Because you can read i congratulate you child, but to interpret is a different matter, and what is written can be interpreted as it would unlock an ability of sorts having all previous powers maxed. Have a nice day.
Just to start off with the most usual question of these things (as not stated on the rule page): Are we Europeans eligible to the physical prizes (mouse, keyboard, tee) of the contest? When I showed my gf the Neverwinter game (she's quite fond of the whole lore involved, specially halflings and dragons), the foundry popped…
that's not what i mean at all. My main is a CW, and I have an extra encounter spell available on Tab at 20p. Right bellow to it, on the next tier you have: So why hasn't it unlocked? (take note that image is example only, my tree all first tiers are full)
Dude... really? If you had payed $200 and after a needed wipe you wouldn't get the goodies you payed you would complain to ****... stop whining... Honest answer here. I'm with him on this. I voted no becaus I'm not even sure what happened nor would if I'd get my Zen (bought with cash) back, but will not abandon the game…