Lair of the Mad Mage is a dungeon like you've never seen!
We would love to see any sort of feedback, but notes on environment collision and encounter difficulty would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you and enjoy!
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Bug: I can walk through all of the giant mushrooms in the Caterpillar's Den, no collision at all.
Feedback: I should be able to breeze thru the Graveyard of Souls, I'm a 80th level Cleric!
Also, this:
Looks like a bug.
I'm surprised by your screenshot of the star field room, we played through the dungeon this week and didn't see a missing floor like that, I'll let the dungeon team know, a recent change must have broken it. I apologize for the inconvenience.
You can see it here:
- (01:39:20)The player died, and resurrected on the other side and we couldn't progress then...
You can see it here as well:
- (01:53:49) respawn point unlocked, but the door stayed closed.
Here is a table that shows the stats of an Azure Enchantment outside and inside the dungeon.
I'll never retrace my steps.
Some of my best friends are Imaginary.
Edit: On our third try we couldn't start the first boss. We initiated the interact in the middle of the room (Arcturia) but after the video the boss did not appear. We could initiate the interact in the middle of the room again and start the video again. Skipping the video does not help. The dungeon could not be advanced and we had to abort it. Sometimes the boss appears after some video, sometimes not.
Edit 2: For the first boss. After you kill the first boss you still maintain combat stance and cannot interact with the door. Only going to the side water (behind the 'windows' which disappear after defeat of first boss) manages that one person can interact without going into combat.
Edit 2.5 For the second boss. After we restarted it the Power Output (x Gigawatts) did not reset and therefore the boss was pretty hard.
Edit 3: For this room, the floor is missing, as mentioned before.
Edit 4: For the third boss, after each player was killed, the boss did not reset. He only resets if every player is dead at the same time. But this does not work all the time (only one time it worked... the other time the boss did not reset at all. He remained untargetable, without Hitpoint Bar, etc. Sometimes the scorpions spawn, sometimes the boss deals his magnetic attacks or other attacks, but we cannot hit him... We aborted the dungeon after trying a lot of stuff to reset him
Edit 5: We managed to beat the final boss at a complete new try of the dungeon. I like the visuals of the dungeon, it looks great! But the mechanics of the last boss are pretty confusing, we couldn't figure it out. The first and second boss was nice, with good effects. The missing floor is strange. Some of the mobs hit pretty hard, but that was to be expected as we ran with green lvl 79 gear. I like the dungeon and hope that the remaining bugs will be resolved soon, especially of the last boss. I really liked the drops of legendary vanity pets, they look cute.
Edit 6: We did the dungeon again. After the ads appeared (ads + boulders) (approx. 50% life left of the boss), the attack smash (according to ACT) hit me and my team mates for 1.2mio base dmg per hit (physical dmg / per person). This is way too much. Please adjust that attack, it is too powerful.
The spawner do the Shockwave attack with 1.2mio dmg / 80k-400k dmg to teammates (the ads at that time). The one attack with 1.2mio dmg is too much. The other attacks with up to 400k dmg are too powerful as well, as the tanks was getting oneshotted as well. The ads were not possible to be killed by our group...
Edit 7: A campfire to switch from single target loadout to AoE loadout would be appreciated after the second boss.
I'm not sure this method is the actual mechanic.
(it would be funny if the devs did something opposite of what you expect a mechanic to be)
- but it's more than likely just a bug.
You enter the fight as you would normally.
Once you get the boss to around 25% health, he'll start his mechanic where he charges his Power.
Do not destroy the 4 pillars at the corners of the room.
It will take maybe a 1 minute or 2 for the bar to fill up.
Let the boss one shot you.
Defeat boss.
No need for Artifacts.
Inside of the M.C Escher Room: It's difficult for some classes to heal, and target enemies on the stairs
Arcturia: After defeating the boss, all players are still in combat
- you have to run back up to the stairs to get out of combat then run back to the door to progress
- some players have been able to squeez through the door and open it
After entering the M.C Escher room, some classes are able to bypass the first 2 fights, and jump over the stairs.
It's not really a bug, but it does lower the amount of fights you have in the dungeon, and the dungeon already feels like there isn't a lot of fights in it. Just my opinion.
After completing "Find A Way Past The Boulders" - After opening the door, there's a few seconds of nothing but darkness, then the area loads in. Happens every run.
If you die at the Storm Kings Thunder area, it sends you back to a previous fire, but there's no room for you to progress, so I had to be kicked from the instance and re-invited to get to the next fire.
When fighting the Boreworm, there's an immediate knock back attack that happens even while loading into the fight.
sometimes you get 1 shotted other times you dont. Sometimes there's a red AoE other times there isn't.
When fighting the scorpions in the Coil Room, players can just run past them. They won't follow.
Not sure if that's how it suppose to be, but it defeats the purpose of them being there? - Unless I'm missing something..
Stairs to reach the final boss are gone
I really love the attention to detail when it came to certain rooms in the dungeon.
The inspiration from M.C Escher. The paintings on the wall with the glowing red eyes,
that follow you like the Mona Lisa. This is probably one of the most visually pleasing dungeons.
Throughout the dungeon, it felt like there was a lot of open spaces.
The atmosphere of the dungeon felt huge, it felt big, but at the same time, it felt like there werent that
many enemies to encounter. It felt like running from point A to point B just killing a mob there and a mob here.
Maybe if more fights we're introduced?
- I had an idea, where after you fight the Gorgon, walking down that narrow hallway.
As a surprise tactic, it would be nice to have some enemies fall down from the ceiling, or even spawn enemies on both side of the hallway. Similar to the 2nd fight in Castle Never, where enemies spawn on opposite ends of the bridge. I think that would be awesome to have here as an additional fight.
In the area that looks like Lair of Lostmauth, it would be cool to see Lostmauth flying around or something...
there seems to be a lack of dragons in this dungeon..
It's kind of weird to know that, we're in the Lair Of The Mad Mage, Halaster Domain, and we only see him once in the dungeon... we don't even get to fight him, or feel his presence in the dungeon. It feels like he's just there to be there to get people excited "Oh it's Undermountain Halaster" soon to realize you can't even interact with him, let alone fight him. A real let down.
- I advise doing something similar to Cradle Of The Death God, and make a mechanic for this final boss, that is similar with the Acererak mechanic.
I love this dungeon. Probably one of my favorites.
But boy do I wish we had more enemies in this dungeon..
I mean it's Halaster's Lair for Tymora's sake! He has hundreds if not thousands of different creatures from all over the planes trapped in this massive labyrinth! We gotta have more enemies.
Bardtholomew - Minstrel Bard
Mariah Carries - Devout Cleric
Darth Bane - Thaumaturge Wizard on Xbox
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Here are some videos of 1 of my experiences with the bosses in LoMM:
Boss 2:
Boss 3:
And here are some screenshots from ACT+the combat log for those interested:
Boss 2 Total Damage:
Boss 3 Total Damage:
Combat Log:
Frequently Encountered Bugs within LoMM:
Boss 1:
1) When you initially activate the boss fight, often the boss will not be summoned into the arena and you will need to activate the fight again.
2) When the fight ends you will remain in combat and you will need to die in order to open the door.
3) Before the first mimic phase it looks like the boss does far too much damage relative to player hp.
Boss 2:
1) Sometimes the boss does not appear when you activate the arena.
2) If it does appear, it will kill you the very moment it appears with a 300k hit with no opportunity to react.
3) When you die the overcharge does not reset, making the fight impossible after failing a certain number of times.
4) Slam does too much damage.
5) Sometimes, the boss appears to get locked into casting a single power and when spend the entire of combat just channeling the long distance shock AoE.
The stargate is impossible to pass without bugging movement speed.
Boss 3:
When the pillars phase begins, the boss becomes immune and if you destroy the pillars he remains immune indefinitely.
My impressions of the first boss:
My impressions of the second boss:
- I think you are supposed to split up and prevent the rocks from reaching the boss, thus reducing his charge.
- The tank stays close range, every DpS that can stand at range does stand at range.
- Not sure if I missed anything, still in the process of learning this boss and it is very buggy.
My impressions of the third boss:- No real clue what to do here, this boss is so buggy that it seems impossible to finish it without scrolling at 1 phase and not doing mechanics.
- The Scorpions heal depending on charge from the coils on the ground.
- We could not find a good way to kill them.
In my opinion this dungeon, once the bugs have been fixed, is likely going to be too easy. I recommend toning it upwards.
As for the portal sequences they overlapped too, which was very confusing.
Today, I managed to get past the clear the foyer quest for the first time and open the door but the boss was still bugged and the fight couldn't be started. I was able to interact with the boss this time and she would do the party countdown and cutscene. After the cutscene ended, the boss would immediately reset to how she was before I talked to her and ask you to talk to her again. I tried this over and over again but the boss fight never started and I had to abandon the dungeon again.
PVP Rogue,
--[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]--
Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin)
Ingame Handle: trgluestickz
Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563
Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression
Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud
Platform: PC
Edit: I logged out and logged back in and it fixed it for now.
Edit 2: It's back again, my stats keep dropping in the middle of combat, can't get past the first boss. No clue what is causing it, might be something wonky with scaling, it's the same thing that happens when my character is in Yawning Portal Inn even though he still shows at level 80. For example, Awareness will drop from around 32K down to 17K
I also swear I saw a mob heal from almost no health to 3/4 full right as I was hitting him. It was like I was actually healing it instead of damaging it if that makes any sense at all.
Furthermore, the difference is so big (8000 points in every stat) that you can't use the same configuration for both so:
Either we have to get double equipment, one for the dungeon and another for everything else.
Or we have to equip for the dungeon and waste 8000 points per stat when we are not in the dungeon.
A third one would be going with a lack of 8000 points in every stat in the dungeon, but that way you would be kicked mostly for sure.
I'm not a huge DnD junky like some of the other posters, so I can't really comment about what scenery "accurately" represented the tabletop experience or who should have been included in the dungeon.
Standard fare as far as things went, not too many problems I noticed. Fight time was ~7-10 minutes.
The shadows on the path to boss 1 need to stop respawning.
This creates a problem where one of your party members might die, respawn, and try to rendezvous with the rest of the team. Then, a respawned shadow grabs them and forces the rest of the team to backtrack. It is a very odd pace killer and isn't much fun.
The slow on the swamp/grass monsters is ridiculously strong and undodgeable.
The attack that causes the slow is undodgeable. Then, the slow's effects are so potent that you cant dodge any more of their basic attacks and creates a feedback loop where you get slowed once, then can't dodge, and just get repeatedly slowed and can't dodge any more attacks.
While those enemies only showed up once in the entire dungeon, it's a very annoying fight.
Boss 1
Aside from the mimics and the boss teleporting around, this boss felt more like a Mod 15 boss: run in and beat them down without needing to do much else.
Boss 2
The falling rocks have a huge hitbox, far larger than that of live and it makes the fight near impossible.
Given the rate at which they drop, you can't really dodge them without expending all of your stamina, which leaves you open for another salvo of rocks. I don't mind having to dodge attacks, but when the AoE indicator is the radius of the actual boss, there. (Also worth noting that there are other dungeons that have this weird hitbox disparity, see the spiders in EToS which have these huge jumping AoEs)
The mechanic where your team has to stand together and absorb the lightning is not properly balanced, the DoT hits way too hard relative to player defensive stats & healing output.
Even when every player in the team was standing together, under the effects of Knight's Valor & healer Paladin's Absolution (and shielding the hits), and having the OP heal us, we all died after the second hit. It's also worth noting that it's not very easy to stick together with the ridiculously large falling rock AoEs.
I think this boss might have too much HP.
Given the above issues, we couldn't progress past this boss, so in order to test the rest of the dungeon, we decided to use the "features" in some items. However, what we noticed is the boss seems to have a lot of HP, comparable to a Mod 14 boss with inflated HP to match the power creep, but not properly scaled for Mod 16 player damage.
We had players using one of the artifacts that deal 28 million damage and it barely dented ~1/10th of the boss's HP bar. The only noticeable dent was when one players' Slyblade Kobold hit the boss for 80 million and that wiped out ~1/3rd of the boss' HP.
I know Lair is supposed to be hard, but the estimated ~300 million HP will kill the pace of the dungeon where players spend half the run's time slowly chipping this boss. Aside from mechanics issues, I think reducing the boss' HP to half of that of the current build will be hard enough for most teams, but not slow to the point where players get bored of slowly killing the boss just to progress.
Boss 3
Didn't notice much out of the ordinary or buggy. We went in, the tank aggro'd, the OP healed, the DPSers damaged, and we emerged victorious after ~10-15 minutes.
The only problem I had was that the positive and negative charge mechanic wasn't foreshadowed well at all.
What I noticed was the boss puts a charge on us and after a few seconds, he sends us flying to the electrified part of the arena. It wasn't clear what the positive and negative charges were supposed to do other than flavor.
Overall, the experience was pretty good.
The dungeon was well paced aside from boss 2, most of the enemies were hard but fair, and most of the bosses didn't feel overwhelming frustrating like discount dracula.
last boss seem to crash the game sometimes .