Well, after Mod 6 There was a lay out of fixes,,,Since Mod 7 it has dwindled to near nothing, I think Andy should speak personally on this matter. Why stifle? Sure the 2x RP,Xp,enchant/rune drops...etc is very nice of them to implement. It only covers the festering wound. They should continue updates and projected fixes as…
When you put too many HE events in a zone, instead of making new content for the new HEs, it is likely to strain eveything. UnderDark should have had it's own zone for the HE's. IWP, DV and DR should have NEVER taken extra burden. Now, Andy.. Bring back lower level Dungeons on low and epic scale. You will be a major winner…
I think they are overloading zones. Since Mod 6 Dread ring has had a second or so delay. With Mod 8 it has gotten worse. I think due to Demonic Heroics. Ice wind pass is just as bad again. I think they need to upgrade their server hardware or find the leaks. Dread Ring has had it's population limit cut to 15. I think they…
That is for 2x XP, RP etc....Scroll Down to the part where it has each item listed per day free on the zen market. Says" Day (Starts @ 2AM PST)" right there, look closely.
The reset time for Free zen market items is 2AM PST. That was 7 hours ago from this post. Look closely here: https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/neverwinter/news/detail/9705723