Great Weapon Fighter: Flourish: It is no longer possible to launch long distances in the air anymore.
Content and Environment
Castle Never: removed the remaining collision that stays after the platform rises in the Brave Soldiers Tomb.
Cloak Tower (Epic): Placing the hidden secret ingredients now properly unlocks the extra bonus chest.
Mount Hotenow: The Firecatcher event should now receive proper credit from catching mephits from anywhere on the map instead of just a portion of it.
Temple of the Spider: Removed a spider that was behind collision that looked like it could be attacked but could harm players and keep them in combat.
Lillend: Rejuvenating Chord: This power now correctly heals for 1.8% of the target's HP (up from 1.2%)
Lillend: Piercing Notes: This Power's description has been updated and clarified to make its effect more understandable.
Lillend: Piercing Notes: This Power now correctly buffs Audio Drain's damage. Additionally, it now amplifies the heal from Audio Drain.
Lillend: Audio Drain: The tooltip of this power has been updated to reflect the output of the power. It now notes that Audio Drain heals allies near the target for 7% over 5 seconds (up from 3.5% over 5 seconds). This is just a tooltip change.
Fixed issues where several enemies were able to use knock and push players who should be immune to knocks. This does not include Guardian Fighters blocking big hits from large enemies as it currently exists in the game.
Removed the Surprising, Secrets and Dramatic content tags to reduce redundancy with other existing tags.
Resolved an issue that would sometimes cause a Featured quest to not be properly published.
Posting auctions now properly only take a 10% cut instead of the 12% when posting remotely.
There is now a Dark Forest lockbox banner to replace the old Feywild lockbox banner.
Items and Economy
Weapons and armor avialable for purchase in the Wundrus Bazzaar and Tarmalune Tradebar stores are now marked as 'Free Transmute' and no longer cost Astral Diamonds to transmute onto another weapon the first time.
Alchemy: Alchemists of Neverwinter have made a breakthrough in the manufacture of Potions of Stamina. They have figured out a way for these potions to also strengthen the arms of Guardian Fighters, increasing their ability to block incoming damage.
Great Weapon Fighter: Reaver's Edge: There should no longer be a big square when this item is enchanted with some weapon enchantments.
Weaponsmithing: The Gemmed Champion's Swordknot +3 and +6 now have gems in them.
Oculus the Inflamed no longer drops the Scroll of Blue Fire. This item was dropping in error and has been removed from Oculus. The Scroll of Blue Fire has been updated to be Grey quality. It's sell price is unaffected.
Corrected an issue where any periodic effect descriptions on powers or items could have had extra text in them."
German Rejuvenation potions no longer have duplicate text in them.
Performance and Stability
Gateway has received updates to ensure improved backend stability and performance.
Improvements to NVIDIA 3D Vision including UI positioning adjustments, improved shadows and several crash fixes. Suggested to use NVIDIA driver version 327.23 or greater.
User Interface
It is no longer possible to reference game sound files in chat and cause the sounds to play for other players who receive the message.
Updated the Campaign Window text to better guide the player to start their Sharandar campaign progress.
When cancelling a profession task the same items used to start the task will be returned instead of new copies of the items removing any player modified data about it such as dye or enchantments.
This is going to Preview now. These are the complete patch notes from live until the .4 as the .2 did not get a post with the changes when it went to Preview.
Fixed issues where several enemies were able to use knock and push players who should be immune to knocks. This does not apply to guardian fighters blocking big hits from large enemies.
Will that be fixed as well or are the GFs supposed to get pushed back? In some rare cases (like
Chasm Maws) you are even thrown in the air.
xmeanseason305xMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 109Bounty Hunter
edited October 2013
still no word on the innefectiveness of armor peneteration on dps abilities for a DC,
Still no fix on repourpose soul proccing form sadi same abilities...
and Templars domain still says nothing about a 5 min cooldown...when it def has a internal 5 min cd.
[new] Picnic Table Arrangement 01 & 02 have changed (previous) (new) (Asset Detail window shows tables without large "stew" bowl- actual assets have stew bowl added)
[intermittent] Patrol points and/or markers and/or arrow emitters initialized to 0,0,0 when edit mode enabled in 3D previewer - if unmoved will show properly in 2D Foundry editor
Cypress Tree 03 - anchor 10 feet offset from trunk
Ground Grass Medium 01 - anchor at centerpoint instead of bottom plane
Mp Bottle Round 01, Mp Bottle Skinny 01, Mp Bottle Tall 01 - all anchors are at centerpoint instead of base plane, and all seem to have invisible glass above liquid inside, Mp Bottle Skinny 01 liquid is hollow tube not filled cylinder.
RedCap Cage Closed Large - anchor point is half selection cube too high (i.e. select cube base = item base)
RedCap Cage Closed Small - anchor point is half selection cube too high (i.e. select cube base = item base)
[new] Picnic Table Arrangement 01 & 02 have changed (previous) (new) (Asset Detail window shows tables without large "stew" bowl- actual assets have stew bowl added)
[intermittent] Patrol points and/or markers and/or arrow emitters initialized to 0,0,0 when edit mode enabled in 3D previewer - if unmoved will show properly in 2D Foundry editor
Cypress Tree 03 - anchor 10 feet offset from trunk
Ground Grass Medium 01 - anchor at centerpoint instead of bottom plane
Mp Bottle Round 01, Mp Bottle Skinny 01, Mp Bottle Tall 01 - all anchors are at centerpoint instead of base plane, and all seem to have invisible glass above liquid inside, Mp Bottle Skinny 01 liquid is hollow tube not filled cylinder.
RedCap Cage Closed Large - anchor point is half selection cube too high (i.e. select cube base = item base)
RedCap Cage Closed Small - anchor point is half selection cube too high (i.e. select cube base = item base)
While it may not be elegant, as long as you have AND and NOT logic available, you can kludge in ORs:
That'd be great -- if only we had actual AND and NOT logic as well. We don't even have full AND logic. You cannot AND different types of events, only the same event type.
Maybe fix the bug and the glitch on pve and pvp have more imp than foudnry lil bug
Sure, if there were only one team of developers working on fixes -- but there is an entire Foundry team of developers. And not a single person on the team could spend 30 seconds correcting a text description?
ranncoreMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2,508
edited October 2013
Big list of patch notes, it's good to see some more priority going into bug fixing.
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
edited October 2013
Somewhat disappointing list of fixes this week... nothing about the DC issues...nothing about the long list of achievement issues. Ah, well...maybe next week.
Hoping for improvements...
schweifer1982Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,662Arc User
edited October 2013
Fixed issues where several enemies were able to use knock and push players who should be immune to knocks. This does not apply to guardian fighters blocking big hits from large enemies.
This is why i have swiched my 17k gs defensive build GF for TR - 1 gf to quelle.(GF are not attractive class make it more disgusting pls ,or nerf it more! I love to see hou they die in instance's and pvp). You know block meter go down fast only 1 CC immunity for tank class last 3 sec(Daily) no doge low running speed no skill with cc immunity ,no passive immunity. Always running tanking. Big Benny Hill CLASS . I hope in 2079 new year come out new paragon's and change the fact.
Ppl expect from tank class to protect the party.
Devs say avoid red circile. How? With slow movement no cc immunity no doge how?
And if you try to run you loose agro "and you team mate's say **** GF".
You need 100% focus to do tank job and you may produce 50% effectivity .
Mybe in low lvl tank can hold agro and they guard not dimish soo fast but the fact is lvl60 is hell for GF.
GWF produce mor survivability(more hp mor resist more CC immunity and compite immunity) then GF with -1000% agro .
I dont want to be destrutive but pls i ask you kindly to speek with devs mybe they lisen to you to make GF and DC more attractive even with server merge we actualy have no GF and DC player base . The promise of better server technology was not the solution for Quelle.
Sorry for bad eng but i have deep hope you undertand me.
Should now be unlocked, there was a hardware related issue that will cause Foundry to be down for the short term until it is restarted again.
Also, going to clarify the note about the guardian fighter blocking as it is clearly confusing at least one person in its meaning. It is NOT a nerf, it is the existing and intended functionality.
schweifer1982Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,662Arc User
As a Dc i can tell i don't have prob in party ( this is because i have all rank 8 on me ), but at low gear was hard end a T2
Sorry for u .
I know 1 thing i am joined the almost biggest (i don't say name) guild in the game and only 3 dc are online for ower 40(40 players alwys online)players all GWF(no role) TR & CW(useful classes).
And no GF.
Also with 17k gs deffensive build ( i have lvl 10 enchant's) you got few ppl hou realized this is not the game where tank can't protect pt.
I only write to tis topic beacuse i know Panderus is our best friend, the only one hou listen .
+ He know fact's . And the fac't is DC and GF player base are more worst then in every mmo(healer&tank).
Agan sorry i know my eng is terrible, but in my defense only my third place lang.
Should now be unlocked, there was a hardware related issue that will cause Foundry to be down for the short term until it is restarted again.
Also, going to clarify the note about the guardian fighter blocking as it is clearly confusing at least one person in its meaning. It is NOT a nerf, it is the existing and intended functionality.
I know its not a nerf but pls undertand my option no way to evade the red circile for gf Expet the daly Villain's Menace.
Same feeling on my guild ^^ Few DC, few Gf but a toons of Tr and Cw xD but if you know how to play, the people will call you back. The prob is that maybe 3/4 of the server can do a dungeon run only whit bug, or they simply do pvp when you basically need a lot of Hp, regen and some tene. The day they will remove all the glitch/bug from dungeon ( i hope will be soon ^^ ) a lot of people will start cry about the bad work or bad timing on fix. Let's hope this day will be soon xD The legit comunity atm is going fine, i report almost 5-10 party for day. I simply join and at first boos, when i see they bug or glitch i screen the glitch, i leave and i report.
dardoveMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited October 2013
One note on Lillend.
Lillends still don't use Rejuvenating Chord while incombat so they will just sit their until audio drain is off timer and cast it. They should be making use of both of their powers while in combat.
Edit: Has a second note, but was looking at the numbers wrong.
you are aware that this will be the last patch for many of the few remaining players, right?
today I log in again, pretending not read that the only alteration to gwf will be a nerf as a function of pvp.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean to say, especially regarding "last patch for many of the few remaining players". The fix for Flourish leaping across large distances you mean? Do you really feel that is an intended mechanic?
btw i still wish i know is AP gain of GWF bugged since slam nerf or is it stealth nerf?would be nice to know
and when is module 2 coming to test server?
the issue is not that the alteration was made - and that became a joke in there barracks - but those were not made , and who are creating a generalized stress . The class has undergone some alterations that reduced its versatility has always been a little hazy for most players . until the end of the beta I had never complained about our performance in pve , even why she was getting some recent improvements . today is difficult . since the beta - I did not used to complain about this time - are abandoned early in the party that supposedly is not got nothing to offer. today do not even have. damage ? tank ? go to our forum and see the complaints that accumulate .
the class was lacking in pve , and suddenly suffered several cuts without feedback or compensation . give a value to the utility slam and then reduce the gain ap certain encounters was a blow to the morale of the class , do not you think? gives us the knife and then takes the cheese ?
I ask the class to look a little more affection , I am a big fan of the game ... if it were not , not be here ... but it is difficult to continue . I the first time I responded here , unfortunately not on my suggestions .
if you want a personal suggestion. give us permission to discuss, in barracks, a post fixed duration of one month, some suggestions for gwf in pve. a month to discuss some reasonable changes to the class.
would be very interesting to let us talk about what we want in class, and you guys obviously would make the necessary adjustments in our suggestions to the extent possible.
I imagine it does not help to hear suggestions or loose guess what we want. is a great opportunity to move further the forum and know your audience.
all players so we'd have only to thank. I'm having fun already .. hahaha
but if you want the type of alteration that I hope, for example, nobody usually use reaping strike. there is a conflict between the time of the coup and keep charging destroyer / weapon master. why, while the coup was loaded, we could not maintain or extend the time of the bonus? and that even this Atwill receives penalty against more than 2/3 opponents? one supposedly powerful resource damage in area, and exposes us both, still receives penalties?
even the way "smart" use this Atwill is along to the masterstrike , that little problem of time / damage ends away from the players to a technique of little use.
I understand why the dynamics of gwf is necessary that the encounters do not take much damage, but it would be interesting if the utility was expanded. battle fury for example.
syka08Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited October 2013
Well, there's things out there that didn't get fixed. Oh well. But there's many things that did. Hurray!
I'm mostly leaning on the positive end of things here, I know. But I really do like seeing many fixes like this, even if some of them might have been small adjustments or whatnot (idk, not a programmer.) Keep up with the fixes! Love 'em. Eventually they'll get to the others X3.
sry but nothing to fix there def debuff was not intended to have 3 stacks only dps should gain 3 stacks how much i know
Actually not true. The tooltip is fairly unambiguous about the way it is supposed to work (and did work up until Feywild). I no longer use it, anyway, but the enchantment is fairly pointless without the debuff stacking properly.
As for doom-and-gloom from certain GWFs, they'll live. Flourish isn't even the worst of it; Crescendo's ability to be initiated from way beyond melee range is arguably a bigger deal. The loudest complaint I keep hearing from GWFs is about having too ambiguous a role in PvE and feeling too replaceable, which I think is valid. The devs can address concerns like that independently of allowing strange, broken mechanics to persist.
Also, going to clarify the note about the guardian fighter blocking as it is clearly confusing at least one person in its meaning. It is NOT a nerf, it is the existing and intended functionality.
I can live with being pushed back by big hits here and there, but mobs are currently able to interrupt guard with some attacks. Is that intended as well?
I can live with being pushed back by big hits here and there, but mobs are currently able to interrupt guard with some attacks. Is that intended as well?
If you find they can go through attacks consistently, please call those attacks out specifically. Most of our testing has found that the powers called out can be blocked just fine, but there are instances of specific powers that cannot be blocked.
Will that be fixed as well or are the GFs supposed to get pushed back? In some rare cases (like
Chasm Maws) you are even thrown in the air.
Still no fix on repourpose soul proccing form sadi same abilities...
and Templars domain still says nothing about a 5 min cooldown...when it def has a internal 5 min cd.
....come on guys!
Detail Asset Issues
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Maybe fix the bug and the glitch on pve and pvp have more imp than foudnry lil bug
While it may not be elegant, as long as you have AND and NOT logic available, you can kludge in ORs:
That'd be great -- if only we had actual AND and NOT logic as well. We don't even have full AND logic. You cannot AND different types of events, only the same event type.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Sure, if there were only one team of developers working on fixes -- but there is an entire Foundry team of developers. And not a single person on the team could spend 30 seconds correcting a text description?
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
This is why i have swiched my 17k gs defensive build GF for TR - 1 gf to quelle.(GF are not attractive class make it more disgusting pls ,or nerf it more! I love to see hou they die in instance's and pvp). You know block meter go down fast only 1 CC immunity for tank class last 3 sec(Daily) no doge low running speed no skill with cc immunity ,no passive immunity. Always running tanking. Big Benny Hill CLASS . I hope in 2079 new year come out new paragon's and change the fact.
Ppl expect from tank class to protect the party.
Devs say avoid red circile. How? With slow movement no cc immunity no doge how?
And if you try to run you loose agro "and you team mate's say **** GF".
You need 100% focus to do tank job and you may produce 50% effectivity .
Mybe in low lvl tank can hold agro and they guard not dimish soo fast but the fact is lvl60 is hell for GF.
GWF produce mor survivability(more hp mor resist more CC immunity and compite immunity) then GF with -1000% agro .
I dont want to be destrutive but pls i ask you kindly to speek with devs mybe they lisen to you to make GF and DC more attractive even with server merge we actualy have no GF and DC player base . The promise of better server technology was not the solution for Quelle.
Sorry for bad eng but i have deep hope you undertand me.
Also, going to clarify the note about the guardian fighter blocking as it is clearly confusing at least one person in its meaning. It is NOT a nerf, it is the existing and intended functionality.
Sorry for u .
I know 1 thing i am joined the almost biggest (i don't say name) guild in the game and only 3 dc are online for ower 40(40 players alwys online)players all GWF(no role) TR & CW(useful classes).
And no GF.
Also with 17k gs deffensive build ( i have lvl 10 enchant's) you got few ppl hou realized this is not the game where tank can't protect pt.
I only write to tis topic beacuse i know Panderus is our best friend, the only one hou listen .
+ He know fact's . And the fac't is DC and GF player base are more worst then in every mmo(healer&tank).
Agan sorry i know my eng is terrible, but in my defense only my third place lang.
I know its not a nerf but pls undertand my option no way to evade the red circile for gf Expet the daly Villain's Menace.
Lillends still don't use Rejuvenating Chord while incombat so they will just sit their until audio drain is off timer and cast it. They should be making use of both of their powers while in combat.
Edit: Has a second note, but was looking at the numbers wrong.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean to say, especially regarding "last patch for many of the few remaining players". The fix for Flourish leaping across large distances you mean? Do you really feel that is an intended mechanic?
sry but nothing to fix there def debuff was not intended to have 3 stacks only dps should gain 3 stacks how much i know
and when is module 2 coming to test server?
the class was lacking in pve , and suddenly suffered several cuts without feedback or compensation . give a value to the utility slam and then reduce the gain ap certain encounters was a blow to the morale of the class , do not you think? gives us the knife and then takes the cheese ?
I ask the class to look a little more affection , I am a big fan of the game ... if it were not , not be here ... but it is difficult to continue . I the first time I responded here , unfortunately not on my suggestions .
would be very interesting to let us talk about what we want in class, and you guys obviously would make the necessary adjustments in our suggestions to the extent possible.
I imagine it does not help to hear suggestions or loose guess what we want. is a great opportunity to move further the forum and know your audience.
all players so we'd have only to thank. I'm having fun already .. hahaha
but if you want the type of alteration that I hope, for example, nobody usually use reaping strike. there is a conflict between the time of the coup and keep charging destroyer / weapon master. why, while the coup was loaded, we could not maintain or extend the time of the bonus? and that even this Atwill receives penalty against more than 2/3 opponents? one supposedly powerful resource damage in area, and exposes us both, still receives penalties?
even the way "smart" use this Atwill is along to the masterstrike , that little problem of time / damage ends away from the players to a technique of little use.
I understand why the dynamics of gwf is necessary that the encounters do not take much damage, but it would be interesting if the utility was expanded. battle fury for example.
I'm mostly leaning on the positive end of things here, I know. But I really do like seeing many fixes like this, even if some of them might have been small adjustments or whatnot (idk, not a programmer.) Keep up with the fixes! Love 'em. Eventually they'll get to the others X3.
Actually not true. The tooltip is fairly unambiguous about the way it is supposed to work (and did work up until Feywild). I no longer use it, anyway, but the enchantment is fairly pointless without the debuff stacking properly.
As for doom-and-gloom from certain GWFs, they'll live. Flourish isn't even the worst of it; Crescendo's ability to be initiated from way beyond melee range is arguably a bigger deal. The loudest complaint I keep hearing from GWFs is about having too ambiguous a role in PvE and feeling too replaceable, which I think is valid. The devs can address concerns like that independently of allowing strange, broken mechanics to persist.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
I can live with being pushed back by big hits here and there, but mobs are currently able to interrupt guard with some attacks. Is that intended as well?
If you find they can go through attacks consistently, please call those attacks out specifically. Most of our testing has found that the powers called out can be blocked just fine, but there are instances of specific powers that cannot be blocked.
Please add any powers you think may be broken and update this thread after comparing to the results of what we found: