Alternatively use a crypt room but deco the walls and floor with human interior pieces. You get the inside map "room", it has a height that can be used for two+ levels and you can use the stairs (I believe there is liked one human type staircase) or just make your own out of wooden planks and other items. In reality…
Oh I agree with that, but then it needs to be balanced with those who have a nice income of AD, someone who likes a quest, but doesn't have that much AD is unlikely to part with it. Someone who likes a quest, doesn't have that much AD, but wants their achievement will tip.
If you want to make AD then make a short Daily that isn't broken. As tipping is also tied heavily to the Foundry achievements most people will tip full amount just to earn their achievement and, unfortunately, is rarely a reflection on the quality of your quest. Tying tipping it into the achievements was a bad idea imo.
No, you've just probably not experienced an amazing quest yet. There's PLENTY of quests out there that only deserve a 1 star, but until you play a quest that makes others pale in comparison, then you can only vote on experience. I've played two quests that I now consider worthy of a 5 star (though have previously 5-starred…
At the end of the day, as it has been said, different strokes for different folks. The thing is when you get the feedback comment at the end of the quest it asks for "what you like about this quest", sometimes advice is unsolicited, criticism is unwanted. Authors are VERY protective about their stuff, some people are fine…
The fact is that you can still make a beautiful and very impressive daily, it's all about effort. Some people will spend days fine tuning a room that people will spend 30 seconds in, others see it as a complete waste of time. Me personally, I won't leave a room until it completely captures the atmosphere that I'm trying to…
If you pick up an item, then when you go to the next map you can still have "Required Item" setup, whether it's in your storyline or not. You don't have to use the items that you acquired on that map, they can be for a future map.
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. If you get off to a good start early on (lets be fair most of us are talking about Bill's Tavern) and it has a certain appeal, then the masses keep seeing it, keep playing it, and keep voting for it. Now I'm not a massive fan of BT (much prefered Agent 34 as far as that type of…
By choosing to PvP/Skirmish/Dungeon delve I am contributing to people having someone to PvP against/PvE alongside. Should someone who gathers together crafting resources to create items that they sell on the Auction House be given free resources? Roleplayers create plots and storylines and RP for other RPers.... they make…
No, you get 10 quests slots period. Not 10 Quest Slots x 10 Campaign Slots To ensure people make meaningful quests and not churning out rubbish. If you have a (currently) limited number of slots then it will force people to work harder on their quests. We don't know how we will earn more quest slots at the moment, maybe…
When you place the item (book, scroll, sign) you can give that item dialogue like an NPC (can skip through various pages as well). This doesn't need to be tied in to your Story page.
Had literally started working on my new daily called "The Other Guys" last night where you got to play the bad guy :) Will definitely be trying this out.
Whilst I think your world design, in general, is quite basic, I have to say you do put a nice twist on the quest and use the Foundry mechanics quite well.
Elindar thinks you have a level 60 who gave him a low scored review on one of his quests (the person with the account porpoisealert who made the other thread). Screenshots were sent to Chilli of the insults and has resulted in elindar being removed from the guild as it was deemed as a bad reflection on the guild if an…
The only winner here is the person who plays the bigger man and stops the bickering. If you carry it on here you're gonna get the thread locked, you know this, so if you do carry on then it's pretty much admitting you're trying to get the thread locked. There's only the two of you arguing, take it in game or to PM; no one…
I don't think there's any need to name and shame publicly, the only person I think should definitely be informed is Cryptic and also their guild leader if they are guilded. Absolutely unacceptable.
In the "Encounters" list the difficulty (Easy/Medium/Hard) is how difficult a single player would find all the mobs in that particular encounter, so in theory a solo "Hard" encounter will be hard for one player. If you put in 5 solo's for a 5 players group then this would equate to the same difficulty. However, if all 5 go…
Hey, I'm Yospeck, long time RPer from various MMOs, 6+ years tabletop (virtual) experience including the last 8 months where I've GMd a Forgotten Realms D&D Campaign. Hardcore Foundry author (still only a level 13 Cleric....) by night, by day I'm a married man with a baby on the way, working from home as an illustrator,…
I find that when I fall beneath the world and my character is at ground level then I have to go into editor, make a slight change, save it, then jump back in to test it (sometimes still have to hit ctrl+r).
Yeh the clipping is pretty bad in this game in general. I've had mobs just clip through walls to try and get to me whilst playing the normal Cryptic content.