their TW/NW and goes thru leaps n bounds to record the glitch from all possible angles and edit it into some fancy montage

    The result of this method of witch-hunting basically comes down to the loudest and most annoying people getting what they want and the more casual 'victims' will just continue to play the game their way, leaving a lot of people unpunished. And when we're talking about the loudest and most annoying people Im afraid that basically means whomever Eirghan wants to see banned gets banned.

    This is not a fair approach, there's only 2 real solutions, only one of which is actually realistic

    1. A system needs to be implimented to report the glitch ingame as it happens to have a GM monitor the situation
    2. The bug just needs to be fixed.....

    And Im sure our new CM will do what they can to make sure the 2nd option happens, the first one is simply not realistic and also not pleasant.

    So my suggestion for this thread would be to continue listing things that ''Should of been fixed a long time ago'' instead of trying to force a solution u personally desire onto the GM/CM. One would say this thread has gone wildly off-topic and has basically changed from something that could be helpful for the GMs into people whining....again

    The fact that some people "do not care" to report something or fail to provide evidence for said report, does not mean that something should not be done about an issue this gamebreaking pending an actual fix (which we all know could take years if it's ever fixed). Having consequences in place when someone does get reported for it (and seeing that those consequences are actually enforced globally, not in the one-sided manner that seems to have been support's MO for the past couple years) would be more than enough to make this problem go away on Etherblade. Obviously I can't speak for you guys, but... if you're going to complain about it on the forums, start caring about it enough to report it.
  • jadasia
    jadasia Posts: 520 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    saxroll said:

    saxroll said:

    kyoske said:

    I have SS that could get one of your members banned right now if i wanted and he isn't exploiting a glitch he is just straight out breaking the rules.

    Exploiting a glitch is plain breaking the rules as its clearly stated as such by staff(in ToS).

    As for the issue itself, something needs to be done bout it. I would add the whole BMs reeling catabarbs into air, locking them and making them lose their catas to this issue as well. Its clearly against design of TW and it gives pretty drastic advantage to faction abusing it.

    Simplest fix would be to give catapullers a buff, which breaks all transportation skills and you cant transport/reel/etc. them anywhere.
    True that exploiting a glitch is plain breaking the rules.
    But I didnt see anyone say something when FC was a thing and people were glitching the second boss there. Or wasnt that exploiting a glitch? And glitching the last boss in TT3-3 isnt that exploiting a glitch? Cause to me it seems to be. Or is it against the rules only in pvp and not in pve?
    And before even someone say something I dont have a seeker and I dont pvp with few exceptions in nw some weekends.
    Actually, PWE threatened to ban all goon abusers while they were working on a fix. There was also countless people who were upset by the whole issue. The fact they failed to do anything bout it is imo irrelevant.
    Actually PWE did do something about the goon glitch issue. Instead of banning people (because they could not confirm they abused the glitch) they created the PV instance and gave everyone an opportunity to hyper level mobs. I mean, almost everyone I know who is 105 leveled in PV, not glitching goons.

  • doods00
    doods00 Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    chary said:

    It was only realistic to get enough points to qualify for rewards on two chars per account, iirc. You did up to boss on one char and then switched and did boss on another char. Of course, it wasn't like people did this on only one account.

    not true, u get max points per class, as long as u had a diff class for each account every alt gets 6 fragments
  • sylenthunder
    sylenthunder Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    jadasia wrote: »
    Actually PWE did do something about the goon glitch issue. Instead of banning people (because they could not confirm they abused the glitch) they created the PV instance and gave everyone an opportunity to hyper level mobs. I mean, almost everyone I know who is 105 leveled in PV, not glitching goons.
    You've got a bit of a misconception there.

    1. PWE didn't ban people because they didn't have the manpower to go through the logs to locate everyone who had abused it in order to properly dole out punishment. Even if they had, the ban only would have been a few days to a month. (There's a chart around here somewhere, or used to be.)

    2. PWE didn't create the PV instance to give people another opportunity at leveling. Wanmei did, because they never had hypering in Frost. They created that instance, and also revamped the lower level quests in response to the community in China. We just benefitted from it. PWE's discussions with Wanmei probably helped things along, especially with the lower level boosts, but PWE didn't do it.

    Also should note that spamming 15 runs in PV is technically a exploit.​​

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  • kyoske
    kyoske Posts: 163 Arc User
    A lot of the things you people call exploits i call smart use of the resources available.
  • shade13
    shade13 Posts: 633 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Also should note that spamming 15 runs in PV is technically a exploit.
    According to this logic, if you die inside and go out to reenter, it's an exploit too. ​​
  • sylenthunder
    sylenthunder Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    shade13 wrote: »
    Also should note that spamming 15 runs in PV is technically a exploit.
    According to this logic, if you die inside and go out to reenter, it's an exploit too.
    Personally, I think the mechanic should be that when you die inside, you re-appear at the entrance. That is the purpose of the entry token though, and why it has a 15 minute timer.
    The purpose is not to reset the the instance and keep doing it repeatedly.​​

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  • shade13
    shade13 Posts: 633 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Personally, I think the mechanic should be that when you die inside, you re-appear at the entrance.
    Maybe it should, maybe it shouldn't. Fact is it doesn't work like that. Thus, you can't call it an exploit since this "exploit" is necessary to come back in case you die.
    Unless they fix it, at least.
  • xskysoldier
    xskysoldier Posts: 128 Arc User
    Going to mention this since this is the right forum about it. But, has anyone noticed in Pv the mobs tend to reset more even if you don't do a big pull? I heard before they didn't reset that fast but ijs. Guess it's only just me since i've been doing Pv again. x)

  • jadasia
    jadasia Posts: 520 Arc User

    jadasia wrote: »

    Actually PWE did do something about the goon glitch issue. Instead of banning people (because they could not confirm they abused the glitch) they created the PV instance and gave everyone an opportunity to hyper level mobs. I mean, almost everyone I know who is 105 leveled in PV, not glitching goons.

    You've got a bit of a misconception there.

    1. PWE didn't ban people because they didn't have the manpower to go through the logs to locate everyone who had abused it in order to properly dole out punishment. Even if they had, the ban only would have been a few days to a month. (There's a chart around here somewhere, or used to be.)


    Not true. Franky stated very clear that the reason why nobody was banned for glitching goons is because the anti-cheat script they were using on those who were level 105 could not determine whether they abused the exploit or leveled legitimately so they could not justify banning anyone. This alone created yet another dozen QQ threads about the goon glitchers. Wasn't long after that PV was enabled. It doesn't matter if China had it or not.

  • jadasia
    jadasia Posts: 520 Arc User
    edited October 2015

    This is for our CM:

    Here I will be making a giant list of things that should eventually be fixed, if i can edit posts again i will update and add to the list. It would be great if this stuff can eventually be fixed, including the stuff that was swept under the rug over 6 years ago. feel free to post to add stuff to this.


    1. "The arena (broken for over 5 years)"

    2. It's been deactivated on purpose

    3. "Bag extention stone shouldn't require 2 stones to get 80 slots"

    4. Maybe that is done on purpose. I use used 5 wardrobe stones to get 96 slots.

    5. "Similiar bug with pet slots"

    6. See above

    7. "Text error: corrosive cold, it is 5 levels, not 4"

    8. Easy fix if true. Just a localization issue

    9. "Public Quest 3 still is super glitch"

    10. hardly an issue. PQ3 is still very easy to complete.

    11. "Constant server errors when logging in at west gate"

    12. Don't log in at west gate. Log in someplace else where you won't get a server error. Problem solved.

    13. "Random bug splats (this has been started happening very frequently ever since latest expansion)"

    14. Never had a single issue with this even when I use multiple clients at once. Not an issue for me. May be something wrong with your system

    15. "SB skill cloud cover 1 time anti-purge goes away on any attempt to purge instead of actual purge"

    16. As others have stated that is how it is supposed to work. Nothing glitched about it

    17. "The bound text bug in cat shops"

    18. Be aware and be prepared.

    19. "Theater of blood... boy this one has been broken for a damn long time"

    20. I hardly ever see anyone in that instance. But I've never had an issue there

    21. "The new auto path system doesn't work in all cases, also never works when flying"

    22. Works good enough. ANd it works while flying. I use it all the time. Just set your height properly and you won't have issues. Stop being lazy with this one.

    23. "Complete lack of ingame GM support. Its as rare as getting a Scroll of Tome from a pack to see a GM just online helping people, they seem to only ever come on to fix tickets and check server status. This can be applied just in general there is a lack of presence of GMs and the community has become rather vulgar without GMs monitoring and banning toxic people."

    24. We need GMs to moderate and regulate the game but we do not need GM baby sitters. I can just see it now. A GM logs into the game then people start demanding free **** from them. "I NPC'd my emperor tome. Gimme another..." and so on....

    25. "Call of Abominations (also sometimes called Fighters of Abominations) event spam, it prints the winner like 200+ times.".

    26. Not a game breaker. a couple of minutes a week we deal with that. Not a real big deal except to the anally retentive QQers who will never be satisfied with anything. We've have red system chat warning us to be prepared for a cross server event for how long now yet nobody is complaining about that false and misleading message.

    27. "Lack of community updates. We never are told what PWE is actually doing ever. The only information they ever give is when an update is already coming out, which isn't all that helpful. We should know months in advance what projects they are working on and what they plan on working on."

    28. Some update on an issue work in progress would be nice however we do not need to be told about upcoming changes to the game in advance. The surprise of the changes is half the fun. Besides we do have that PWI news thread for updates on game expansions and updates.

    29. "We still haven't gotten patch notes for the last 2 small patches, which were versions 888-892"

    30. So? What's there been to report to us? Some very minor localization updates and new boutique sales? Other than that just a couple of server resets. We didn't miss anything

    31. "EU server is losing its community because pwi forced an east coast server to become EU time and hasn't compensated for the 6 hour time difference in any way like they said they would (such as changing event times or making events multiple times a day)"

    32. This is one of the issues which needs to be addressed for the harshlands people.

    33. "Gold prices have inflated up to 5 million each. The game has a cap made for 4, but server sustainability was made off of it being 2-3."

    34. This is nothing more than an issue of supply and demand. It is functioning as it should. The real issue is that there is way too much coin in the environment which needs to be coin -sinked out. But then you will have QQers complaining about how unfair it would be for theose with the most coin getting the most benefit from them in some way. Other than that it is not an issue at all. Learn to deal with it by earning more coin.

    35. "The ever increasing divide between csers and non-cs'ers each update are driving many players away from the game"

    36. And why is this a problem? It should be this way. Those who spend real money on the game need to be entitled to a much greater benefit over those who don't. They pay for the privilege. Not a system issue that needs fixed. Deal with it.

    37. Class unbalance. Our game is different from china, they have different gear, different systems etc but we are getting their carbon copy updates. What may be fair for them isn't for us. Currently the Duskblade class is extremely overpowered, mainly the "paralyze" debuff is extremely unbalanced.

    38. "And yet another "I get rolled by them so they are OP and need nerfed" complaint. But if you roll someone I bet you wouldn't call it an issue that needs fixed, wouldn't you? This game is not designed to PvP 1 v 1 (except in a duel when certain conditions are altered such as charm ticks, veno bramble, etc). Our class skills are designed to compliment each other as a whole. Teamwork."

    39. "Every update farming becomes harder and harder because pwi keeps on nerfing coin values. There needs to be many more valid, and non-exploitable ways to farm coin in the game. For instance, there are events that give out 100s of millions of coins pwi used to do, and they haven't done those events in over 3 years."

    40. First you complain about gold prices being out of control because of too much coin in the game environment and now you are complaining that the generation of coin into the game environment is too nerfed. Which is it that you want? More coin for higher gold prices or less coin for lower gold prices? You cannot have it both ways.

    41. "Seeker skill Transposition, Blademaster skill Reel-in, Duskblade Reel-in, are being exploited to change the meta of territory war. This is an unintentional use of the skill and should be disabled inside territory war. The way it works is by reeling/teleporting the holder of a catapult into the air, if the player is held there for roughly 2-3 seconds, the cata will automatically break. The code for this fix already exists, see wizard tactical reversion skill for the code."

    42. They should make those skills usuable on ground only. That will fix the issue easily.

    Edited by ShockWave to include catapult teleport exploit.​​
    Most of these "Issues" are really nothing. There are plenty of work-arounds for them.

    What we really need are our faction icons back just the way they were before the merge. The rest of this stuff iss mostly irrelevant.
  • kyoske
    kyoske Posts: 163 Arc User
    jadasia said:

    This is for our CM:

    Here I will be making a giant list of things that should eventually be fixed, if i can edit posts again i will update and add to the list. It would be great if this stuff can eventually be fixed, including the stuff that was swept under the rug over 6 years ago. feel free to post to add stuff to this.


    1. "The arena (broken for over 5 years)"

    2. It's been deactivated on purpose

    3. "Bag extention stone shouldn't require 2 stones to get 80 slots"

    4. Maybe that is done on purpose. I use used 5 wardrobe stones to get 96 slots.

    5. "Similiar bug with pet slots"

    6. See above

    7. "Text error: corrosive cold, it is 5 levels, not 4"

    8. Easy fix if true. Just a localization issue

    9. "Public Quest 3 still is super glitch"

    10. hardly an issue. PQ3 is still very easy to complete.

    11. "Constant server errors when logging in at west gate"

    12. Don't log in at west gate. Log in someplace else where you won't get a server error. Problem solved.

    13. "Random bug splats (this has been started happening very frequently ever since latest expansion)"

    14. Never had a single issue with this even when I use multiple clients at once. Not an issue for me. May be something wrong with your system

    15. "SB skill cloud cover 1 time anti-purge goes away on any attempt to purge instead of actual purge"

    16. As others have stated that is how it is supposed to work. Nothing glitched about it

    17. "The bound text bug in cat shops"

    18. Be aware and be prepared.

    19. "Theater of blood... boy this one has been broken for a damn long time"

    20. I hardly ever see anyone in that instance. But I've never had an issue there

    21. "The new auto path system doesn't work in all cases, also never works when flying"

    22. Works good enough. ANd it works while flying. I use it all the time. Just set your height properly and you won't have issues. Stop being lazy with this one.

    23. "Complete lack of ingame GM support. Its as rare as getting a Scroll of Tome from a pack to see a GM just online helping people, they seem to only ever come on to fix tickets and check server status. This can be applied just in general there is a lack of presence of GMs and the community has become rather vulgar without GMs monitoring and banning toxic people."

    24. We need GMs to moderate and regulate the game but we do not need GM baby sitters. I can just see it now. A GM logs into the game then people start demanding free **** from them. "I NPC'd my emperor tome. Gimme another..." and so on....

    25. "Call of Abominations (also sometimes called Fighters of Abominations) event spam, it prints the winner like 200+ times.".

    26. Not a game breaker. a couple of minutes a week we deal with that. Not a real big deal except to the anally retentive QQers who will never be satisfied with anything. We've have red system chat warning us to be prepared for a cross server event for how long now yet nobody is complaining about that false and misleading message.

    27. "Lack of community updates. We never are told what PWE is actually doing ever. The only information they ever give is when an update is already coming out, which isn't all that helpful. We should know months in advance what projects they are working on and what they plan on working on."

    28. Some update on an issue work in progress would be nice however we do not need to be told about upcoming changes to the game in advance. The surprise of the changes is half the fun. Besides we do have that PWI news thread for updates on game expansions and updates.

    29. "We still haven't gotten patch notes for the last 2 small patches, which were versions 888-892"

    30. So? What's there been to report to us? Some very minor localization updates and new boutique sales? Other than that just a couple of server resets. We didn't miss anything

    31. "EU server is losing its community because pwi forced an east coast server to become EU time and hasn't compensated for the 6 hour time difference in any way like they said they would (such as changing event times or making events multiple times a day)"

    32. This is one of the issues which needs to be addressed for the harshlands people.

    33. "Gold prices have inflated up to 5 million each. The game has a cap made for 4, but server sustainability was made off of it being 2-3."

    34. This is nothing more than an issue of supply and demand. It is functioning as it should. The real issue is that there is way too much coin in the environment which needs to be coin -sinked out. But then you will have QQers complaining about how unfair it would be for theose with the most coin getting the most benefit from them in some way. Other than that it is not an issue at all. Learn to deal with it by earning more coin.

    35. "The ever increasing divide between csers and non-cs'ers each update are driving many players away from the game"

    36. And why is this a problem? It should be this way. Those who spend real money on the game need to be entitled to a much greater benefit over those who don't. They pay for the privilege. Not a system issue that needs fixed. Deal with it.

    37. Class unbalance. Our game is different from china, they have different gear, different systems etc but we are getting their carbon copy updates. What may be fair for them isn't for us. Currently the Duskblade class is extremely overpowered, mainly the "paralyze" debuff is extremely unbalanced.

    38. "And yet another "I get rolled by them so they are OP and need nerfed" complaint. But if you roll someone I bet you wouldn't call it an issue that needs fixed, wouldn't you? This game is not designed to PvP 1 v 1 (except in a duel when certain conditions are altered such as charm ticks, veno bramble, etc). Our class skills are designed to compliment each other as a whole. Teamwork."

    39. "Every update farming becomes harder and harder because pwi keeps on nerfing coin values. There needs to be many more valid, and non-exploitable ways to farm coin in the game. For instance, there are events that give out 100s of millions of coins pwi used to do, and they haven't done those events in over 3 years."

    40. First you complain about gold prices being out of control because of too much coin in the game environment and now you are complaining that the generation of coin into the game environment is too nerfed. Which is it that you want? More coin for higher gold prices or less coin for lower gold prices? You cannot have it both ways.

    41. "Seeker skill Transposition, Blademaster skill Reel-in, Duskblade Reel-in, are being exploited to change the meta of territory war. This is an unintentional use of the skill and should be disabled inside territory war. The way it works is by reeling/teleporting the holder of a catapult into the air, if the player is held there for roughly 2-3 seconds, the cata will automatically break. The code for this fix already exists, see wizard tactical reversion skill for the code."

    42. They should make those skills usuable on ground only. That will fix the issue easily.

    Edited by ShockWave to include catapult teleport exploit.​​
    Most of these "Issues" are really nothing. There are plenty of work-arounds for them.

    What we really need are our faction icons back just the way they were before the merge. The rest of this stuff iss mostly irrelevant.
    How in God's name is a faction icon more important than most of these issues highlighted, you're probably one of those selfish players that looks out for you and not the game as a whole.
  • jabq
    jabq Posts: 821 Arc User
    Just a quick note to all those thinking pq 3 is "fixed", i want you to try that with the cube quest, return to room 1, see how fixed the cube is because people use a bucket loads of alts and make more money than pq 3 could ever make them.

    Or how about in nw, every time you finish a battle, you have to return to main camp, have 30 seconds to speak to npc otherwise you will not get any rewards for nation war. People bring alts, the money they make through nw is more than pq 3. People will learn "real skills" this way.

    The bottom line is, people with alts do stuff with their alts. Those who don't tend to get jealous or angry. Either ban people with multiple alts, or live with their alting habits, but please fix pq3 for other mortals.

    In the QC thread on pq, the issue is highlighted clearly, some times you do not get contribution points. All those people claiming to have done 100's of runs, please make a video of all the runs to prove that the issue does not exist with you.​​
  • scruncy
    scruncy Posts: 458 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    add Nightshade flyers in Eventboutique to that giant to do list
  • doods00
    doods00 Posts: 106 Arc User
    jabq said:

    Just a quick note to all those thinking pq 3 is "fixed", i want you to try that with the cube quest, return to room 1, see how fixed the cube is because people use a bucket loads of alts and make more money than pq 3 could ever make them.

    Or how about in nw, every time you finish a battle, you have to return to main camp, have 30 seconds to speak to npc otherwise you will not get any rewards for nation war. People bring alts, the money they make through nw is more than pq 3. People will learn "real skills" this way.

    The bottom line is, people with alts do stuff with their alts. Those who don't tend to get jealous or angry. Either ban people with multiple alts, or live with their alting habits, but please fix pq3 for other mortals.

    In the QC thread on pq, the issue is highlighted clearly, some times you do not get contribution points. All those people claiming to have done 100's of runs, please make a video of all the runs to prove that the issue does not exist with you.​​

    all the videos i seen you post you arent alone. you can say other people are playing those accounts but i cant be sure that they really arent your alts and hence the reason of the failures. when i ran with other people they all got contrib. i guess i should make a video of that. However I dont need to post 100 videos of me winning as the one is enough.
    I also dont try to bring in alts.

    Your trying to apply what i call a fix and you call a glitch to others areas doesnt make sense and isnt applicable.
    I farm and spend money. if your looking to make coin cause your poor/ dont feel like spending in the game do fsj/fsp if you have that many alts. e
  • jadasia
    jadasia Posts: 520 Arc User
    kyoske said:

    jadasia said:

    This is for our CM:

    Here I will be making a giant list of things that should eventually be fixed, if i can edit posts again i will update and add to the list. It would be great if this stuff can eventually be fixed, including the stuff that was swept under the rug over 6 years ago. feel free to post to add stuff to this.


    1. "The arena (broken for over 5 years)"

    2. It's been deactivated on purpose

    3. "Bag extention stone shouldn't require 2 stones to get 80 slots"

    4. Maybe that is done on purpose. I use used 5 wardrobe stones to get 96 slots.

    5. "Similiar bug with pet slots"

    6. See above

    7. "Text error: corrosive cold, it is 5 levels, not 4"

    8. Easy fix if true. Just a localization issue

    9. "Public Quest 3 still is super glitch"

    10. hardly an issue. PQ3 is still very easy to complete.

    11. "Constant server errors when logging in at west gate"

    12. Don't log in at west gate. Log in someplace else where you won't get a server error. Problem solved.

    13. "Random bug splats (this has been started happening very frequently ever since latest expansion)"

    14. Never had a single issue with this even when I use multiple clients at once. Not an issue for me. May be something wrong with your system

    15. "SB skill cloud cover 1 time anti-purge goes away on any attempt to purge instead of actual purge"

    16. As others have stated that is how it is supposed to work. Nothing glitched about it

    17. "The bound text bug in cat shops"

    18. Be aware and be prepared.

    19. "Theater of blood... boy this one has been broken for a damn long time"

    20. I hardly ever see anyone in that instance. But I've never had an issue there

    21. "The new auto path system doesn't work in all cases, also never works when flying"

    22. Works good enough. ANd it works while flying. I use it all the time. Just set your height properly and you won't have issues. Stop being lazy with this one.

    23. "Complete lack of ingame GM support. Its as rare as getting a Scroll of Tome from a pack to see a GM just online helping people, they seem to only ever come on to fix tickets and check server status. This can be applied just in general there is a lack of presence of GMs and the community has become rather vulgar without GMs monitoring and banning toxic people."

    24. We need GMs to moderate and regulate the game but we do not need GM baby sitters. I can just see it now. A GM logs into the game then people start demanding free **** from them. "I NPC'd my emperor tome. Gimme another..." and so on....

    25. "Call of Abominations (also sometimes called Fighters of Abominations) event spam, it prints the winner like 200+ times.".

    26. Not a game breaker. a couple of minutes a week we deal with that. Not a real big deal except to the anally retentive QQers who will never be satisfied with anything. We've have red system chat warning us to be prepared for a cross server event for how long now yet nobody is complaining about that false and misleading message.

    27. "Lack of community updates. We never are told what PWE is actually doing ever. The only information they ever give is when an update is already coming out, which isn't all that helpful. We should know months in advance what projects they are working on and what they plan on working on."

    28. Some update on an issue work in progress would be nice however we do not need to be told about upcoming changes to the game in advance. The surprise of the changes is half the fun. Besides we do have that PWI news thread for updates on game expansions and updates.

    29. "We still haven't gotten patch notes for the last 2 small patches, which were versions 888-892"

    30. So? What's there been to report to us? Some very minor localization updates and new boutique sales? Other than that just a couple of server resets. We didn't miss anything

    31. "EU server is losing its community because pwi forced an east coast server to become EU time and hasn't compensated for the 6 hour time difference in any way like they said they would (such as changing event times or making events multiple times a day)"

    32. This is one of the issues which needs to be addressed for the harshlands people.

    33. "Gold prices have inflated up to 5 million each. The game has a cap made for 4, but server sustainability was made off of it being 2-3."

    34. This is nothing more than an issue of supply and demand. It is functioning as it should. The real issue is that there is way too much coin in the environment which needs to be coin -sinked out. But then you will have QQers complaining about how unfair it would be for theose with the most coin getting the most benefit from them in some way. Other than that it is not an issue at all. Learn to deal with it by earning more coin.

    35. "The ever increasing divide between csers and non-cs'ers each update are driving many players away from the game"

    36. And why is this a problem? It should be this way. Those who spend real money on the game need to be entitled to a much greater benefit over those who don't. They pay for the privilege. Not a system issue that needs fixed. Deal with it.

    37. Class unbalance. Our game is different from china, they have different gear, different systems etc but we are getting their carbon copy updates. What may be fair for them isn't for us. Currently the Duskblade class is extremely overpowered, mainly the "paralyze" debuff is extremely unbalanced.

    38. "And yet another "I get rolled by them so they are OP and need nerfed" complaint. But if you roll someone I bet you wouldn't call it an issue that needs fixed, wouldn't you? This game is not designed to PvP 1 v 1 (except in a duel when certain conditions are altered such as charm ticks, veno bramble, etc). Our class skills are designed to compliment each other as a whole. Teamwork."

    39. "Every update farming becomes harder and harder because pwi keeps on nerfing coin values. There needs to be many more valid, and non-exploitable ways to farm coin in the game. For instance, there are events that give out 100s of millions of coins pwi used to do, and they haven't done those events in over 3 years."

    40. First you complain about gold prices being out of control because of too much coin in the game environment and now you are complaining that the generation of coin into the game environment is too nerfed. Which is it that you want? More coin for higher gold prices or less coin for lower gold prices? You cannot have it both ways.

    41. "Seeker skill Transposition, Blademaster skill Reel-in, Duskblade Reel-in, are being exploited to change the meta of territory war. This is an unintentional use of the skill and should be disabled inside territory war. The way it works is by reeling/teleporting the holder of a catapult into the air, if the player is held there for roughly 2-3 seconds, the cata will automatically break. The code for this fix already exists, see wizard tactical reversion skill for the code."

    42. They should make those skills usuable on ground only. That will fix the issue easily.

    Edited by ShockWave to include catapult teleport exploit.​​
    Most of these "Issues" are really nothing. There are plenty of work-arounds for them.

    What we really need are our faction icons back just the way they were before the merge. The rest of this stuff iss mostly irrelevant.
    How in God's name is a faction icon more important than most of these issues highlighted, you're probably one of those selfish players that looks out for you and not the game as a whole.
    Because in God's name almost all of those so called "issues" have work-arounds for them and they are freaking much of an issue at all. Do you have a reading comprehension problem? You quoted my previous post which has the answer to your question. Good god....

    Our faction icon is part of our faction identity. It is important to us yet for some reason it wasn't even on that list. There is no work-around to get that back.

    And you seem like one of those players who lets a tiny trivial inconvenience ruin your entire game and makes the rest of us suffer though your never ending QQ. Get a life.
  • soleida
    soleida Posts: 113 Arc User
    Like to add one : Veno instance need to be done in PK mode while all servers are now PVE. Been like that for 5 years for sure. Never was meant to be done in PK mode.
  • chary
    chary Posts: 850 Arc User
    Veno instance hasn't even been out for 5 years and it was meant to be done in pk mode since there are no pve servers in CN.
  • thenamesdomino
    thenamesdomino Posts: 545 Perfect World Employee
    Just jumping in here to thank you guys for keeping this on topic. We have a helluva maintenance tomorrow, so for the next two days, it's heads down and all hands on deck. So if you need me, message me, but if it takes a while for a response, do not take it as we're ignoring everyone.
  • razzzza
    razzzza Posts: 456 Arc User
    @thenamesdomino Just too bad we cant send PMs on this forum mouse-35.gif​​