Everyone that's salty never played real pvp in other games like DaOC where archers could 1 shot you or you have a gank squad roaming around. My thought on the whole one shot is that it is part of the class. Trickers should be able to 1 shot a light armored person. They shouldn't be 1 shooting tanks though unless they are…
I popped off a 2.2 mil divine judgement with it circle of power, bane and judge all nicely stacked up. This is on PS4 with my Devo, I do feel like burning guidance will take away the charges though of the skill.
> @marnival said: > You need different ranks or they only proc once for each timeframe(don´t remember it something like 19 sec or so). Most use 1 rank 12 or 2 rank 12 and 11. It is not going to add very much to your output and the cost of making(buying) them at rank 12 compared to what they give back is not worh it imho.…
I have seen pallys top dps but they run the Orcus set and just do crazy stuff. For orcus I tend to stay just in range of Divine jugement and share my power with the DPS. If the tank dies my companion can take some hits from orcus with the bell good enough.
I have missed people so many times with smite I hardly use it in PvP anymore. Protect pallys are almost ok where they are at they actually debuff better then guardian fighters, though some buffs are mediocre cool down reductions nice for TR and HR I'm the groups. I would like to see CoP be changed for the Devo pally and…
Dps for pallys with my healadin and tend to do 60-90 mil in FBI. In pvp watch out because we hit hard with vow + judge and divine judgement I have 1 shot many people for 150k.
I have no problems getting in groups with my pally I do wish we could provide more buffs like vow give a small damage increase for the whole group even 5-10%. I have 4k GF that will take me over a dc because with me he hardly has to put his sheild up.
My mounts all have control bonus and I have valindras crown set and switched from MoF renegade to MoF oppressor today and I now love pvp style. I could easily keep 2 to 3 people at bay on a point in domination. I don't totally understand how the set works and control bonus in general works though. The stats I have on…
I think the devs should get a big thumbs up for this they could of been like oh well sorry but they went out of their way to correct this and I think that speaks loudly that they care about the players.
I run a healadin and can pretty much make any group get through the t1 dungeons as long as the tank doesn't get 1 shotted. I felt bad on my MoF renegade cw today taking top dps against 2500 gwf. My debuff cw is only 2600 and normally does less dps then tanks.
Yea when I zoned in on my lower level characters it says you are fighting at level 60 then immediately says you are fighting at level 30. It does scale anyone over level 60 down though.
I ran ELoL on ps4 and just played the role of healer just to see what my burning guidance would do and I did 8 mil in the end, we don't have the things pc people do so this is our only way to tell somethings damage. I could see a protection pally benefitint from it. I actually plan to take it on my protection pally I am…