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Play with Strum, Get a Howler - FILLED

strumslingerstrumslinger Member, NW_CrypticDev, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,724 Cryptic Developer
Update: Slots have been filled! Thanks for the interest. I'll be opening up more on May 23!

Hey all,

Like I've done for PC, I'm bringing Play with Strum to Xbox One! All you need to do is sign up for a slot, show up in-game, play with me for an hour and you immediately get a Howler! As I've said on multiple occasions, the Howler is exclusive to community events like live streams, promoted streams and things like this; all in order to foster a more tight-knit community. I hope to see you guys in-game!

Here's how the sign-ups will work:
1. Reply in this thread with which slot you want, your Gamertag and what you'd like to do.
2. First person to sign up for a slot gets it, so please make sure to check that no one else has taken your slot. I will try and update the schedule every other day or so, but no promises! There are four slots per sign-up.
3. If you sign up for a full time slot, you won't be put into another open one. First come, first serve!
4. You cannot sign other people up. This is to ensure no one is getting signed up without their consent.
5. You may only sign up for one slot.
6. You may only cancel or reschedule once - so things don't get too confusing!

Once you're signed up:
1. Just show up in-game at your time and I'll invite you to the party.
2. We'll wait about five minutes until we find someone else to take your spot.
3. After our adventuring, I'll whisper you your code for the Howler or message you on the forums.
4. In an event where I cannot make the time due to meetings or emergencies, just take a screenshot of everyone in a party and send it to me so I can provide you with the Howlers at a later date/time - or we can reschedule!

If anyone has questions, let me know!

Time slots for the next two weeks (All times in PT):

5/11 from 2-3PM
- Red Piper70
- Zephyr1010
- theStickbug

5/13 from 2-3PM
- PooPooMcMuffns
- DeadlySinsSeven
- Joeclops

5/18 from 4-5PM
- Hypnatoad
- Acathla
- BrownSlaughter
- Goodehotline

5/19 from 11AM-12PM
- BadMrFrostyXXX
- Unitedweevil679
- bubu94
- pyroboy2290

5/20 from 4-5PM
- NmE Palpatine
- Megatron Pk
- DoubleX DoubleE
- The 1Reaper

Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame 
Like Neverwinter on Facebook: Neverwinter

Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger

Post edited by strumslinger on


  • quazakaharet#6375 quazakaharet Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    As much as I'd like to I work 8-5 Mon thru Friday so I can't make any time from the start.
    I'm sure you'll have plenty of takers strum. Lucky dogs ^_^

    Have fun everyone. I'll try to get my guildies on this.
  • rryman#1468 rryman Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    5/13 2 - 3 pm gamertag Rryman, in game Gertrude
  • skywatch360skywatch360 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    5/20 works for me! GT NmE Palpatine. If it doesn't fill up my wife Dawson4413 would like a slot too. (I know it says I can't sign others up but this is my wife so maybe special considerations may be taken?) Thanks Strum!
  • winkle70#5126 winkle70 Member Posts: 1 New User
    5/11 from 11am to 12pm, @Winkle70 wouldn't mind doing some Epic Dungeons or something :-)
  • ramez70ramez70 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    5/11 from 11AM-12PM gamertag red piper70, in game name Boris
    So Boris@red piper70 3K GWF

    Maybe some CN, edemo, some elol or etos
    Post edited by ramez70 on
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    5/18 4 to 5 pm gt hypnatoad game name Tiberius rex

    CN or edemo or some other dungeon (or whatever as long as no pvp)
    Post edited by thefiresidecat on
  • badmrfrostyxxxbadmrfrostyxxx Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    5/19 from 11AM-12PM
    elol all day :smile:
  • zephyriahzephyriah Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,980 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    5/11 11-12 @zephyr1010 Something simple for a group of unknown composition, running Heroic Encounters in IWD or WoD perhaps.
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    5/11 from 11AM-12PM
    Zen De Armadeon@armadeonx : Bubble Pally
    Up for anything :smiley: but maybe CN?

    Edit: Please cancel my position, something's come up and I can't make it.
    Post edited by armadeonx on
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • trigon#9132 trigon Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    5/20 4-5pm my character name is trigon@megatron pk
    either some elol or castle never?
    i'm up for anything!
  • wdj40wdj40 Member Posts: 1,958 Arc User
    Sounds like fun, I have no idea about the time difference so I would have to look up what time the UK will be on these dates.
    Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only
    Alts :
    Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)

    Member of Q-Snipe
  • mtkestlermtkestler Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    5/20 from 4-5pm, character is Zaavek@DoubleX DoubleE
  • greyhawk#1973 greyhawk Member Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    5/11 11-12 for Greywolf@theStickbug. Sounds like fun!

    Edit: so much for counting skills while on my phone... 5/11 looks to be filled. Can I switch to 5/19 from 11-12?

    And a dungeon or two sounds interesting.


    Edit2: 2.7k+ GWF, for those wanting ilvl and class.
    Post edited by greyhawk#1973 on
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    Can people edit their posts to state class and IL so we know what we are dealing with please?
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    yeah I just edited my post to go back and state game type preferences, not date or time or anything. I also edited for clarity by making a paragraph. LOL hopefully that doesn't disqualify me.
    I'm thinking the mods can see what edits were made...

    Re reading he doesn't actually say you can't edit your post. you just can't change times. I think that means once he's seen it and penciled you in.
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    @xsayajinx1 if you want a spot you better pick one. I don't one will be picked for you. If others come in and take all the spots you won't have reserved one.
  • acathlasjmacathlasjm Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    5/18 from 4-5PM


    DC 3,511

    Let's do some PvE. Maybe a CN or eLoL.
  • brownslaughterbrownslaughter Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    5/18 from 4-5PM
    I will keep you safe .... maybe :P

    EDIT: Item Level somewhere above 3000
    Post edited by brownslaughter on
  • reaper#3644 reaper Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    5/20. 4-5pm GT is ( The 1Reaper) viper in game. Hey Srum if you put skywatch360 wife the this slot give me the 5/13 one please sir

    IL is 2400. Hr and down for whatever the group wants
    Post edited by reaper#3644 on
  • slr7533slr7533 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    5/18 4-5

    Tiger elf-kicker@Goodehotline


    Up for anything but pvp
  • lilpengalilpenga Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    5/13 2-3PT GT DeadlySinsSeven toon name minionBob GWF 3.1k or Deadpool SW 2.6k. Dungeons, Skirmishes, no pvp please. Howler *get!
  • joeciopsjoeciops Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    5/13 2-3pm. Iceman@JoecIops
    3k Renegade Spellstorm CW.
    Skirmishes if no one objects :)
  • unitedweevil679#9682 unitedweevil679 Member Posts: 129 Arc User
    5/19 11-12. Down for anything but would really like to see how strum holds up in tiamat. 8-P

    Question, can I bring guildies? We are a small close knit group. I don't expect everyone to get a howler (if they do that's awesome) but I know our guildies love running stuff and things.
  • boetabaas69#3289 boetabaas69 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    5/13 2-3pm but if not possible 5/20 4-5pm GT Baasboeta 3.5 GWF OR PERMA BUBBLE OPEN PLZ TRY GET ME 5/13 SPOT will be 11pm for me 5/20 will be past midnight
  • unitedweevil679#9682 unitedweevil679 Member Posts: 129 Arc User
    Further question (I'm avoiding editing my post to avoid accidental disqualification) what toon will strum be playing? I'd rather not have 5 bubbles show up with the intent of running anything within a 1 hour period, and I'd also like to show up with a bubble if one is needed. (Love you guardian fighters, I have two of my own. Certain things are just not meant for guardian fighters to survive).

    Oh, as for my above sign up, my gamer tag is unitedweevil679.
  • jtherose91#5018 jtherose91 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    5/13 2-3 pm. Gamer tag jtherose91 2.9 trapper ranger
  • jtherose91#5018 jtherose91 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Don't care what we do, just down for anything. This is cool :)
  • jtherose91#5018 jtherose91 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    5/20 slot would also work if I can't get into the 5/13 slot.
  • shadowfairyshadowfairy Member Posts: 1 New User
    5/20 if slots are open. Mistress Grim@WhisperingEmber. Stun Rogue (:
  • spacecore9spacecore9 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    5/19 11AM-12PM gamertag : bubu94 I'd like to run some kind of dungeon maybe castle never
This discussion has been closed.