Cloth collision (capes) added to Boar, Bear, Spider, Stag, and Wolf mounts.
Black Ice gear has received a color tinting pass.
Classes and Balance
General: Combat Advantage Bonus: This stat now properly increases your Combat Advantage damage by the amount it says it does.
Great Weapon Fighter: Battle Fury: Update the rank up tooltip to specify that this power increases in duration by 1s for each rank in the power. This is only a tooltip change.
Great Weapon Fighter: Feat: Disciple of War: This feat now grants 25% of your Recovery and Armor Penetration as Power. (Was: Grants 25% of your Recovery as Armor Penetration)
Great Weapon Fighter: Feat: Executioner's Style: This feat no longer has any interaction with Reaping Strike. This feat now also increases the damage of Sure Strike by 6/12/18/24/30% as the target's health diminishes.
Great Weapon Fighter: Feat: Focused Destroyer: This feat now increases the damage bonus of Destroyer by .7/1.4/2.1/2.8/3.5% (up from .5/1/1.5/2/2.5%) per stack."
Great Weapon Fighter: Feat: Relentless Battle Fury: This feat now grants 10/20/30/40/50% (up from 5/10/15/20/25%) shorter cooldowns to Battle Fury, Takedown, and Roar. Additionally the damage of Roar and Takedown are increased by 5/10/15/20/25% and the duration of Battle Fury is increased by 5/10/15/20/25%. These powers no longer grant Relentless (ignore an additional 1/2/3/4/5% of a target's resistance).
Hunter Ranger: Split Shot: The damage reduction on this power has been readjusted. This power now has a total reduction of about 25% (down from 48%).
Trickster Rogue: Vengenace's Pursuit no longer interrupts bosses.
Castle Never: Campfires now require nearby encounters to be defeated before they can be respawned at.
Caverns of Karrundax: Removed invisible collision that could block access to the main path after knocking down the pillar.
Cleanse the Corruption Hroic Encounter now always displays the timer.
Defeating the Elder Brain or the Aboleth no longer requires a crystal to spawn that drops the appropriate rewards in a safe location.
Doubled the score gained from taking damage and healing for Heroic Encounters for participation rankings.
Fixed a typo that still listed Kessel's Retreat as requiring 14k Gear Score.
Heroic Encounter bosses now all show a Boss Health bar.
Icewind Pass PvP Heroic encounter updates such as better indication of golem activation points, better detetion of reward credit for all players instead of just players who kill and capture points, capture point capture status FX and text updates.
Icewind Pass and Dwarven Valley now have improved Quest Paths. There were previously not enough waypoints to create more optimal paths in many cases.
Leaving the Caverns of Karrundax will return characters from where they entered the dungeon from instead of Mount Hotenow.
Resolved an issue with the Class artifact map did not have the proper amount of difficulty scaling on it.
Temple of the Spider: Removed the invisible collision that could prevent players that died to reenter the final boss room.
The Black Ice Pick will now be pointing and mining with the pick side down as one would expect from a pick.
There is new Daily Skirmish quest available from Rhix to complete Master of the Hunt or the Dread Legion skirmishes three times.
There is no longer a sleepwalker wandering into the middle of the Black Ice Beholder Heroic Encounter.
The Wight Commander power "Soul Harvest" now will only heal the caster.
The adventurers in the PvP areas have been slightly renamed to denote if they are fighting for the Arcane Brotherhood or Ten Towns.
Biggrins Throne now has proper colission.
Cleaned up some collision in Dwarven Valley that could show the rear of geometry or get players stuck.
Closed a couple holes in the Gauntylgrim Domination map that could allow players to get into enemy respawn points.
The Moradin shrine statues now properly use hammers and not axes.
The PvP warning border properly aligns to the actual border again.
Items and Economy
Alchemy now has a task to create Iceforge Healing Elixirs.
All potions now consistently autoslot if there is space available and stack together whenever possible.
Black Ice Salve effects no longer stack to totally prevent Black Ice decay on empowered equipment.
Limited time Coupons for the Zen Market can now very rarely dropped when defeating enemies.
Sigil of the Hunter: Switched out Movement and Deflection for Power and Recovery.
The Slayer Knight set will no longer trigger from falling damage.
The Volcanic Greatsword has been appropriately renamed to Volcanic Greataxe.
User Interface
Additional adjustments to the character creation presets and scales. More preview images are now displaying correctly.
It is now possible to purchase the second boon for the Icewind Dale Campaign.
Potions and other consumables now auto slot if there is an empty belt slot or will go into an already existing slotted stack if one exists.
Updated the quest path textures that display on the map.
4/30 2pm PST: Some people were asking for more details on the coupons so I expanded the notes after doing some research:
Zen Market Coupons Patch Notes
There are now coupons in the game from various sources that grant a onetime discount off a specific item or category of items in the Zen Market within a limited time.
The majority of the coupons come very rarely as drops from killing appropriately challenging enemies. A few can be found in the “Adventurer’s Reward” chests as well as upon the level 60 congratulatory quest from Lord Neverember.
Examples include:
40% off an Enchanted Key purchase
25% off any Fashion Outfit purchase
15% off any Companion purchase
15% off any item in the Zen Market
2pm PST: This is currently scheduled to go to Preview at 4pm PST in preparation of the Play with the Devs Event tomorrow. Don't forget to ask your M3 related question in the thread ahead of time so we can try to answer it!
likewise with iambecks1 I am wondering about why we still have no actual reply from the devs clarifying that they apparently don't seem to want to get any testing done on Kessel's retreat skirmish .
We have repeatedly asked for several ways that could be implemented on the preview servers in order to bug test their software due to not enough people getting the extra item piece required to get above the magical " 20% black ice resistance " programming SNAFU .
The possible ways to temporarily correct this were :
reinstate the gloves as a purchase item at the vendor ,
Lower the black ice resistance value to 16%
correct the programming syntax to be as >= 20% and NOT >20% ( ie 2 fully empowered pieces of item , which are available at vendor for purchase ) .
With all the previous comments about these entry requirements their answer is to lower the GS score - this IS NOT the limiting factor .
The problem lies with the limited availability of either the third item piece ( massive amounts of HE farming required ) or the 20% requirement .
Either one of these 2 are what needs adjusted in order to allow enough people to queue and partake of this skirmish .
THIS is what is required and I would really appreciate a dev actually replying as to their intent about this skirmish .
The longer this goes on makes me more inclined to believe that the skirmish is actually INCOMPLETE and they are trying to bide their time in trying to finish it .
I'm hoping beyond hope that they will prove me WRONG ......
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
Limited time Coupons for the Zen Market can now very rarely dropped when defeating enemies.
This sounds very interesting. Can you expand upon what these are, exactly?
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Pretty sure this has already, at one point in time past, been asked, but for the love of whatever you hold holy---Can you please put in an option to get rid of cut scenes??
Its all good for someone who is new to the game, but once that time pasts and the farming that has to be done in this game, if your not the paying type, makes for constant cut scene after cut scene after cut scene after cut scene....get the picture.
If this is programming impossible, just say so.
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
Pretty sure this has already, at one point in time past, been asked, but for the love of whatever you hold holy---Can you please put in an option to get rid of cut scenes??
Its all good for someone who is new to the game, but once that time pasts and the farming that has to be done in this game, if your not the paying type, makes for constant cut scene after cut scene after cut scene after cut scene....get the picture.
If this is programming impossible, just say so.
While I admit it is annoying, when a similar issue was brought up over at Champions Online, I believe the response was that cutscenes are also used to position enemies/objects and so on. If this is indeed true, then I wonder if people would prefer a small pause where you just get a black screen with a "Loading..." message.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
likewise with iambecks1 I am wondering about why we still have no actual reply from the devs clarifying that they apparently don't seem to want to get any testing done on Kessel's retreat skirmish .
We have repeatedly asked for several ways that could be implemented on the preview servers in order to bug test their software due to not enough people getting the extra item piece required to get above the magical " 20% black ice resistance " programming SNAFU .
The possible ways to temporarily correct this were :
reinstate the gloves as a purchase item at the vendor ,
Lower the black ice resistance value to 16%
correct the programming syntax to be as >= 20% and NOT >20% ( ie 2 fully empowered pieces of item , which are available at vendor for purchase ) .
With all the previous comments about these entry requirements their answer is to lower the GS score - this IS NOT the limiting factor .
The problem lies with the limited availability of either the third item piece ( massive amounts of HE farming required ) or the 20% requirement .
Either one of these 2 are what needs adjusted in order to allow enough people to queue and partake of this skirmish .
THIS is what is required and I would really appreciate a dev actually replying as to their intent about this skirmish .
The longer this goes on makes me more inclined to believe that the skirmish is actually INCOMPLETE and they are trying to bide their time in trying to finish it .
I'm hoping beyond hope that they will prove me WRONG ......
They really need to do something so some testing of the skirmish can be done, though time is running out for us to both test and for them to fix any issues.
They really need to do something so some testing of the skirmish can be done, though time is running out for us to both test and for them to fix any issues.
Here is another take on this, as I have been in beta's in previous games where in some the devs/producers did not want the end game/final zone/final encounter revealed until a certain point and forwent testing. It was only tested internally. In order to make that happen they had to introduce an artificial gating mechanism Not agreeing or disagreeing with method, however this does happen.
I have also been in beta's where the final raid zone was incomplete and remained incomplete for about 6 months after release, due to the insane requirements to enter. Took my guild 6 months, to key up (first on all servers) to enter the final raid zone of that expansion, and it was not yet itemized or tuned. The GMs told us we keyed up faster then the devs had planned for and it was not yet complete. In this case the devs had planned how long it should take for a guild to enter that zone, and worked on all the other zones, knowing they would have time to complete the "final raid zone of that expansion". We were only about a month early from their projected timeline.
Whatever the case may be, it is, what it is and was never explained or told to the player base. (only reason the above was explained to us was we all played on the premium server and paid about 4x the regular sub fee monthly)
I am neither defending or bashing, just offering some other thoughts about what might be going on, based on my past exp of playing in online betas since oringinal EQ beta.
While I admit it is annoying, when a similar issue was brought up over at Champions Online, I believe the response was that cutscenes are also used to position enemies/objects and so on. If this is indeed true, then I wonder if people would prefer a small pause where you just get a black screen with a "Loading..." message.
Yea, they arent going anywhere at the moment. I actually recently looked into this and its a LOT of work for something that is fairly low impact.
Coupons, I will get more details for you all today, the feature is more pervasive than drops even.
Kessel, We are tentatively planning to have another Play with the Devs in the future before release to test this feature out.
Leaving the Caverns of Karrundax will return characters from where they entered the dungeon from instead of Mount Hotenow.
As long as this is on the table: Cragmire Crypts, Lair of the Mad Dragon, Throne of Idris, Spellplague Caverns and Temple of the Spider also place players at the entrances to their respective maps upon exit.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
Kessel, We are tentatively planning to have another Play with the Devs in the future before release to test this feature out.
So in essence does this mean that I was correct in that it isn't complete enough for us to test yet ?
If so could you not just at least tell us that so that we - mainly others wouldn't have spent hours farming for item drops .
So in essence does this mean that I was correct in that it isn't complete enough for us to test yet ?
If so could you not just at least tell us that so that we - mainly others wouldn't have spent hours farming for item drops .
It is complete enough to test, I do not know if we will be granting free loot to be able to test it later on. Again, its just tentatively planned still.
dardoveMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
It is complete enough to test, I do not know if we will be granting free loot to be able to test it later on. Again, its just tentatively planned still.
Will you at least correct it so 20% will get us in like it is supposed to?
Ok then , as we have then pointed out a few times before .
When they reduced the entry requirements from 4 pieces down to 20% black ice resistance , we believe that a mistake was made in the boolean programming and was set to >20% RATHER than >=20% .
If we have 2 fully empowered pieces ( which can be bought currently from the vendor ) and then empowered with black ice - this gives us 20% according to the tooltip . ( otherwise it requires 3 pieces to get the magical number )
If this can then be corrected , we can then get quite a few groups organised and get some testing underway .
I can confirm, just now, that the gloves/arm are dropping from at least one encounter and for more then CW and GWF. A rogue just had one drop a few minutes ago.
Did a happy dance. I do believe the drop rate is insanely too low.
Storm Step Action Feat still not working properly and was not addressed in these updates.
Tested (Btw all of the below are 3/3 filled on power tree)
Daily Power: Disruptive shot and Forest Ghost
Special Feat: Stormstep Action and Aspect of the Pack
Encounter powers used: Commanding shot / Stagheart, Binding Arrow / Oakskin
Disruptive shot can be used at 25% action points. I charged up my actions points to 50% to test, Used Oakskin to start CD timer. Followed up with the Disruptive shot. This Activates Stormstep Action to reduce all encounter powers by 3 seconds. Oakskin did NOT reduce its CD timer by 3 seconds nor any of the rest encounter powers i continued testing to see if I had just missed looking at the timers. (BTW I tested this on wilderness monsters in IWD, DV and Training dummy in PE.. All same results)
So in conclusion.. Stormstep action is NOT working correctly to reduce all encounter powers by 3 seconds.. Could you please fix this? I keep this Special Feat in my action bar at almost all times when in partied groups
BTW we all appreciate the hard work you all have put into this game to improve its gameplay ability.. cant wait till 10+ player raids come to Neverwinter (HINT HINT)
and also Thank you so very much for the change on split shot, and the addition of critical to the corrupted gear. question though. is there any chance that we could get the 2 piece +150 control bonus changed to something abit more useful?
silverquickMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited April 2014
Well the second feat now is selectable, I can confirm that.
Also, I see you fixed the pick axes. They were being held the wrong way, and the spike end is now facing the correct direction.
Unfortunately I had some massive lag and was rubber banding like crazy in Icewind Pass tonight so I was unable to do much with the Heroic Encounters as they can be so deadly even one mistake is the last. Which I like by the way..
Those are the things I noticed right off the bat tonight when checking it out.
It is complete enough to test, I do not know if we will be granting free loot to be able to test it later on. Again, its just tentatively planned still.
If the broken entry requirements were fixed that we made you aware of at least 3 weeks ago we wouldn't need to ask for a vendor to give us the gear to get over the 20% black ice resistance and even then you make it sound like we are begging for free loot? its a test server , the new armor sets have mechanics attached to them that require testing surely letting as many players as possible have access to the new armor sets for testing is the entire point of the servers existence ? free loot , wow
If the broken entry requirements were fixed that we made you aware of at least 3 weeks ago we wouldn't need to ask for a vendor to give us the gear to get over the 20% black ice resistance and even then you make it sound like we are begging for free loot? its a test server , the new armor sets have mechanics attached to them that require testing surely letting as many players as possible have access to the new armor sets for testing is the entire point of the servers existence ? free loot , wow
Yeah, none ask "Free loot", it took just last 32 days to get here and three more days to complete Icewinddale PVe campaign.
Well, HE´s are still fun to play when there is random new players who dont have "OP" gear so harder HE´s can fail too, .
sweet5starlightMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 6Arc User
edited April 2014
I see that you are finding ways for level 60s to earn XP and spend it in new ways. I have a suggestion. How about you allow a new unlock that deals with Professions after the first 250,000 XP, bridging the gap from rank 3 White to a green? That way the people who have spent time playing can earn their way into getting some of the higher Profession items as a reward for being loyal players?
GWF unstoppable duration is lower on preview ,dont know if its bug or intended but there is no mention about it in patch notes or u guys probly though we wont notice it.
More buffs to Gwfs?
I think I should roll one to play!
Think better.
The Unstoppable duration gets reduced by one third, this is basically 30% damage off, as the gwf's damage when out of Unstoppable is nil. Crit severity is applied much less, and crits themselves occurs much less often. Bleeding (Deep gash) is nerfed by 90%, that's another 40% damage less.
Roll a CW instead. You already have one? Roll another. Or ok, hurry to reroll a gwf now, and enjoy playing it for the two remaining weeks of mod2. Then sell the gear and erase the char.
Zen Market Coupons Patch Notes
There are now coupons in the game from various sources that grant a onetime discount off a specific item or category of items in the Zen Market within a limited time.
The majority of the coupons come very rarely as drops from killing appropriately challenging enemies. A few can be found in the “Adventurer’s Reward” chests as well as upon the level 60 congratulatory quest from Lord Neverember.
Examples include:
2pm PST: This is currently scheduled to go to Preview at 4pm PST in preparation of the Play with the Devs Event tomorrow. Don't forget to ask your M3 related question in the thread ahead of time so we can try to answer it!
See you in Icewind!
Much more reasonable
Still no black ice gear vendor to allow us to test your content?
We have repeatedly asked for several ways that could be implemented on the preview servers in order to bug test their software due to not enough people getting the extra item piece required to get above the magical " 20% black ice resistance " programming SNAFU .
The possible ways to temporarily correct this were :
reinstate the gloves as a purchase item at the vendor ,
Lower the black ice resistance value to 16%
correct the programming syntax to be as >= 20% and NOT >20% ( ie 2 fully empowered pieces of item , which are available at vendor for purchase ) .
With all the previous comments about these entry requirements their answer is to lower the GS score - this IS NOT the limiting factor .
The problem lies with the limited availability of either the third item piece ( massive amounts of HE farming required ) or the 20% requirement .
Either one of these 2 are what needs adjusted in order to allow enough people to queue and partake of this skirmish .
THIS is what is required and I would really appreciate a dev actually replying as to their intent about this skirmish .
The longer this goes on makes me more inclined to believe that the skirmish is actually INCOMPLETE and they are trying to bide their time in trying to finish it .
I'm hoping beyond hope that they will prove me WRONG ......
This sounds very interesting. Can you expand upon what these are, exactly?
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Yeah I like the sound of these , wonder if they are a % off or a freebie ( I'm guessing a % discount) and I wonder if they are tradeable .
The only two things ive been waiting to see get fixed and now they are, thank you!!!!!
Its all good for someone who is new to the game, but once that time pasts and the farming that has to be done in this game, if your not the paying type, makes for constant cut scene after cut scene after cut scene after cut scene....get the picture.
If this is programming impossible, just say so.
While I admit it is annoying, when a similar issue was brought up over at Champions Online, I believe the response was that cutscenes are also used to position enemies/objects and so on. If this is indeed true, then I wonder if people would prefer a small pause where you just get a black screen with a "Loading..." message.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
They really need to do something so some testing of the skirmish can be done, though time is running out for us to both test and for them to fix any issues.
Here is another take on this, as I have been in beta's in previous games where in some the devs/producers did not want the end game/final zone/final encounter revealed until a certain point and forwent testing. It was only tested internally. In order to make that happen they had to introduce an artificial gating mechanism Not agreeing or disagreeing with method, however this does happen.
I have also been in beta's where the final raid zone was incomplete and remained incomplete for about 6 months after release, due to the insane requirements to enter. Took my guild 6 months, to key up (first on all servers) to enter the final raid zone of that expansion, and it was not yet itemized or tuned. The GMs told us we keyed up faster then the devs had planned for and it was not yet complete. In this case the devs had planned how long it should take for a guild to enter that zone, and worked on all the other zones, knowing they would have time to complete the "final raid zone of that expansion". We were only about a month early from their projected timeline.
Whatever the case may be, it is, what it is and was never explained or told to the player base. (only reason the above was explained to us was we all played on the premium server and paid about 4x the regular sub fee monthly)
I am neither defending or bashing, just offering some other thoughts about what might be going on, based on my past exp of playing in online betas since oringinal EQ beta.
Yea, they arent going anywhere at the moment. I actually recently looked into this and its a LOT of work for something that is fairly low impact.
Coupons, I will get more details for you all today, the feature is more pervasive than drops even.
Kessel, We are tentatively planning to have another Play with the Devs in the future before release to test this feature out.
So in essence does this mean that I was correct in that it isn't complete enough for us to test yet ?
If so could you not just at least tell us that so that we - mainly others wouldn't have spent hours farming for item drops .
It is complete enough to test, I do not know if we will be granting free loot to be able to test it later on. Again, its just tentatively planned still.
Will you at least correct it so 20% will get us in like it is supposed to?
When they reduced the entry requirements from 4 pieces down to 20% black ice resistance , we believe that a mistake was made in the boolean programming and was set to >20% RATHER than >=20% .
If we have 2 fully empowered pieces ( which can be bought currently from the vendor ) and then empowered with black ice - this gives us 20% according to the tooltip . ( otherwise it requires 3 pieces to get the magical number )
If this can then be corrected , we can then get quite a few groups organised and get some testing underway .
Did a happy dance. I do believe the drop rate is insanely too low.
Hope that helps.
Tested (Btw all of the below are 3/3 filled on power tree)
Daily Power: Disruptive shot and Forest Ghost
Special Feat: Stormstep Action and Aspect of the Pack
Encounter powers used: Commanding shot / Stagheart, Binding Arrow / Oakskin
Disruptive shot can be used at 25% action points. I charged up my actions points to 50% to test, Used Oakskin to start CD timer. Followed up with the Disruptive shot. This Activates Stormstep Action to reduce all encounter powers by 3 seconds. Oakskin did NOT reduce its CD timer by 3 seconds nor any of the rest encounter powers i continued testing to see if I had just missed looking at the timers. (BTW I tested this on wilderness monsters in IWD, DV and Training dummy in PE.. All same results)
So in conclusion.. Stormstep action is NOT working correctly to reduce all encounter powers by 3 seconds.. Could you please fix this? I keep this Special Feat in my action bar at almost all times when in partied groups
and also Thank you so very much for the change on split shot, and the addition of critical to the corrupted gear. question though. is there any chance that we could get the 2 piece +150 control bonus changed to something abit more useful?
Also, I see you fixed the pick axes. They were being held the wrong way, and the spike end is now facing the correct direction.
Unfortunately I had some massive lag and was rubber banding like crazy in Icewind Pass tonight so I was unable to do much with the Heroic Encounters as they can be so deadly even one mistake is the last. Which I like by the way..
Those are the things I noticed right off the bat tonight when checking it out.
If the broken entry requirements were fixed that we made you aware of at least 3 weeks ago we wouldn't need to ask for a vendor to give us the gear to get over the 20% black ice resistance and even then you make it sound like we are begging for free loot? its a test server , the new armor sets have mechanics attached to them that require testing surely letting as many players as possible have access to the new armor sets for testing is the entire point of the servers existence ? free loot , wow
I think I should roll one to play!
Yeah, none ask "Free loot", it took just last 32 days to get here and three more days to complete Icewinddale PVe campaign.
Well, HE´s are still fun to play when there is random new players who dont have "OP" gear so harder HE´s can fail too,
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
Think better.
The Unstoppable duration gets reduced by one third, this is basically 30% damage off, as the gwf's damage when out of Unstoppable is nil. Crit severity is applied much less, and crits themselves occurs much less often. Bleeding (Deep gash) is nerfed by 90%, that's another 40% damage less.
Roll a CW instead. You already have one? Roll another. Or ok, hurry to reroll a gwf now, and enjoy playing it for the two remaining weeks of mod2. Then sell the gear and erase the char.