The drama of abbreviations.



  • iconique
    iconique Posts: 65 Arc User
    Etherblade's had some interesting conversations over abbreviations, too. Like, HT has a preference for r9s3 and s3, Archo favors rrr9 and g16. People were arguing that they were all stage 3, gear level 16, etc. But I find HT's choices to be simpler, in that the main types of endgame gear you'll find now are rank 9 and the lunar stuff; so in using s3, you're referring to the only other set of equipment people generally use if they don't want or currently can't afford r9s3. And naturally the r9 in r9s3 helps differentiate.

    I think the other night, there were players bickering over using BH Metal (HT) or BH Snake (Archo). I was hoping someone would make a joke and WC "LFM BH metal gear solid" or something but everyone in the channel was so srsbzns. (。•́︿•̀。)

    ISTG, every time I see Kitty's posts, I hear puppies crying.
  • bloodedone87
    bloodedone87 Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    Asking for weapon links is pretty sad. A players weapon does not mean anything. It is especially amusing when the person asking for a weapon link could likely solo most bosses they are going to come across. All people really need to care about is level and HP. If a person can't survive the instance they have no business being in there really, unless you are bringing them along to help them for some reason or another. I can't tell you how many times I have had people try to come to FWS runs and bring along a cleric with abysmal HP that gets one shot by AOEs. If you can't be strong enough to stay alive to heal a squad then you need to go gear up some more or do SOMETHING to increase your survivability.

    BTW someone mentioned Frenzy Warsong. I have never heard of this. FWS has always meant Full Warsong on Raging Tide so far as I know. Badge run is just that, a run for badges. Mobless means that we are skipping the mobs after saving the pavilions and just teleporting right to the boss to kill it. It means that the boss has the potential to one shot any player but most people that form it have more then enough damage to kill it before it can. If not then they clearly won't be doing a mobless FWS run. Mobless FWS runs DO include the last boss because you do have players save the pavilions, although there are people that do badge runs without saving the pavilions and still do mobless just to save time.

    You know... the mobless warsong is never 100% mobless. You do kill some mobs. The boss still can 1 shot you but you do kill some mobs. Not more of 10 though...

  • zoner112012
    zoner112012 Posts: 943 Arc User
    Asking for weapon links is pretty sad. A players weapon does not mean anything. It is especially amusing when the person asking for a weapon link could likely solo most bosses they are going to come across. All people really need to care about is level and HP. If a person can't survive the instance they have no business being in there really, unless you are bringing them along to help them for some reason or another. I can't tell you how many times I have had people try to come to FWS runs and bring along a cleric with abysmal HP that gets one shot by AOEs. If you can't be strong enough to stay alive to heal a squad then you need to go gear up some more or do SOMETHING to increase your survivability.

    BTW someone mentioned Frenzy Warsong. I have never heard of this. FWS has always meant Full Warsong on Raging Tide so far as I know. Badge run is just that, a run for badges. Mobless means that we are skipping the mobs after saving the pavilions and just teleporting right to the boss to kill it. It means that the boss has the potential to one shot any player but most people that form it have more then enough damage to kill it before it can. If not then they clearly won't be doing a mobless FWS run. Mobless FWS runs DO include the last boss because you do have players save the pavilions, although there are people that do badge runs without saving the pavilions and still do mobless just to save time.

    You know... the mobless warsong is never 100% mobless. You do kill some mobs. The boss still can 1 shot you but you do kill some mobs. Not more of 10 though...

    True but in the grand scheme of things unless you kill them all it doesn't matter. The basic meaning of mobless is that it means you aren't going out of your way to kill them. Since it doesn't matter if you kill only a few as it doesn't change the one shot ability of the bosses this is a moot point.

    As to the whole weapon linking thing, I do realize people want to weed out the pill babies, but normally you can tell them apart easily by their hp. On top of which, the only way they will learn is if you take them and if they continuously die you can always just kick them. I guess maybe DW had more of a problem then RT did when it came to pill babies. We had a fair share but most quit or got weeded out fast. Either way, I am the type of person to give anyone a chance to be in an instance with me. It's when they start to bring down the squad or clearly aren't capable of handling the run that I give them a boot. At least I give them a chance cuz I remember when I was a nab and people didn't usually just kick me cuz of gear. We all have to learn.
  • tidustheswordwarrior
    tidustheswordwarrior Posts: 50 Arc User
    Between HT and Archosaur servers, heres the two main heated debates going on. with gears its between nirv/nirvy s3 vs G16. i can understand G16 but like some above have said r9 is also g16 based. When it comes to rank 9 gear Ht calls it r9s3 vs rrr9. the rrr9 just doesnt make any sense except from what i read regarding the tiers. Then theres the issue of mobless FW vs full WS or FWS spawn. I think that making it full WS spawn is alot simpler to understand than mobless since your going through an npc and directly porting to each of the bosses instead of skipping mobs when your not. Another big problem considering Etherblade (HT+Arch) is the issue of free mode vs random and how mostly Arch players like to go afk and have like a small bunch atk or just a single player. the constant competence of arch in fsp is a real killer cause it makes us who are from ht take that much more time to run it. Plus arch players totally dont know how to throw the axe at toad boss which is also another big problem. Someone from Ht ended up killing their entire squad of arch ppl for not knowing how to throw the axe. Wc is always getting the continual arguing over terms and abbreviations. not to mention the constant incompetence that we see in fsp runs regarding the axe throw. Im almost thinking that pw screwed up their game entirely due to the merges.

  • cynderangel
    cynderangel Posts: 193 Arc User
    Between HT and Archosaur servers, heres the two main heated debates going on. with gears its between nirv/nirvy s3 vs G16. i can understand G16 but like some above have said r9 is also g16 based. When it comes to rank 9 gear Ht calls it r9s3 vs rrr9. the rrr9 just doesnt make any sense except from what i read regarding the tiers. Then theres the issue of mobless FW vs full WS or FWS spawn. I think that making it full WS spawn is alot simpler to understand than mobless since your going through an npc and directly porting to each of the bosses instead of skipping mobs when your not. Another big problem considering Etherblade (HT+Arch) is the issue of free mode vs random and how mostly Arch players like to go afk and have like a small bunch atk or just a single player. the constant competence of arch in fsp is a real killer cause it makes us who are from ht take that much more time to run it. Plus arch players totally dont know how to throw the axe at toad boss which is also another big problem. Someone from Ht ended up killing their entire squad of arch ppl for not knowing how to throw the axe. Wc is always getting the continual arguing over terms and abbreviations. not to mention the constant incompetence that we see in fsp runs regarding the axe throw. Im almost thinking that pw screwed up their game entirely due to the merges.

    As much as I think everyone should learn to do axes (although I still haven't yet since I've been playing a non-rb toon lately) I still think designating one player (and maybe a backup player in case that one dies/afks/whatever) is just better.

    Other abbreviation issues, I saw a short argument on RB vs RA.
    102/101/102 cleric
  • tidustheswordwarrior
    tidustheswordwarrior Posts: 50 Arc User

    [/quote]As much as I think everyone should learn to do axes (although I still haven't yet since I've been playing a non-rb toon lately) I still think designating one player (and maybe a backup player in case that one dies/afks/whatever) is just better.

    Other abbreviation issues, I saw a short argument on RB vs RA.[/quote]

    Alot of the squads i would run with on Ht prior to the merge, i would be mostly the one to release the axe so it could be picked up by anyone near it. i still do that same thing and it still goes the same way during random. Plus if you need backup players, find 2 in your own squad that dont lag and are paying attention to do axes, its that simple. you still get the designated player plus backup all in one go or have 1 ranged do axe from there and the other up close to the boss for the axe from there. its not that hard to figure out who can do and who cant, all you gotta do is ask if anyone can do axe, its what we in HT would do almost constantly. when it came to free mode on HT, it was cause 1-2 would throw it late or couldnt do it so it was our last resort of keeping the squad together and being able to finish it. we also didnt care too much bout pages, some got alot some didnt get any and sometimes ya might find 1-2 ppl who are willing to trade least some of their pages to the one who didnt get. the book was randomized and so not all the time the same player would get. Plus like one said on another post, that FSP has been around for least a few yrs now so there is no excuse as to why a player cant learn or know how the dynamics of FSP runs. If one doesnt know then they can simple ask in squad or the squad lead. There's just too many things that are totally simple and easy and alot of these players make it bigger than it seems or it turns into a mountain out of a molehill. squad coordination helps alot when your dealing with other players.

  • razzzza
    razzzza Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Last thing people want in FS, HH, and WS runs is someone...

    Another abbrevation that doesnt even belong into the english version of perfect world.
    HH (Holy Hall) means Twilight Temple (TT) and will probably get laughed at when you WC it on Harshlands. I saw it serval times and i probably will see it a few more times.

    Frenzy Warsong comes from the Frenzy state the bosses have when you dont clear the mobs to the boss.
    I never saw someone say mobless warsong on harshlands so i always thought they only call it frenzy warsong and FWS was never full warsong.

    Funny thing is that alot of people said "LF more for frost" back then but that there are actually 2 frost caves in this game would bother noone.
    You know... the mobless warsong is never 100% mobless. You do kill some mobs. The boss still can 1 shot you but you do kill some mobs. Not more of 10 though...

    Dont act like you are stupid. you very well would know what people mean with it mouse-2.gif​​
  • zoner112012
    zoner112012 Posts: 943 Arc User
    I think not having a dedicated axe thrower is silly. It just logically makes no sense. Much easier for one person to focus on it then the whole squad.
  • shade13
    shade13 Posts: 633 Arc User
    I think not having a dedicated axe thrower is silly. It just logically makes no sense. Much easier for one person to focus on it then the whole squad.
    It's more silly when squad leader remakes squad on the fly because he forgot to set it on free and ppl have no clue what to do with axes. It's not really hard to do axes and I don't understand why ppl can't learn how to do them even though they go to FS every day with billion of alts. It's easier to learn it than watch how your squad leader shouts for "someone who can do axes" on toad for many minutes.

    About weap links
    I don't really mind them, because I run fs with chars that somehow meet requirements of general decency, but I understand if a squad is full of nv2 aps or nv3+3 and pt leaer doesn't want one more morai 95+1.

    Even though ppl ask for links, I see a lot of ppl low geared in FS and no one is picky even if they do something wrong.

    Sometimes you can afford several low geared ppl in squad if you have few r9rr at least. If all you got hints that the run will be long, it's logical to prefer ppl with better weap. Unless no one else replied. If there is no choice, they take any DD without problems.

    On top of which, the only way they will learn is if you take them and if they continuously die you can always just kick them.
    Really bad idea in FS to kick someone. Guess why? (: Not all ppl usually come to drake in time. The first boss to check their skills and damage is toad. When you kick someone on toad, you can't invite a replacement because he won't get coins for drake if the squad was full.

  • zoner112012
    zoner112012 Posts: 943 Arc User
    sontzu wrote: »
    Technically, since the term "mobs" most likely derives from "mobile objects" (as distinct from fixed npcs), bosses are mobs too... in that case, I wish you luck trying to do a mobless Warsong... >.>

    Mobs~a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence. Actually looking up a definition helps.
  • catgirldesu
    catgirldesu Posts: 993 Arc User
    Despite all this drama, I find the current situation pretty interesting. That's probably because there are actually things happening. WC is lively and active. The forums seem to be somewhat active, too. Before the merger I was so bored that I couldn't even be bothered to log on xD​​
  • jamesburr36
    jamesburr36 Posts: 150 Arc User
    razzzza wrote: »
    Last thing people want in FS, HH, and WS runs is someone...

    Another abbrevation that doesnt even belong into the english version of perfect world.
    HH (Holy Hall) means Twilight Temple (TT) and will probably get laughed at when you WC it on Harshlands. I saw it serval times and i probably will see it a few more times.

    Frenzy Warsong comes from the Frenzy state the bosses have when you dont clear the mobs to the boss.
    I never saw someone say mobless warsong on harshlands so i always thought they only call it frenzy warsong and FWS was never full warsong.

    Funny thing is that alot of people said "LF more for frost" back then but that there are actually 2 frost caves in this game would bother noone.
    You know... the mobless warsong is never 100% mobless. You do kill some mobs. The boss still can 1 shot you but you do kill some mobs. Not more of 10 though...

    Dont act like you are stupid. you very well would know what people mean with it mouse-2.gif​​

    I'll tell you what...I may start calling HH TT when everyone on the server starts calling heaven and hell instances Lothranis and Momoganon, deal?
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    razzzza wrote: »
    Last thing people want in FS, HH, and WS runs is someone...

    Another abbrevation that doesnt even belong into the english version of perfect world.
    HH (Holy Hall) means Twilight Temple (TT) and will probably get laughed at when you WC it on Harshlands. I saw it serval times and i probably will see it a few more times.

    Frenzy Warsong comes from the Frenzy state the bosses have when you dont clear the mobs to the boss.
    I never saw someone say mobless warsong on harshlands so i always thought they only call it frenzy warsong and FWS was never full warsong.

    Funny thing is that alot of people said "LF more for frost" back then but that there are actually 2 frost caves in this game would bother noone.
    You know... the mobless warsong is never 100% mobless. You do kill some mobs. The boss still can 1 shot you but you do kill some mobs. Not more of 10 though...

    Dont act like you are stupid. you very well would know what people mean with it mouse-2.gif

    I'll tell you what...I may start calling HH TT when everyone on the server starts calling heaven and hell instances Lothranis and Momoganon, deal?

    Terrible deal. You're on the server and call Loth/Momo heaven and hell. Therefore your terms as stated are impossible and depend wholly on your own whim. I suggest a lawsuit for such a fraudelent contract! fox-37.gif
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • vertgod
    vertgod Posts: 24 Arc User
    What gets me is that it's even an argument anymore, and lets be honest, after watching world chat we can't give it a mature definition like 'debate'. Hell, the fact that it was brought up at all is pathetic. And after the first day, the majority of people from either of the merged servers knows exactly what the other server means.
    Whoever said nothing is impossible never tried slamming a revolving door.
  • chchchchia
    chchchchia Posts: 85 Arc User

    I'll tell you what...I may start calling HH TT when everyone on the server starts calling heaven and hell instances Lothranis and Momoganon, deal?

    And here I thought I was the only one that called them Lothranis and Momaganon.

    Annalyse (veno) - Melosa (cleric) - Glynneth (archer) - Pickerel (sin)
    Florafang (wiz) - RubixCube (barb) - Laravell (psy) - Diviah (Mystic)
    Torchwood (BM) - Wystera (Sin) - Allissere (SB) - Dasrya (DB)
  • jabq
    jabq Posts: 821 Arc User
    razzzza wrote: »
    I see some weird stuff happening on dawn glory right now and it comes from the morai server.
    In warsong people let the leader pick the molds and the eoo and when you need a mold you have to pay for it.
    Also when you call like g16 dagger and you have g16 dagger you are not allowed to pick the mold up.
    I do not understand the logic behind that and harshlands was more logical (be lucky because squad is random and when you need just call it and leave, pick and reinvite).

    True i haven't done fws with a random squad in a long time, but we always went free drops. Who ever wanted the mold, picked it. Molds were decided before we started pavs or during pavs. If no one wanted the molds, banker picked them, npced them and split the money in the end. Same with eoo, if no one bought it, sold to shop outside, money split.

    Paying to pick a mold in a squad that you are a part of, that is whacky. I understand if you are not in the squad, looking for a mold and it drops, that squad invites you and you pay 1m~20m for the mold. Often times friends just pm you that your mold drop, and you picked it up.

    Often times when weapon mold drops and no one called it in the start, who ever is a manufacturer would pick it up if they needed the mold, it didn't matter what weapon the person already had. I had g16 calws, tt. I went and made myself g16 fists, because i wanted different stats and claws were already refined. If the above rule was in place, i would have had 8k hp buffed in aps form rather than my current 16k hp in aps form due to weapon stat change.​​
  • jamesburr36
    jamesburr36 Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    chchchchia wrote: »

    I'll tell you what...I may start calling HH TT when everyone on the server starts calling heaven and hell instances Lothranis and Momoganon, deal?

    And here I thought I was the only one that called them Lothranis and Momaganon.


    surprising how many have no clue what instances those are by those names
  • ovenusarmanio
    ovenusarmanio Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited August 2015
    sontzu wrote: »
    Technically, since the term "mobs" most likely derives from "mobile objects" (as distinct from fixed npcs), bosses are mobs too... in that case, I wish you luck trying to do a mobless Warsong... >.>

    Mobs~a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence. Actually looking up a definition helps.

    MOB - An old programming acronym for Mobile Object Block. Mobs are all computer controlled characters in the game.

    The PW definition. Overtime, this has evolved into all computer-controlled, ENEMY characters in the game. Whereas as static quest givers became NPCs. The definition you posted is correct but, ultimately irrelevant. Mobless Warsong is not anymore an accurate description than G16 gear is a narrow description of T3 Nirvana gear. People know what you mean because of the server you are on, but it's not accurate.

    For the record, G16 makes absolute perfect sense within the context of the DW server. When I was there, back before the was a T3 anything. When you said G15 gear, you mean nirvana G15. When you said G13 gear, you meant nirvana G13. Since everyone ALWAYS meant those two things, it became the common nomenclature for those terms. And thus, G16 was a natural progression. It was G15 vs R9. And then later G16 vs R999 IIRC. It's been a long time since I been on DW, so I have no real pony in this race. But that's what I always called it and what I remember it being called.

    I'll tell you what...I may start calling HH TT when everyone on the server starts calling heaven and hell instances Lothranis and Momoganon, deal?

    HH and TT are literally the same number of letters. It didn't keep the nickname because it was easier to type/for expediency. It got the nickname because a bunch of a stubborn/elitists/babies/people who DGAF and went with the flow/apple flingers/etc made it popular way back when the servers first started and the names stuck.

    Do you really want align yourself with people who would waste perfectly good apples?

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • jamesburr36
    jamesburr36 Posts: 150 Arc User
    sontzu wrote: »
    Technically, since the term "mobs" most likely derives from "mobile objects" (as distinct from fixed npcs), bosses are mobs too... in that case, I wish you luck trying to do a mobless Warsong... >.>

    Mobs~a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence. Actually looking up a definition helps.

    MOB - An old programming acronym for Mobile Object Block. Mobs are all computer controlled characters in the game.

    The PW definition. Overtime, this has evolved into all computer-controlled, ENEMY characters in the game. Whereas as static quest givers became NPCs. The definition you posted is correct but, ultimately irrelevant. Mobless Warsong is not anymore an accurate description than G16 gear is a narrow description of T3 Nirvana gear. People know what you mean because of the server you are on, but it's not accurate.

    I'll tell you what...I may start calling HH TT when everyone on the server starts calling heaven and hell instances Lothranis and Momoganon, deal?

    HH and TT are literally the same number of letters. It didn't keep the nickname because it was easier to type/for expediency. It got the nickname because a bunch of a stubborn/elitists/babies/people who DGAF and went with the flow/apple flingers/etc made it popular way back when the servers first started and the names stuck.

    Do you really want align yourself with people who would waste perfectly good apples?

    Sure. It's sort of what make us unique as a community. Do we not see this everywhere else in our world? Some complain it is an inhibition to progress while others will claim it's traditional? So who is right and who is wrong? Answer is neither to both questions because it really is a personal and community thing.

    Also for the record any character which bots on auto culti like me is just other MOB. That's why I refuse to direct a negative emotional response towards any player who terminates it.
  • torquoisegamer
    torquoisegamer Posts: 96 Arc User
    Guys, can we just drop the arguments over terminology? The point to shared abbreviations is so that we'll understand each other. By now we know each other's abbreviations. The only ones that cause any problems that I know of are those for "reawaken" and "Valley of Reciprocity" (ra/rb for "reawaken" and rb/delta/gv for "Valley of Reciprocity - you can see where the problem comes from).
    My mains:

    TorquoiseBlu 103 | 103 | 103 Twilight Sky VIII psychic
    MidnighteBlu 103 | 103 | 103 Twilight Sky VIII duskblade
  • zoner112012
    zoner112012 Posts: 943 Arc User
    Guys, can we just drop the arguments over terminology? The point to shared abbreviations is so that we'll understand each other. By now we know each other's abbreviations. The only ones that cause any problems that I know of are those for "reawaken" and "Valley of Reciprocity" (ra/rb for "reawaken" and rb/delta/gv for "Valley of Reciprocity - you can see where the problem comes from).

    That was kind of the point I was going for. The argument is moot and needs to be dropped. The people from the merged servers already at this point have to know what the different abbreviations mean from the other servers by now so it needs to be swept under the rug and we need to move on.
  • tesone
    tesone Posts: 45 Arc User
    I don't see what the big deal is with the abbreviations at all. Although this may be because I played on the Sanctuary for about a month, and I noticed just how different the terms were as opposed to Raging Tides. I eventually figured out what they meant just by looking at WC, but they were pretty easy to understand. Even though it's Dreamweaver and not Sanctuary being discussed here, it pretty much applies to the same thing since they were both the older servers and therefore developed the same terms.

    But the fact is this. People will learn just as I did what those older abbreviations mean, then it won't matter which will be used because everyone will know after awhile what they will mean. So just let everyone go about it in their own way, and over time it will not

    | Retired PWI veteran 2010-2015 |
  • zentfamily
    zentfamily Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Abbreviations are not that hard to understand. And even if one doesn't it's just a matter of asking.

    What I find really interesting it the merge of two cultures. :)
    Post edited by zentfamily on
    ZentVedr - Retired at last. Or am I?
  • columrt
    columrt Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    The abbveriations are easy to understand, in my opinion. Pretty much all of them. And I don't mind using either of the abbveriations RT/DW folk used to have.

    The thing is... some people have such ridiculous attitude over it.

    The other day I was forming squad for Flowsilver Palace. First I was just typing something like "LFM for Flowsilver Palace, PM class for invite" and when the squad was near full I figured to type a quick wc to fill the spots, something like "LF2M for FS any class" and I INSTANTLY got a PM asking "Is that Flowsilver Palace?" to which I replied "yes". Their answer was "why not call it FSP then?" to which I said on RT we called it FS so that comes automatically from me. Then they complained how FS could be mixed up with Full Warsong (don't ask with what logic that could happen...)

    Like, sheesh. I do not complain if someone from DW calls FS FSP or T3 gear g16. I'd just appreciate if people would stop picking on the names I've been using since the day they were a thing on the server I was in.


    Maybe from now on I'll just go and type stuff in the longest manner possible.

    For example...

    Flowsilver Palace
    Warsong with pavilion defend, straight teleporting to bosses and incacerate
    Warsong with pavilion defend, mob pulls and all bosses
    Warsong without pavilion defend, clear all lanes and bosses for badges
    Rank 9 second recast
    Lunar Nirvana third cast

    And so on...
    103/103/101 Demon Strength Barbarian and the army of alts I'm too lazy to list now.
  • aeternusdoleo
    aeternusdoleo Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Heh, reminds me of the Morai/Harshlands naming drama:
    Morai: HF | Harshlands: DG (/ddg for demon) = Heavens Flame BM skill
    Morai: + | Harshlands: r = Signalling "Ready"
    Morai: FWS Spawn | Harshlands: FWS Frenzy = Warsong without killing mobs
    Morai: G16 | Harshlands: NV3 = Nirvana 3rd recast G16 gear
    Morai: Bluename | Harshlands: Coward = small pun on the PvP crew's dislike of staying blue ;)
    ... forget your fears. And want no more...

    Dawnglory player:
    Ulsyr - Khelvan - Evryn - Gromth
    And StoneSnake - CatSnakeshop for everyone's Common Stones and more!
  • chary
    chary Posts: 850 Arc User
    g16 nirv is always referred to as such by HL tho? Literally never saw anyone use NV3 here.​​
  • astralwalk
    astralwalk Posts: 58 Arc User
    For gear abbreviations I have found the argument a bit mute favoring Raging Tide. Raging Tide calls Nirvana Tier 3 gear simply T3 and levels below that sounding down in number. For specifics to denote Lunar or Nirvana gear those can be added in front of T3 in both cases. Raging Tides abbreviation makes logical sense over Dreamweaver's use of the vague G16. Seeing as even Rank 9 last recast is also G16 this is too vague. Technically from what I understood G16 literally means level 16 gear, but using the level of the gear as a way of describing it can be quite vague when speaking of T1/G14 gear so from a logical standpoint using the Tier reference just makes more sense as people know you are speaking of that gear line and not just any level 14+ gear.

    How is G16 confusing you with R9 honestly. Has anyone ever called Rank 9 anything without an "R" or a "9" in it?
    Why would you in your right mind interept G16 as R9 just because R9 is gear level 16 also. Why would someone world chatting or catshopping to sell/buy "g16 whatever" mean R9? If i said i wanted to buy a g16 cape would you think Heaven Ravager from NW forges? It's completely illogical.

    that being said, T3/ G16 or FS /FSP are all fine, they all make sense. the problem is with people's comprehension skills.
    Veno is love. Veno is life.
  • zoner112012
    zoner112012 Posts: 943 Arc User
    astralwalk wrote: »
    For gear abbreviations I have found the argument a bit mute favoring Raging Tide. Raging Tide calls Nirvana Tier 3 gear simply T3 and levels below that sounding down in number. For specifics to denote Lunar or Nirvana gear those can be added in front of T3 in both cases. Raging Tides abbreviation makes logical sense over Dreamweaver's use of the vague G16. Seeing as even Rank 9 last recast is also G16 this is too vague. Technically from what I understood G16 literally means level 16 gear, but using the level of the gear as a way of describing it can be quite vague when speaking of T1/G14 gear so from a logical standpoint using the Tier reference just makes more sense as people know you are speaking of that gear line and not just any level 14+ gear.

    How is G16 confusing you with R9 honestly. Has anyone ever called Rank 9 anything without an "R" or a "9" in it?
    Why would you in your right mind interept G16 as R9 just because R9 is gear level 16 also. Why would someone world chatting or catshopping to sell/buy "g16 whatever" mean R9? If i said i wanted to buy a g16 cape would you think Heaven Ravager from NW forges? It's completely illogical.

    that being said, T3/ G16 or FS /FSP are all fine, they all make sense. the problem is with people's comprehension skills.

    Clearly you only read what you wanted to and didn't bother to actually understand the post. #Fail
  • zoldickun
    zoldickun Posts: 197 Arc User
    Morai: HF | Harshlands: DG (/ddg for demon) = Heavens Flame BM skill

    In my opinion this is really more than server differences (especially because some people play or played on differents servers).
    I quote this one above because I know several people that used "dragon" on Morai (never seen "DG") though. I heard that maybe as often as HF before the merge.
    I even know people that use ADC from time to time and even got one friend that used "cubi" while talking to me this summer.
    I myself still use HH, WF, WB, EA and never got misunderstood when using those terms.
  • shade13
    shade13 Posts: 633 Arc User
    zoldickun wrote: »
    and even got one friend that used "cubi" while talking to me this summer.
    Flash of nostalgia monkey-47.gif​​