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  • None of these has anything to do with the problem you are referencing. You might as well add; don't play the game. Solo cueing is where the problem exists. Telling someone not to solo cue is not a solution. The people complaining are not getting kicked for poor play, that would mean the system is working as intended, they…
  • Definitely find a guild, you'll have a lot more fun. Don't re-roll unless you just want another character though, it doesn't matter what you choose you will get kicked, maybe not as much, but right now people are going crazy with it. At least as an over played class you get kicked at the start, as a cleric if you can't…
  • This game does not have a trinity design, it is people like you making assumptions without thinking them through that is the cause of this problem to begin with. As the OP said, he and the CW could stay up no problem indefinitely. The reason people "need" a healer and tank is so that they can stand in red and jerk off to…
  • We had max levels in Neverwinter after two days. These are MMOs, you'll be playing them six months from now, some people will be playing six years from now, two days isn't a factor. ESO has a very good over arching story line, it can be hit or miss for zone story lines, but some side quests alone are worth every line…
  • If you like being in the front lines then cleric is exactly what you want. You are going to be smacking mobs around most of the time as your life on hit at will is going to keep people going through most fights. This also charges your RB very quickly, once it is charged take a look at the group. If they need healing hit RB…
  • Don't worry about your race, it all washes out in the end. The way experience works, the previous level being a fraction of the next level, you will never fall to far behind the curve. You will consistently move into the next area a couple of levels behind, but they aren't additive so it will always be a couple of levels…
  • You can't put a system in place for every eventuality, especially when the problem is only a problem because there is a system in place to solve another problem. The group finder is there because people complained about finding groups. The loot system is in place because people complained about looting in group finder. At…
  • The search is limited, but this works in your favor. The average person is just going to take the lowest visible offer and think nothing of it. Knowing that the spread is actually larger than shown you can take advantage of this system and make AD/Zen. I understand you see these ratios, think they are to high, and since…
  • If the content is so difficult that you need a puller, and the dude can't handle it, then he will die, then he will learn. While leveling though you don't need a puller, you don't need a tank, and you don't need a healer. Just go nuts, handle what you can handle. The vast majority of damage is 100% avoidable, the rest can…
  • There are several quests and dailies that bring you back to that area, I've killed him several times just because I can't see his health going down and not get a few wacks in. I don't know why you aren't seeing anyone, but you can change the instance you are in to one that has more people. Sometimes there are dozens of…
  • I don't think you guys are reading the same post I am. This is the OP's opinion. Cons: Game crashes Lag No sound Grindy (but not to grindy) Pros: A lot of quests Conclusion: Having a pretty good time I think we are all reading into the title, but it turns out she didn't have much to take back.
  • Like you, I can't believe how much these Dungeons and Dragons nerds have "borrowed" from World of Warcraft. Come up with something new guys and you might be able to compete.
  • It isn't meant to be an end all decider, it just gives people that aren't interested in stats a good benchmark. The number in no way is meant to represent the effectivness of the item for YOUR SPECIFIC build, it only represents the overall allowence for stats. I know you don't want to read this, but I'll throw it out there…
  • He refuses to spread the exploit, but he will use it until it is fixed. In other words GFYS. You can find the info on Reddit.
  • Don't get too personal, but your general location will help. Comcast/X covers a large area, and all traffic isn't routed through a central Comcast office. Narrowing it down to a node or region will help you convince Comcast to get off their asses if they are the problem (when is Comcast not the problem?)
  • Guys, read the second post. There is zero need to speculate on the problem or whether or not Cryptic knows about it.
  • I don't play on the PC, so I don't know how the cue system works there, but on the Xbox I solo cue dungeons with my cleric and consistently get groups with no tank. I can only speak from a cleric's point of view in normal leveling dungeons. I do not know about epic dungeons.
  • Instead of looking at the additional content as a single purchase, decide how much this game is worth to you a month and break it down into segments. $15 dollars a month is my number for most games. It is the normal subscription for non-free-to-play games like WoW that still charge you for expansions. Every month I budget…
  • I actually came here today to specifically complain about this. I completely understand why they do it, and I can handle some spam, but they need to limit it's frequency, and not allow it when you are in combat, a dungeon, or a skirmish. Frankly I think the chests sitting in your inventory is enough to drive people to buy…
  • The point of using an analogy is that you don't need to explain it bro. The guy said exactly the same thing in one sentence.