The drama of abbreviations.

zoner112012 Posts: 943 Arc User
So since the merge into Tideswells, the biggest world chant banter is centered around one thing, abbreviations. Particularly the ones for Flowsilver Palace and gear denotations.

Dreamweaver calls Flowsilver Palace FSP while Raging Tide calls it FS. Currently there is no argument as to WHY one server prefers there abbreviation that I have seen. FS and FSP are both viable but one could argue neither are right that it should be FP. There is no alternative instance any abbreviation could mean but it is still a heated argument.

For gear abbreviations I have found the argument a bit mute favoring Raging Tide. Raging Tide calls Nirvana Tier 3 gear simply T3 and levels below that sounding down in number. For specifics to denote Lunar or Nirvana gear those can be added in front of T3 in both cases. Raging Tides abbreviation makes logical sense over Dreamweaver's use of the vague G16. Seeing as even Rank 9 last recast is also G16 this is too vague. Technically from what I understood G16 literally means level 16 gear, but using the level of the gear as a way of describing it can be quite vague when speaking of T1/G14 gear so from a logical standpoint using the Tier reference just makes more sense as people know you are speaking of that gear line and not just any level 14+ gear.

All in all this sums up what I have seen the majority of arguments between players. If you have an argument against what was said here please debate, or if you know of other server differences state them here. Fact is in the end each side knows what the other means, we need to get over the argument already.


  • dblazen1
    dblazen1 Posts: 1,177 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    >RT calls badge run / stealth run warsong MOBLESS FULL WARSONG

    You. Can. Not. Do. A. Mobless. Full. Warsong.

    Full warsong involves Inca as the last boss.
    Which you can only get to by defending pavilions.
    Which involves killing mobs to defends said pavilions.
    Making it not a mobless full warsong.

    I even had someone literally pm me:
    "you go to warsong, you kill mobs, you teleport to bosses to skip mobs to bosses"
    That is what his definition of mobless full warsong was.tiger-18.gif

    >RT uses west gate as naming PK at "west"
    The gate itself is a safezone, you can not pk literally under the gate, only barely past it if someone actually already was outside of safe zone.
    The pk is done in west OUTSKIRTS.

    God dammit.

    T3 can be dismissed as well, because with a recasting logic, you need:
    TT99/Lunar 95 (t1) > nirvana g13 (t2)(but would be T1 if you go by NIRVANA logic) > nirvana g15 (t3)(but would be T2 if you go by NIRVANA logic) > recast with badges whatever which is g16 (which would then be T3 by nirvana logic, but this isn't nirvana gear anymore so it would be T1 G16 or whatever)

    To be honest I don't get why anyone would be confused between G16/T3 argument.
    For all I care they can call it gear level electric boogaloo reloaded​​
    The only fitting image for this forum.

  • razzzza
    razzzza Posts: 456 Arc User
    In harshlands we called g16 the warsong gold equipment so g16 was not reffered to r9
    r9 was just r9 and the recast version was r9r or r9rr.
    The lower level gears such as first stage nirvana was just g13, the recast ones g15.
    We never used the Tier 1,2,3 stuff just the grade and after the merge i dont notice anything what would confuse me with the abbrevations.
    Even FWS (Frenzy Warsong) is called like this on morai so yea.​​
  • dingo488
    dingo488 Posts: 936 Arc User
    panic over abbreviations #autismboys
  • kittyempressa
    kittyempressa Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    dblazen1 wrote: »
    >RT calls badge run / stealth run warsong MOBLESS FULL WARSONG

    You. Can. Not. Do. A. Mobless. Full. Warsong.

    Full warsong involves Inca as the last boss.
    Which you can only get to by defending pavilions.
    Which involves killing mobs to defends said pavilions.
    Making it not a mobless full warsong.

    >RT uses west gate as naming PK at "west"
    The gate itself is a safezone, you can not pk literally under the gate, only barely past it if someone actually already was outside of safe zone.
    The pk is done in west OUTSKIRTS.

    God dammit.

    T3 can be dismissed as well, because with a recasting logic, you need:
    TT99/Lunar 95 (t1) > nirvana g13 (t2) > nirvana g15 (t3) > recast with badges whatever which is g16 (which would then be T4)

    RT's abbreviations are pretty much shortest possible to save message space and still quite exact once you learn them.

    On RT people used to refer to mobs after pavs as mobs. For ex. "LFM BH Snake, at mobs!" indicates that timer/pavs are done.
    Saying "FWS" itself indicates that pavs will be done to spawn Incacerate, that already includes the assumption that mobs in 1st(pavilion) phase will be killed.
    Saying "WS badge run" indicates that pavs will skipped and there's no Incacerate.
    To indicate that mobs in the boss-killing phase will be skipped RT used term "mobless". If mobs in boss-killing phase were to be killed, RT simply left out term "mobless" to indicate it's a normal FWS. Normal FWS includes killing mobs BOTH in pavs and AFTER pavs. If you wanted a literally mobless Warsong-run, go for Mobless WS badge run!tiger-25.gif

    In short:
    FWS: Includes doing pavs and killing mobs after pavs
    WS badge run: skipping pavs, no Incacerate
    Mobless: Mobs AFTER pavs will not be killed

    Simple, ish not it?tiger-8.gif

    Your recasting logic has a flaw. But RT's gear naming logic has one, too.tiger-18.gif

    T1-T2-T3 in general refers to gear upgraded with nirvana materials(raps/uncannies). The reason RT calls nirvy gears by tier instead of gear level ish that in armors and weapons there's lots of G15/G16 gears but few of them are 3-tiered like Nirvana.
    Rank gears are 3-tier too, but RT used "R" (short for "Recast") to indicate their tiers(R8/R8R/R8RR and R9/R9R/R9RR).

    Lots of people make their gear from TT-base so without adding "Lunar" (to indicate it's made from Lunar-gold gear and thus tradeable) you can assume that T1/T2/T3 ish bound on equip.
    Instead of T1/T2/T3 you could ofc say Nirvy G13/G15/G16 but that takes a lot longer to write and leaves less characters to use in a single WC message.
    The reason why T3-gears are considered nirvy-gears (despite not using raps/cannies to craft) ish that Lunar T2-weapons and TT T2-armors have names similar to their T3-upgrades.

    Your idea about TT99 golds being T1 was quite flawed. TT99 Gold and Lunar Gold-gears don't use raps or cannies for crafting, thus they're not any tiers of nirvana gears. Also, calling them TT99 Gold and Lunar Gold tells exactly what they are, unlike "T1" which could be either if "Lunar" is not mentioned.
    RT's flaw ish that some people call TT-based gears "nirvy T3" which, with any proper logic, wouldn't tell if it's TT-based or Lunar-based 'cause they both use raps/cannies for G13-G15.

    For ornaments there's not many 3-tiered ones and people usually say what kind of ornaments they are. Thus RT used to talk about G14/15/16 Cube neck and G14/15/16 WS belt.

    RT calls Flowsilver Palace as FS 'cause, once again, people are too lazy to write whole Flowsilver Palace and say just Flowsilver when referring to that instance. And thus abbreviation FS.
    There's no other place called Flowsilver in this game so Palace ish not necessary to say to know exactly what instance ish mentioned.

    West outskirts also take long to write and sounds a bit lame, so on RT they used to say West Gate(or west or WG) 'cause the usual PK-area ish just outside West Gate, quite little zone compared to whole West Archo Outskirts. There's also no other West Gates in PWI so it can't be mixed with some other place.

    RT-people sure are lazy writers.tiger-27.gif

    Kitty's gone. She gave up on PWI. And she's a black metal Kitty naow.

    Kitty's Youtube-channel("Kitty does eet"-series and much moar): KittysamaRT
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  • whipmaihurr
    whipmaihurr Posts: 133 Arc User
    Kitty this red text hurts me eyes! All I know is that I'm going to stick to my own abbreviations...
    The only GOP
  • zoner112012
    zoner112012 Posts: 943 Arc User
    RT are lazy writers but the point is our abbreviations are logical when broken down. Kitty did a better job explaining then me. In the end people will call it what they want.
  • bloodedone87
    bloodedone87 Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    RT are lazy writers but the point is our abbreviations are logical when broken down. Kitty did a better job explaining then me. In the end people will call it what they want.

    Were you able to read what Kitty wrote?

  • xxxxjayxxxx
    xxxxjayxxxx Posts: 99 Arc User
    I have to admit it, but kitty that message really hurt my eyes, to much red text >_<

    Anyways, i have to agree with tz, the drama over the difference in names is absurd. and db, i think that was me who said that to you, i know i said it to someone. Only reason i even bring the difference up is so that i know what people are asking for or selling.
  • sylenthunder
    sylenthunder Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    RT are lazy writers but the point is our abbreviations are logical when broken down. Kitty did a better job explaining then me. In the end people will call it what they want.

    Were you able to read what Kitty wrote?

    I always have to drag-select all of kitty's text to read what he writes. It's really annoying.​​

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  • testxvi
    testxvi Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    I'm playing on now Twilight Temple server and is originally from Sanctuary. The difference here is quite big as well.

    I am surprised that in this thread frenzy warsong is mentioned as fws, because on sanctuary fws means full warsong. A frenzy warsong is referred as IG ws on sanctuary, sometimes mobless ws. It's different from squad to squad whenever this type of ws is done with or without last boss. A badge warsong (on sanc) is a warsong done just for badges, skipping pavs and thus last boss as well, often run by people who cannot defend pavs.
    Lost City calls flowsilver palace for FS, and Sanctuary call it for FSP. There have been a lot discussion with that last P as well. Taking up space? Jesus, Lost City call base quests for gbq (guild base quests) while sanc just bq. Tho I did notice that sanc catshops outside flow buying coins are named like "B>FSP coins" which I could agree with Lost City here that FS is best, since the coins are called flowsilver coins, and not flowsilver palace coins. Oh well, I always just called it flow anyways.
    NV3 is the 3rd tier of nirvana gear on Lost City, on sanctuary it's called G16. It's one thing I never liked on sanctuary because r9 is G16 as well. So NV3 I will start saying for sure.
    Then there is r9 recast recast which is mostly said as r999 (sometimes r9rr) on sanctuary, while LC just say r9, due to the obvious reason to go r9 recast recast after getting the basic version (at least a LC person told me so lol). I saw some jokes from LC "their r9 is over 9000" etc which was quite funny lol.
    There's also a lot of other stuff too being said in different ways, like CV = Lunar, EA = archer, EP = cleric, dragons = HF and so on, the list is huge.
    One of the first things that I noticed is how LC people wants link of weapon to join different types of squads. This is completely opposite on sanctuary these days (with a few exceptions, like IG/mobless/frenzy warsong where you might NEED a minimum amount of DD). You do not link weapons for squads, some people will refuse to join your squad. Some won't even invite you if you link weapon to someone making a squad, no matter if you're r9rr +12 or not. Long ago Sanctuary use to require linking weapon too, but the standards were set to being too high I believe, so in the end it turned out in such way that a lot of people will look down on you asking for weapons. But again it's long ago, so I wouldn't be surprised if sanctuary people will get used to that again? I dont know, I doubt I'll ever ask for a weapon link.

    I think the amount of differences is amazing.

    small edit: there was a few weird errors o,o​​
    Post edited by testxvi on
  • valiantsky37#9084
    valiantsky37#9084 Posts: 12 Arc User
    I forgot what server it was, but the players referred to FCC as FC instead. I think it was Dreamweaver. Sanc called it FCC.
    SamaraKnight :: Sage Seeker :: retired
    Hanging on to the past, makes it hard to accept the present, and impossible to move into the future.
    Pelaan PWI Suomessa.
  • columrt
    columrt Posts: 15 Arc User
    I think this whole argument about abbveriations is silly. Just learn to deal with both.​​
    103/103/101 Demon Strength Barbarian and the army of alts I'm too lazy to list now.
  • bloodedone87
    bloodedone87 Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    columrt wrote: »
    I think this whole argument about abbveriations is silly. Just learn to deal with both.​​

    90% of things that PW players do or say are silly.

  • shtalenkov
    shtalenkov Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    G16. FSP.
    "One of the first things that I noticed is how LC people wants link of weapon to join different types of squads." Same for Harshlands people. ololo. Let them show their big (or not) p.nis.
  • razzzza
    razzzza Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    shtalenkov wrote: »
    G16. FSP.
    "One of the first things that I noticed is how LC people wants link of weapon to join different types of squads." Same for Harshlands people. ololo. Let them show their big (or not) p.nis.

    has nothing to do with it.
    It started with the aps craze in nirvana and you was expected to link your weapon because you wanted to rush the instance.
    Dont know why but it survived until this day and i dont mind it.
    On Morai server i would wish this too because.. i see equipment there that was weak in the aps craze lol.
    I would kick them in FSP instantly because i dont want to carry people who use +2 g13 dagger rofl.​​
  • testxvi
    testxvi Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    razzzza wrote: »
    shtalenkov wrote: »
    G16. FSP.
    "One of the first things that I noticed is how LC people wants link of weapon to join different types of squads." Same for Harshlands people. ololo. Let them show their big (or not) p.nis.

    has nothing to do with it.
    It started with the aps craze in nirvana and you was expected to link your weapon because you wanted to rush the instance.
    Dont know why but it survived until this day and i dont mind it.
    On Morai server i would wish this too because.. i see equipment there that was weak in the aps craze lol.
    I would kick them in FSP instantly because i dont want to carry people who use +2 g13 dagger rofl.

    So a g13 +2 person is not allowed to upgrade their cards on your server? /: sad times
    - or sell the coins to actually upgrade their gear.​​
  • kittyempressa
    kittyempressa Posts: 268 Arc User
    testxvi wrote: »
    razzzza wrote: »
    shtalenkov wrote: »
    G16. FSP.
    "One of the first things that I noticed is how LC people wants link of weapon to join different types of squads." Same for Harshlands people. ololo. Let them show their big (or not) p.nis.

    has nothing to do with it.
    It started with the aps craze in nirvana and you was expected to link your weapon because you wanted to rush the instance.
    Dont know why but it survived until this day and i dont mind it.
    On Morai server i would wish this too because.. i see equipment there that was weak in the aps craze lol.
    I would kick them in FSP instantly because i dont want to carry people who use +2 g13 dagger rofl.

    So a g13 +2 person is not allowed to upgrade their cards on your server? /: sad times

    If that said sin didn't use CotD Kitty would gladly kick the fish back to its pond, too.tiger-18.gif​​

    Kitty's gone. She gave up on PWI. And she's a black metal Kitty naow.

    Kitty's Youtube-channel("Kitty does eet"-series and much moar): KittysamaRT
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • razzzza
    razzzza Posts: 456 Arc User
    testxvi wrote: »
    So a g13 +2 person is not allowed to upgrade their cards on your server? /: sad times
    - or sell the coins to actually upgrade their gear.

    I wanna see you carry a sin trough FSP who reawakened with trash gear, power leveled (somehow) back to 100 and has maybe 4k HP without buffs and deals close to no damage because he is apsing the bosses.
    I wanna see you have 2 of them in your squad, would you kick them? be honest ;p

    I see some weird stuff happening on dawn glory right now and it comes from the morai server.
    In warsong people let the leader pick the molds and the eoo and when you need a mold you have to pay for it.
    Also when you call like g16 dagger and you have g16 dagger you are not allowed to pick the mold up.
    I do not understand the logic behind that and harshlands was more logical (be lucky because squad is random and when you need just call it and leave, pick and reinvite).

    Also some people in morai called Forgotten Frostland "FF" (which makes sense) or FCC (which is not too logical).
    I can see where both come from (FCC would probably be Frostcovered Cave) but only FF and FC makes sense to me haha.​​
  • scruncy
    scruncy Posts: 458 Arc User
    The *link weapon* wc is just plain and simple stupid.
    Most people who ask for weapon links and showing their weapon are r9.3 +12
    If you are not able to carry 1-2 lower geared peaple through fsp with that ,then you are a noob too.
    If you do 500-600k dmg on the boss what does it matter if the person next to you doing 10k or 20k or 70k dmg?
    Does it really matter if the run takes 8 or 9min?
    A veno has to purge and amp , the bm to hf, the cleric has to purify and keep the squad alive. That can be done with a tt weapon too.
    Gladly those people are somehow avioded. Sometimes my run finishes and the other still wc for squad member with weapon links.
    The whole new dawnglory server makes fun of them, linking npc weapons and other things.
    I guess this bad habbit will end in a few weeks.
  • cynderangel
    cynderangel Posts: 193 Arc User
    razzzza wrote: »
    Also some people in morai called Forgotten Frostland "FF" (which makes sense) or FCC (which is not too logical).
    I can see where both come from (FCC would probably be Frostcovered Cave) but only FF and FC makes sense to me haha.​​

    I think when you go inside the dungeon, the minimap tells you you're in Frostcovered City, so that would be the extra C. Don't quote me on that though. I'm rather used to calling it FC myself.
    102/101/102 cleric
  • mosz
    mosz Posts: 247 Arc User
    scruncy wrote: »
    The *link weapon* wc is just plain and simple stupid.
    Most people who ask for weapon links and showing their weapon are r9.3 +12
    If you are not able to carry 1-2 lower geared peaple through fsp with that ,then you are a noob too.

    who says those squads dont take 1-2 people like that? maybe they just dont want 5 people like that

    also asking for people to link wep and state class at least gives you the simplest idea that they can listen and follow directions/might actually be paying attention
  • capnk
    capnk Posts: 486 Arc User
    Abbreviations were probably the biggest source of drama on the first day of Twilight Temple, along with LC people complaining about Sanctuary's catshops in West Archo. It's calmed down quite a bit since then.
  • kittyempressa
    kittyempressa Posts: 268 Arc User
    mosz wrote: »
    scruncy wrote: »
    The *link weapon* wc is just plain and simple stupid.
    Most people who ask for weapon links and showing their weapon are r9.3 +12
    If you are not able to carry 1-2 lower geared peaple through fsp with that ,then you are a noob too.

    who says those squads dont take 1-2 people like that? maybe they just dont want 5 people like that

    also asking for people to link wep and state class at least gives you the simplest idea that they can listen and follow directions/might actually be paying attention

    Best way to check if they can read ish to ask them to link their boots. Kitty also does so to see what kind of boots will be kicking her out of WS after BH Snakes.tiger-12.gif​​

    Kitty's gone. She gave up on PWI. And she's a black metal Kitty naow.

    Kitty's Youtube-channel("Kitty does eet"-series and much moar): KittysamaRT
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • bloodedone87
    bloodedone87 Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    scruncy wrote: »
    The *link weapon* wc is just plain and simple stupid.
    Most people who ask for weapon links and showing their weapon are r9.3 +12
    If you are not able to carry 1-2 lower geared peaple through fsp with that ,then you are a noob too.
    If you do 500-600k dmg on the boss what does it matter if the person next to you doing 10k or 20k or 70k dmg?
    Does it really matter if the run takes 8 or 9min?
    A veno has to purge and amp , the bm to hf, the cleric has to purify and keep the squad alive. That can be done with a tt weapon too.
    Gladly those people are somehow avioded. Sometimes my run finishes and the other still wc for squad member with weapon links.
    The whole new dawnglory server makes fun of them, linking npc weapons and other things.
    I guess this bad habbit will end in a few weeks.

    Thats not even the worst thing.
    On Etherblade server and I am talking about former Archosaur here people spend 2 hours to **** wc for a G16+10 sin or RRR9 sin for mobless warsong when they could easy do 2-3 normal runs in this time. And some people even ask for 2 or 3 sins. And if you check this people gear you would find that some of them arent even G16 or just G16+5 but they want an OP sin cause sins( that they know what they are doing) can solo bosses mobless.
    With FSP rarely I see someone asking for weapon link and OP players but sure they will ask for cleric, veno and tank which is a normal thing to do.

  • testxvi
    testxvi Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    mosz wrote: »
    scruncy wrote: »
    The *link weapon* wc is just plain and simple stupid.
    Most people who ask for weapon links and showing their weapon are r9.3 +12
    If you are not able to carry 1-2 lower geared peaple through fsp with that ,then you are a noob too.

    who says those squads dont take 1-2 people like that? maybe they just dont want 5 people like that

    also asking for people to link wep and state class at least gives you the simplest idea that they can listen and follow directions/might actually be paying attention

    Best way to check if they can read ish to ask them to link their boots. Kitty also does so to see what kind of boots will be kicking her out of WS after BH Snakes.tiger-12.gif

    I was actually thinking about this yesterday, though just for trolling around and such, by telling them to link the first item in bag, or their helm, or other completely non-related stuff.​​
    Post edited by testxvi on
  • scruncy
    scruncy Posts: 458 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Nobody has problems with asking for a certain class needed. but weapon links................
    Someone linking a weapon indicates they listen and follow directions/might actually be paying attention ?
    What kind of logic is that?

    I have done fsp with 5 people and 5 alts with the alts just standing around. And guess what, it was not significant longer.
  • zoner112012
    zoner112012 Posts: 943 Arc User
    Asking for weapon links is pretty sad. A players weapon does not mean anything. It is especially amusing when the person asking for a weapon link could likely solo most bosses they are going to come across. All people really need to care about is level and HP. If a person can't survive the instance they have no business being in there really, unless you are bringing them along to help them for some reason or another. I can't tell you how many times I have had people try to come to FWS runs and bring along a cleric with abysmal HP that gets one shot by AOEs. If you can't be strong enough to stay alive to heal a squad then you need to go gear up some more or do SOMETHING to increase your survivability.

    BTW someone mentioned Frenzy Warsong. I have never heard of this. FWS has always meant Full Warsong on Raging Tide so far as I know. Badge run is just that, a run for badges. Mobless means that we are skipping the mobs after saving the pavilions and just teleporting right to the boss to kill it. It means that the boss has the potential to one shot any player but most people that form it have more then enough damage to kill it before it can. If not then they clearly won't be doing a mobless FWS run. Mobless FWS runs DO include the last boss because you do have players save the pavilions, although there are people that do badge runs without saving the pavilions and still do mobless just to save time.
  • jamesburr36
    jamesburr36 Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Asking for weapon links is pretty sad. A players weapon does not mean anything. It is especially amusing when the person asking for a weapon link could likely solo most bosses they are going to come across. All people really need to care about is level and HP. If a person can't survive the instance they have no business being in there really, unless you are bringing them along to help them for some reason or another. I can't tell you how many times I have had people try to come to FWS runs and bring along a cleric with abysmal HP that gets one shot by AOEs. If you can't be strong enough to stay alive to heal a squad then you need to go gear up some more or do SOMETHING to increase your survivability.

    BTW someone mentioned Frenzy Warsong. I have never heard of this. FWS has always meant Full Warsong on Raging Tide so far as I know. Badge run is just that, a run for badges. Mobless means that we are skipping the mobs after saving the pavilions and just teleporting right to the boss to kill it. It means that the boss has the potential to one shot any player but most people that form it have more then enough damage to kill it before it can. If not then they clearly won't be doing a mobless FWS run. Mobless FWS runs DO include the last boss because you do have players save the pavilions, although there are people that do badge runs without saving the pavilions and still do mobless just to save time.

    Some require weapon to be linked to weed out the pill baby and frost baby riff raff. Last thing people want in FS, HH, and WS runs is someone who is 1 or 2 shot because they are under geared. And usually people upgrade their weapons before other gear. So if a pill baby is carrying NPC **** weapon chances are they are wearing npc **** If someone is willing to invest in a decent weapon they are usually willing to invest in upgrading skills too.

    It isn't about an epeen thing. It's to see how someone is gearing their toon and their ability to contribute to the party. If one really wanted an experienced player instead of linking weapon we should be demanding they link their pick axe. If they have one of those then we know they've been around for awhile.

    Since when is cr*p considered profanity?
  • testxvi
    testxvi Posts: 309 Arc User
    It isn't about an epeen thing. It's to see how someone is gearing their toon and their ability to contribute to the party. If one really wanted an experienced player instead of linking weapon we should be demanding they link their pick axe. If they have one of those then we know they've been around for awhile.

    or maybe chrono key ;o I been around for quite a while by now, but pickaxe did nothing but taking up an inventory slot, so I got rid of mine.
  • chary
    chary Posts: 850 Arc User
    I WC for fsp with my weapon linked because I want to attract people to join the squad. Not because I want the people that want to join to link their wep to me. ;x I do kick anyone with sub-6k or so HP though unless they're an alt and the person is there on their main.

    FWS on HL could mean either frenzy or full. Though people would usually just say Frenzy WS if they meant the former, but not always.​​