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Cryptic OFFICIAL Feedback Thread: Control Wizard - Master of Flame Paragon Path



  • stash111stash111 Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 31
    edited November 2013
    banaanc wrote: »
    i dont even use eye of the storm :D so dont give a **** about it, and switching storm spell for crit sever seems fine with me

    the problem is encounter setup, atm im running coi on tab, ss/icy steal time and sotea, with fire id lose ss and the only slot to put fire on is either sotea or steal time, losing one cc for dot since id need coi and icy to utilize fire

    If your happy doing less dmg than people that do use eye of the storm good for you.
  • banaancbanaanc Member Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    if there are ppl like that then i havent met them, ive been 1. in dps, often by 50% in every run i have done on my cw, even while geared for life steal + hp

  • erebus2075erebus2075 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    banaanc wrote: »
    if there are ppl like that then i havent met them, ive been 1. in dps, often by 50% in every run i have done on my cw, even while geared for life steal + hp

    might be but maths says you will do less then an equelly skilled cw with it.
    nevertheless the PARAGON skills which we are talking about (which is the once to compare) simply doesnt life up to it on the fire in comparison to the storm, no matter if its set up for single target or aoe.
  • erebus2075erebus2075 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    the skills all through is extremely weak dps wise compared to the storm paragon, its a joke how weak and bad they are in actual use. after 16hours of trying to get just something similar to the dps output either single target og aoe i can still get nowhere near the storm with the fire paragon..
    whoever is balancing this is doing the worst job i have seen in ages.
  • lethehevnlethehevn Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    My pro/cons and feedback so far:


    - Well, it's something different. The lack of release classes or paths (iconic classes I mean) called for some tweaking on those. Nice to see a little something added.

    - The Daily power is actually a nice touch of firery oompf and is responsive.


    - Lack of identity: We can't see or feel the difference in gameplay, visuals.

    - Lack of iconic spells: Come on, a fireball. a firebolt, a fire wall, something something fire...

    - Lack of responsiveness: The dot feels clunky at use, the mechanics behind the at-will is nice but suffers from responsiveness in lagging environments (aka where rangers spammed their bugged dailies everywhere, so supposedly in 20v20pvp.)

    - Lack of crits: I don't mean big numbers, but a way to melt a target. Storm spec makes a much better job at it.

    - AP regen: Less ap regen (due to dot mechanics)-> less control -> no place in dungeons as one of the 2 near-mandatory CW spots. so, 3 CW groups ? (esp with the ap regen "correction/nerf")

    - Little to no pvp application: Spec has a longer TTK and thus is more open to being cced, or killed while the damage is slowly stacking.

    - Smolder mechanic: Too hard to maintain on moving targets/multiple targets for too little rewards.

    Suggested changes:

    - Daily: It's fine, responsive, has a nice gut feeling. The damage is on the low side (Compared to other dailies that either do much more burst damage, or do more damage and better/longer control). Could be twiddled a bit.

    - Encounter: Instant cast, on the fly. Make the CW smap the fingers and apply the dot. Aoe dot on tab with no diminishing returns. Adding mobility, snap fire and forget to launch a good rotation. feeling of power.

    - At-will: 0.8sec cast nuke. Just a fire nuke. a little flame ring on the targeted character/monster and nuke.nuke.nuke with a neat explosion sound. Fun, easy, no need for fly time, fancy rays or vector targeting, just a good nuke ala DAoC. If target is smoldered, aoe nuke for 15% of fallout damage.

    - Smolder: nice ability/damage boost/visuals, I just can't seem to twist my head on how to use and abuse this thing in pvp or moving encounters. that's 50% of the explanation on why EotS is better. (the rest is, better damage, more flexibility, compatibility with everything..., ) it's ... fine.. I guess, but underperforming. Damage is not the issue, passives may be, lack of paragon feats for the new paragon path... less intricate.

    Overall, I'm clearly disappointed. I know it's "an option" and "I won't be forced to change" but I really wanted this to be good, or at least nigh equivalent, maybe slightly underperforming. But it doesn't seem finished. or well thought.
    There is so much, so much in the lore and the classes to tweak and play with and you came out with ... this... it lacks everything a fire path mage should have... oozing with fire and brimstone, and basic fire skills, and damage. On top of that, it lacks the identity of all of the creations MMOs mages, even all those based on the D&D system!

    This path needs tweaking, not fiddling with numbers but a revamp, a deep revamp.

    On other's paragon path, I feel like you're lost in the content, or lack direction of what you want to do with those. they feel rushed, adding awy too little diversity. The GF/GWF visuals are ridiculous (shield on punishing strike for GWF, 2hander on cresendo or during WMS on a GF...)

    This is really way too little, even for a F2p game. The video trailer seemed way better... until you realize all the visual bugs in it, the fact that the mage used approximatively a bizillion times the daily (because that's the only thing that has a somewhat nice visual).

    I'm sure the feedback is read and maybe brought up in discussions, but there is WAY TOO FEW feedback from YOU, the developpers. talk to us, interact, discuss, if you can't/aren't allowed to do something, say so. There is a ton of constructive feedback, gut feeling feedback, even a guy with graphs-charts and extensive testing (shout out to this guy in particular) so right now you should have an idea of what's wrong and what's good ( well, there *is* good somewhere ).

    You can clearly see it's not some punk complaining but well mannered individuals with constructive feedback and proofs.

    This path is not fun, no attractive, not visually appealing, not efficient, not iconic. Fix a few of those and everybody here will be happy.

    Thanks for reading me.

    (English is my 4th language, please be gentle.)
  • astronaxastronax Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    lethehevn wrote: »
    - Lack of iconic spells: Come on, a fireball. a firebolt, a fire wall, something something fire...

    Speaking of which, it's ridiculous to have these "Faning the Flame", "Furious Immolation", "Sudden Storm", "Maelstorm of Chaos" instead of classic "Fireball" and "Lightning Strike". Even some of your monsters have it. Like Stormcaller, I believe, has Lightning Strike, Red Wizard has Fireball. Even a guy from intro throwing Fireballs, while battling with Valindra's dracolich (at least it looks like that).
    Why can't we have something like that? Because fireball is to powerfull and we assumed to be a "circus jugglers"?
  • vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    astronax wrote: »
    Speaking of which, it's ridiculous to have these "Faning the Flame", "Furious Immolation", "Sudden Storm", "Maelstorm of Chaos" instead of classic "Fireball" and "Lightning Strike". Even some of your monsters have it. Like Stormcaller, I believe, has Lightning Strike, Red Wizard has Fireball. Even a guy from intro throwing Fireballs, while battling with Valindra's dracolich (at least it looks like that).
    Why can't we have something like that? Because fireball is to powerfull and we assumed to be a "circus jugglers"?

    I still think they're saving those classic evocations for an eventual War Wizard class.
    Sacrilege - Warlock
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  • runebanerunebane Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    vorphied wrote: »
    I still think they're saving those classic evocations for an eventual War Wizard class.

    The problem with that theory is that the Paragon Paths can be shared. Both the War Wizard and the Control Wizard are really just Wizards. Like the GF and GWF are both just fighters. So if whoever signs off on the powers agreed, they could have put a fireball in the Master of Flame path and had it used by both. Same goes for iconic lightning spells in the other path.
    Halgarth's Legacy - NWS-DSTGFZHFR
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    So I ported over my level 35 CW and did some testing (via play) in Ebon Downs.

    Race: Halfling
    Stats (with Campfire);
    22 Int, 17 Wis/Cha 12 Str/Con/Dex
    HP 10708
    AC 14

    Attack 2435
    Critical Chance 22.5% Severity 75%
    Recharge Increase +20.6%
    AP Gain 8.7%

    Protection 687
    DR 10.7%
    Deflect 5.3% Severity 50%

    Power Array:
    Chill Cloud 3/3 Scorching Burst 2/3
    Conduit of Ice 3/3 (Tab), Fanning the Flames 3/3, Icy Terrain 2/3, Entangling Force 3/3
    Arcane Singularity 2/3 Oppressive Force 2/3
    Chilling Presence 2/3, Evocation 3/3

    Maxed Feats: Toughness, Weapon Mastery, Wizard's Wrath, Learned Spellcaster, Tempest Magic
    Other feats all with 2 pips; Controlling Action, Blighting Power, Arcane Enhancement, Bitter Cold

    This is essentially the same as the storm version of the character except Fanning and Scorching are replaced with the Storm Powers in the same positions (to make a better comparison).

    Feedback: General
    In essence this version of the character is just plain weaker than the Storm Mage version of the character. With the storm mage you can open with Conduit or Storm and with those 2 spells eliminate a weak to average mob, a tough mob or large one will require Icy and a rotation or 2 of at wills. With the Master of Flame you rotate through all the encounters and the at will and often have an encounter come off cooldown before the mob is dead.

    Feedback: Smolder
    Smolder seems to do around 100-150 points of damage per tic, this is ok, it would however be better if you could stack smolder and push that up to 400+ points a tic. (Note comments on other powers assume no stacking of smolder). Further smolder seems to be unaffected by Tempest Magic (though 10% is not a huge jump on 100-150 points and could be lost in RNG).
    The core issue is smolder just doesn't do enough damage to make it matter; maybe 200-300 points of damage because you are not standing there waiting for things to die from DoT, you are burning it down with all your other powers (and you are using all your other powers because smolder just doesn't matter).
    If it doesn't stack it needs to crit and proc crit effects.

    Feedback: Fanning the Flames
    Tooltip Says: Benefits from Arcane Mastery, 2100-2429 damage.
    This damage just isn't happening. Maybe if I could fire it off and wait for all the smolder tics to happen on a bunch of happy target dummies. But on enemies that are trying to kill me, no way am I getting 2k of damage from this power. The up front damage needs to be much higher especially if you want it to be only 1 target taking the damage. This power would benefit greatly from being turned into Fireball, doing the same initial damage to all targets in burst (or 5 targets) and putting smolder on all targets in burst (really mean all this time)
    Is this an AoE? Does it benefit from Evocation?

    Feedback: Scorching Burst
    Tooltip Says; Benefits from Arcane Mastery, 187-376 damage
    Please make this power actually be scorching burst; click and burst. Not click hold and get weak damage on the primary target and smolder on secondary targets.... Again too little damage up front and then waiting for DoT is silly with a low HP, low defense character.
    Is this an AoE? Does it benefit from Evocation?

    Feedback: Combustive Action
    Its just not worth putting 3 points (or even 1 point) in a power that is going to add a weak effect to my dailies that are used maybe every second fight...if even that often. Getting smolder on things isn't an issue, making smolder matter on things is an issue. If this power instead Allowed you to have 2/3/4 stacks of smolder it would be great (if smolder didn't automatically stack).

    Feedback: Benefits from Arcane Mastery
    Arcane Mastery is built via Dailies and Magic Missile... if you want to proc Rimefire you need reliable access to Chill which means running Chill Cloud, and reliable access to Smolder means Scorching Burst. Now you are just running Dailies to make Arcane Mastery stacks... This does lead to another use for Combustive Action; change it to a 10/25/50% chance that a fire power will add a stack of arcane mastery (and call it Arcane Combustion or something). Still even that is less than desirable.

    Feedback: Powers Are Not Clear
    What powers are AoE? Which ones are single target? Which ones are cold? Which fire? Which Arcane? Aren't they all Arcane actually? What does mitigation do? Does the tooltip damage include theoretical DoT and thus DoT is capped?
    All of these things make the powers of a wizard in particular hard to manage and build a character around; what I might think is an AoE power might actually be considered a single target power, some powers even change this based on normal or tab use. All of this needs to be much clearer in general (not just for CWs btw).

    Feedback: Synergy
    The biggest problem is one of synergy; the powers don't harmonize well because they are not additive and they depend on competing parts of the CW tree (Arcane vs Chill) this lack of synergy creates an overall weaker play experience than the Storm equivalent would do.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
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    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Further to post 160;

    Changed to this Power Array:
    Magic Missile 3/3 Scorching Burst 2/3
    Icy Terrain 2/3 (Tab), Fanning the Flames 3/3, Conduit of Ice 3/3, Entangling Force 3/3
    Arcane Singularity 2/3 Oppressive Force 2/3
    Chilling Presence 2/3, Evocation 3/3

    This does result in an improvement in performance, but much of it comes from the use of MM over Chill Strike. Loading out Icy Terrain to start the fight means everything gets chill and you get more control over the situation, but this has issues.

    Feedback: Icy Terrain
    Icy Terrain obscures red zones from enemy AoEs making it impossible to see what is happening, which makes it an undesirable power to use especially in Epic dungeons where red zones may result in instant death.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
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    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    So went back to live and played some more (because I cannot get onto preview for some reason, it loaded fine in the morning but wouldn't load in the afternoon yesterday).

    With normal Sudden Storm I could kill in 1 shot 4 Werewolf Youngbloods or Archers with Fanning the Flames even on Tab that isn't possible, oh yes they might well die if the DoT has time to take effect, but that's unsatisfactory - while you are waiting for the DoT you are taking damage and are in a worse position than if you just took the alternative path.

    The more I test the less I want to change to MoF and cripple my character.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
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    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • lordgallenlordgallen Member, NW_CrypticDev, Cryptic Developers Posts: 91
    edited November 2013
    So as a general heads up, Master of Flame is getting more buffs.

    One of the more notable ones is that Smolder will Crit. Should note that changing it to Rime Fire, or refreshing Rimefire will reroll said crit.
  • vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    lordgallen wrote: »
    So as a general heads up, Master of Flame is getting more buffs.

    One of the more notable ones is that Smolder will Crit. Should note that changing it to Rime Fire, or refreshing Rimefire will reroll said crit.

    I'll look forward to trying out the upcoming changes. Thanks for the continued responses to feedback :) Maybe eventually Master of Flame will arrive at a point where it's competitive with Spellstorm Mage without letting players instakill everything as we tend to want to do :P
    Sacrilege - Warlock
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  • uurbsuurbs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 449 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    lordgallen wrote: »
    So as a general heads up, Master of Flame is getting more buffs.
    Thank you from me, too. Can't wait for your proposed changes to hit Preview. Will do a thorough comparison, than.
    Proud member of Dragon Clan - German Gaming Community
  • scannjerscannjer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 85
    edited November 2013
    lordgallen wrote: »
    So as a general heads up, Master of Flame is getting more buffs.

    One of the more notable ones is that Smolder will Crit. Should note that changing it to Rime Fire, or refreshing Rimefire will reroll said crit.

    Great! ;) Looking forward to check it out.

    Also I was wondering if you could look at some old bugs that CW's have since Open Beta? ;p

    Bug: Ray Of Frost
    Sometimes the CW get stuck at the casting animation after the target dies! That also leads to no movement at all for -2-3 seconds and probably sudden death.

    Bug: Shard Of Endless Avalanche
    The shard do not explode on contact with targets from time to time. Usually it does damage... but the mobs do not get knocked down! Also if you have Arcane Singularity the shard do not hit the targets affected by it! The shard just pass thru them doing no damage at all or anything else that is suppose to!

    Bug: Sudden Storm, Oppressive Force
    Both spells do no damage to targets affected by Arcane Singularity! This do not correspond to the actual visuals of the spells as well... You have a huge visual effect from Oppressive Force but nothing gets affected by it... same goes for the Lighting from Sudden Storm and the Shard! I'm not sure if this is a bug or you did that on purpose... To me it looks like those spells are "ground targeting" and the Arcane Singularity set all mobs in "air phase" or something! Can you give us some info on that please?

    Bug: Shadow Weaver
    The bonus from this set is still not working! The Measured Spellcasting buff do not proc from encounter spells... after X amount of time! You still need to re-equip an item from the set to make it work.

    Bug: Main Hand Visuals
    I'm not sure if this should be posted here... but only CW's have problems with the main hand and the FX from the enchants! Some ability's break it up and makes another copy of it! So what you get is an Orb with no enchant and one additional Orb enchant on bottom! It's really frustrating because you need to re-equip the items all the time in order to fix it... but when you do it happens again and again and again!
  • imsmithyimsmithy Member Posts: 1,378 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    lordgallen wrote: »
    So as a general heads up, Master of Flame is getting more buffs.

    One of the more notable ones is that Smolder will Crit. Should note that changing it to Rime Fire, or refreshing Rimefire will reroll said crit.

    Well this is great news , the new path is nice and all but it just doesn't cut it when compared to the spellstorm mage with all it's crits , can't wait to try it out and report back.
  • borken69borken69 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 56
    edited November 2013
    I can't figure out the smoulder stacking mechanic. Sometimes the normal version stacks with rimefire, sometimes rimefire stacks up to 3 times. Near as I can tell, it stacks based on the strength of the mob, i.e. 3 rimefire stacks on a boss, 2 on elite, 1 for weaker mobs. Clarification would be much appreciated :).
  • astronaxastronax Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    lordgallen wrote: »
    One of the more notable ones is that Smolder will Crit. Should note that changing it to Rime Fire, or refreshing Rimefire will reroll said crit.
    Since I carry about my beloved Opressor, I wonder if fire one would be able to compete with spellstorm one. Thus it would be really cool to hear some more details on rimefire mechanics changes. Currently it does absolutely nothing - no point turning normal smolder into rimefire. What's gonna change?
    borken69 wrote: »
    I can't figure out the smoulder stacking mechanic. Sometimes the normal version stacks with rimefire, sometimes rimefire stacks up to 3 times. Near as I can tell, it stacks based on the strength of the mob, i.e. 3 rimefire stacks on a boss, 2 on elite, 1 for weaker mobs. Clarification would be much appreciated :).
    As far as I know it doesnt stack at all. 1 dot for 1 wizard. And "2", "3" etc stacks just indicate multiple wizards debuffs.
  • imsmithyimsmithy Member Posts: 1,378 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I think that all that Rimefire does is that it allows you to refresh smoulder using chill
    mattson33 wrote: »
    Smolder deals damage over time, and if target is affected by Chill, it gains Rimefire aspect, allowing it’s duration to be refreshed by Chill effects.
  • astronaxastronax Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    imsmithy wrote: »
    I think that all that Rimefire does is that it allows you to refresh smoulder using chill
    Oh.. thanks for your effort, I know that. And, yes, that means it deals nothing, since u can refresh it through class features or just by casting at-will. No point using frost powers in current state of it.
    If only rimefire would give some features, like for example simply increase smolder damage.. And I just dont get this:
    lordgallen wrote: »
    One of the more notable ones is that Smolder will Crit. Should note that changing it to Rime Fire, or refreshing Rimefire will reroll said crit.
    Dafuq "reroll" means in this context? Like if I crit with smolder, I assume, whole 6 seconds of smolder duration there will be only criticals (like with every other dot in game). And "reroll" just start this dot from scratch, so it can turn non-critical smolder into critical and vise versa? Than, no point turning smolder into rimefire, again. No encouragment to use frost powers --> no diversity --> whole pattern sucks. :(
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Yeah the "reroll" makes Rimefire dubious, combined with the fact you are just flat out better off with MM and Scorching than Chill Cloud and Scorching leaves me confused. Rimefire isn't apparently helping at all.. it makes the fire blue...

    This feeds back to my earlier comments about lack if synergy in the class and the Master of Fire PP.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
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  • borken69borken69 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 56
    edited November 2013
    astronax wrote: »
    As far as I know it doesnt stack at all. 1 dot for 1 wizard. And "2", "3" etc stacks just indicate multiple wizards debuffs.

    No, I was running dungeons as the only fire CW and there were clearly multiple stacks of smoulder, but only sometimes. That's why I'm confused because there's no mention of stacking on the tooltips.
  • scannjerscannjer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 85
    edited November 2013
    Yeah I thought so to...

    The only way this to be game breaking is for PvP only!
    But it's a great synergy between spells in PvE and I think that the restrictions should be only for PvP.

    PvE suffers a lot because they try to balance it with PvP! But let's face it, this will never happen...
    Instead of trying to balance both of them that way... They should think of something else!

    A lot of games for example have a specific gear for PvP... That gear should have different kind of stats on it with some type of restrictions to how much damage one person can do and how much resistance he can have.

    Some classes in this game can one shot people in PvP or Perma Stun Lock them!
    For me this is ridiculous! I don't find it competitive or fun at all...
  • fistiganfistigan Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    scannjer wrote: »
    Great! ;) Looking forward to check it out.

    Also I was wondering if you could look at some old bugs that CW's have since Open Beta? ;p

    Bug: Ray Of Frost
    Sometimes the CW get stuck at the casting animation after the target dies! That also leads to no movement at all for -2-3 seconds and probably sudden death.

    Bug: Shard Of Endless Avalanche
    The shard do not explode on contact with targets from time to time. Usually it does damage... but the mobs do not get knocked down! Also if you have Arcane Singularity the shard do not hit the targets affected by it! The shard just pass thru them doing no damage at all or anything else that is suppose to!

    Bug: Sudden Storm, Oppressive Force
    Both spells do no damage to targets affected by Arcane Singularity! This do not correspond to the actual visuals of the spells as well... You have a huge visual effect from Oppressive Force but nothing gets affected by it... same goes for the Lighting from Sudden Storm and the Shard! I'm not sure if this is a bug or you did that on purpose... To me it looks like those spells are "ground targeting" and the Arcane Singularity set all mobs in "air phase" or something! Can you give us some info on that please?

    Bug: Shadow Weaver
    The bonus from this set is still not working! The Measured Spellcasting buff do not proc from encounter spells... after X amount of time! You still need to re-equip an item from the set to make it work.

    Bug: Main Hand Visuals
    I'm not sure if this should be posted here... but only CW's have problems with the main hand and the FX from the enchants! Some ability's break it up and makes another copy of it! So what you get is an Orb with no enchant and one additional Orb enchant on bottom! It's really frustrating because you need to re-equip the items all the time in order to fix it... but when you do it happens again and again and again!

    All of these are very true and correct. As well it is very frustrating to have to re-equip your main hand Constantly
  • scannjerscannjer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 85
    edited November 2013
    I will just add another one to the list which I previously forgot :)

    Bug: Icy Rays
    This spell never goes on cooldown or at least the Action Bar do not show it! Every time when you cast the second shot... the animation of the action bar do not change! In order to make it appear you need to hit the spell again (that makes it 3 times). The problem also comes when you do not have any targets... because without a target you can't activate the spell at all!

    In other words you are never aware of the cooldown of that spell and also you need to interrupt your combo rotation, so you can see it!
  • mio1968mio1968 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 46
    edited November 2013
    Bug: Power: Fanning the Flame

    This power is not benefitting from the Gauntlgrym set while on tab. Cooldown is not reduced and damage is not increased.
  • melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    mod note: let's remember to provide feedback in a constructive way and not attack other people and their opinions. here's a reminder of the forum rules of conduct on respect:

    Section I - Respect

    . . . . We're here to have fun and to share information with each other. With so many different personalities gathered in one place, clashes are bound to happen now and then. But how one conducts oneself during these situations makes all the difference. While opinions are valued on the forums, please remember to respect each other and have discussions and not arguments. If you find yourself disagreeing with another member, think first and then calmly compose your words. Treat each other how you would like to be treated.

    Rule 1.01 - Personal Attacks are Prohibited
    . . . . Any attack or degradation of another person or opinion will not be tolerated. General rule of thumb: if you think that what you are about to post is insulting, don't post it.

    Rule 1.02 - Trolling is Prohibited
    . . . . Do not attempt to attempt to incite others into anger, frustration or grief. Any action which the moderators or staff deem as an attempt to instigate others into violating rules is strictly prohibited. To call someone a Troll is considered Trolling in itself.

    please do not respond to this note. instead, if you have a question about moderation, please do so via PM to any of the forum moderators or community managers. thank you.
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    So Smolder is now critting, which makes the path feel quite a bit better.

    Didn't notice a whole lot of other tweaks. Anyone else?
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Well with no ability to respec atm I haven't been able to test again.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • imsmithyimsmithy Member Posts: 1,378 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    ironzerg79 wrote: »
    So Smolder is now critting, which makes the path feel quite a bit better.

    Didn't notice a whole lot of other tweaks. Anyone else?

    Even with smoulder critting I personally think it is just no match for spellstorm still , which is a real shame imho.
This discussion has been closed.