Well if Cryptic wants to expand upon the foundry idea by coming up with a way for us to create mounts, modules, races, classes that are in spirit with the rest of the game I'm sure it would show how horribly understaffed they are.
Thats what kills me about this game they had all the classes, powers, monsters, history, ect. that if they built a game that could transition it into the game they could just been knocking out the assets. Instead we get a Korean MMO wrapped in DnD clothing.
You are already limited to doing it 3 at a time so even if you have all your slots open you still can't do more than 600 AD every 2 hours per character yet they still nerfed it.
Considering I only do professions while I wait on them to Change and add a few things it's not really a loss for the community as I have stopped playing for the most part. Once they rework boss fights, fix bugs, add more classes and races I'll be back. The game feels like it was released a year too early to me and now I…
Considering that is the only thing keeping me logging in as I work on buying keys trying to get a nightmare mount if they nerf it I'm out. Will check back in a year if the game is still around and see if it's worth getting back into.
The fact they spent time and effort on PvP in a D&D based game instead of content and classes is a travesty IMO. Both my friends that got me into this game have quit already from lack of classes and story lines with no info on when more is coming.
Hoping the RNG god smiles on you is not earning it. Some people will luck out and get all their gear in a week of running dungeons others will go months without completing their setup. I'm all for this myself IF they change the drops or change everything to seal vendors that you can guarantee that after so much time and…
If you only pvp you should be able to obtain the best gear for pvping. The fact is now those who pvp only will be out geared by those who do pve as well with these new changes. The easiest way to fix this would be to make the pvp gear have pvp only bonuses that make it better for pvp than any of the pve gear.
The fact they even have pvp in a game based on DnD is silly to me but that they are changing everything around and balancing the game around pvp seems quite stupid to me. All for the money I guess to get more people playing the game.
Same, at the price they are at it's to much for me to buy on principle alone as I see it as a complete ripoff. I would be happy to buy a few if they dropped them in half.
Was in a PvP match today on GWF midway through lost the ability to use the TAB special power. The charge meter was full tried changing to a couple different key binding during the match couldn't use it again till after PvP was over. Anyone else have a similar problem?
Griefers would still be able to need then give you HAMSTER they have an item they have to now sell as shop food since it's bound while giving you HAMSTER about "Let's see those bitter tears! lulz"