Some gear (and more importantly: Armored Polar Bear gear_ which should be Chrome or Sliver are coming out Black. There is still some shine, but mostly flat (attached screenshot). I'm not so worried about the Helmet as that will change in a level or two, but my poor Polar Bear (!).

GPU: NVidia 9600, most current drivers (as of today)
Settings: Installed default, except:
Brightness set to 115%
Max Debris Objects set to 45 to improve performance.
That's it. These should't affect this.
Ignore the Character gear if'n ya want, but please fix the Lord's Armored Polar bear.
Pleeeze? (I'll throw-in a maraschino cherry on top, really, I will!)
NOTE: The INSETS picture: Helmet is shown from Character Sheet in Gateway, Polar Bear is from Screenshot on the News Post (how to obtain it). (This also happens on PREVIEW as well).
Ah yup just saw that after you mentioned it. I agree.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
This is a bonafide bug (or false advertising at worst - but we know it's not that. sh.ite happens). hahaha
Oh, and that helm reminds me of Jason. You know the one... a dwarven-sized Jason. Out to kill you. For no reason. But only on Fridays and particular ones at that. Muahahah
@Devs - pleeeze fix.
Screenshots on Gateway and New Posts should always be using "High", that's why you would see a difference there.
Hope this helps!
Yes it helped! And here's what I found: though my setting was already set to high - it wasn't applying it (apparently). So I set it to low, applied, then set to high, applied and ... ummm, no. It turns out for some reason my setting wasn't sticking! (I had tried setting everything to maximum for testing) LOL
So I set to low, applied, OKAY'd, exited options. Then reopened options and rinse and repeat setting it to High - and it finally stuck! Thank you for sharing this (it helped me find the problem, which it apparently a local issue for me) - ands yes, I have Gold-trimmed Chrome!.
Thanks you! (I will remember this if it comes up again so I can help others).
-"BUG" Solved-