If you haven't noticed that your mark goes away when youare hit you are pretty bad. Just sayin. I agree it is pretty dumb but the worse thing is getting slammed or knocked down on a boas and losing agro. Other than that, its easy as **** to reaply and my markes targeta are debuffed so its pretty awesome actually
Envy can be beat just the same as you can.. I watched him get 4 shot by our gf with some lucky crits. Anybody can be beaten if caught off guard with the right cc. Just saying
I'm going to spec tactition to see what the difference will be in dungeons once I get stalwart bulwark set. I have timeless atm and conquerer spec. It is great fun.. pvp is domination esp. With 2gfs and a gwf
Recovery is useless if you're going for the tactition point that gives ap when you are hit I would keep villaines menace slotted f or damage when needed with supremacy of steel. Also frontline surging mobsgives your group 10 percent more damage... I think that is worth keeping it slotted.
Our quickest cn runs are ran with 1 of each class. I play gf and our other gf is on a majority of the time so we often run two gf 1 tr 1dc 1cw. We actually prefer it. With thw feat in tactition that increases damage by 10percent to mobs under control spells. Frontline surge singularitied mobs and bam trash is instantly…
if i transfer my character to the test server, does my respec token come with me? I ask because I want to see what kind of damage I can get going tactition before I respec. Also, if so - is it easy to trasnfer character there? Thanks.
Just so you know, the system thinks the nightmare shield is a weapon for aome reason. I cannot change my ancient shield to the nightmare shield atm. Nightmare shield change appearance only shows weapons but I twstes this with gloomwrought shield and it just shows a blank item. Btw armor of insanitt is pretty unique for gf.…
I have a few to add if you can explain how to screen shot each item when i preview it, or do I have to cut it out of an entire screen shot? Thanks for your shares