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  • ROFL this business model is terrible I wish I could compare their books to a successful F2P model. This module release looks like 1 final cash grab before a scrap date is announced when ESO, FFXIV, and EQN all release during the fall.
  • This is why you don't try to stop bots by detection and banning, you stop them by removing the benefits of botting. AKA only reward winning. Look at WoW, you won't find many bots in arena PvP. But copying the financially successful giant of a MMORPG that is World Of Warcraft would be cheating, right? Jesus Cryptic, hire…
  • (1) "Pours" millions of dollars. (2) How is it not simple? Don't give rewards for losing matches, all bots gone.
  • how does 1 CW throwing adds repeatedly while 4 other ppl afk dps boss bring people together? also you greatly elaborate the use of skill involved in pressing singularity then pressing shield I personally would have liked to see boss fights with less adds that you actually had to kill, maybe even in a specific order.…
  • Also garbage logic. Even the player that never buys zen in his life contributes to the game and the gaming company. Players are content, if you didn't have 15 year olds with no credit card farming away the AD to buy your zen then it would be worth less. They are consumers, and although the opportunity cost of them playing…
  • No idea what I was going to post here
  • Way ahead of you, intrigued by EQN and FF14RR as well
  • This is meh. Maybe some people feel a subconscious obligation to be satisfied with something they paid for. I tend to feel resentment and bitterness when I pay for a product I am not satisfied with. The monetary policies of the company have little to do with loyalty, I feel it is deeply rooted in the quality of the…
  • Garbage logic, please try to comprehend the knowledge that is about to be dropped on you. Microtransactions are proving to be more profitable than the 40-50 buck 1 time purchase combined with a monthly subscription. As I have posted before, every consumer values every good / service at a different price. If you charged…
  • Patience will be given based on the standard of the game in comparison to what else is on the market. AS IT IS WITH ANY PRODUCT IN ANY TIME PERIOD. So tired of <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> mongo fanboys saying "nobody complained this much about EQ or DAOC or UO back in the day". This is because back in the day EQ /…
  • This thread is stupid. Consumers have been criticizing and evaluating products since the beginning of time. If you were a blacksmith in medieval times and made a ****ty sword, you don't think the person you sold it to would tell their friends "hey this sword sucks <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> I can't PvP with this"?…
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_surplus Any good or service is worth a different value to every consumer. The goal is to maximize profit...if PWE believes that current outrageous prices being purchased by a small percentage of the community is the way to go, more power to them. However, when you look at the amount of…
  • go find a new game or level an alt
  • Look, nobody is here to rain on your parade or tell you how you should enjoy the game. I do not enjoy the leveling process. It is a means to an end. Some people are interested in the story and lore of the game, others are not. Cryptic must do its best to appease both parties, not cater to one or the other. Calling everyone…
  • Having mechanics tied to the room is fine honestly. For example on Dracolich, if it is the "room" doing the check of Dracolich health % and then determining whether or not to spawn hands, or the boss doesn't really matter. Or spider boss, is it the "room" checking boss health to determine whether she morphs into spider…
  • I feel as if swindling players into spending a quick buck on gear before realizing the game they are playing is garbage and quitting is a bad business model. Eventually your game will earn a bad reputation and new players will stop coming in. Design a game that is fun to play, retains current players and brings in new ones…
  • The adds / tougher adds were a specific suggestion for a quick solution to making Castle Never more challenging, definitely not a suggestion for how to approach future content. FYI the devs have heard the cries of "no more adds" and have stated module 1 will have more variety. My suggestions regarding Castle Never were…
  • Obviously I care about bug fixes, read above posts. As for the lockouts, I don't want them on every dungeon. Just Castle Never and the PvE portion of Gauntlygrym (while increasing the reward for the latter) I just think there are better ways to make people continue playing than "here grind this same dungeon over and over…
  • This is the first good counter point to my suggested changes, and the only logical argument against increasing the challenge. I am not suggesting that all dungeons become more difficult, just the endgame "hardest" dungeons. If the masses prove to want easy content handed to them to the point where everyone is walking…
  • Thats fine, this isn't a thread about content vs. bug fixes. If Cryptic released a statement saying "this is what we are working on and this is our priority" and the order was: (1) Fix bugs (2) Do all the stuff I said =P I would be completely fine with that. However, there has been no indication that PvE or PvP is headed…
  • As far as knocking mobs off ledges being intended etc, I'm confused as well as to what the plan was when Cryptic designed some of these dungeons. It has to be intended, but like you said it promotes 1 class doing 1 thing over and over, and it seems just weird that Cryptic didn't see this as an issue when designing the…
  • I thought of this also when thinking how to make the dungeon more challenging, here was the reasoning for me coming to the conclusion I did. I am not a game developer. I do not write code. I do not know how complicated it is to add invisible walls, but it must not be the easiest thing in the world, because the invisible…
  • Jesus... Obviously I'm not in favor of bugs. Please...fix them. I'm sure for some people bugs are the biggest deterrent to them playing this game. For me, it is the lack of having anything to do. It is my opinion that fixing the bugs and adding / fixing content both must happen before this game is truly enjoyable. If all…
  • Also what is my "motivation" lol? All I want is a fun mmo to play that doesn't become pointless after 2 weeks of playing at level 60. -Make it more challenging -Slow progression down -Add PvP ladders to retain competitive PvP'rs (would also increase streaming and game popularity)
  • I don't understand what you necessarily disagree with. Do you feel that my proposed solutions would not fix the economy and slow down progression, therefore giving players reason to stick around? Are you already level 60? If not what will you do when you have farmed all of your equipment in 2 weeks, sit on your hands until…
  • You are right, bugs are also a problem that needs to be fixed. By all means new content is not always better, but we disagree as to why Gauntlygrym is fundamentally flawed. You believe it is too buggy to be played / enjoyed properly, I believe that it is niche content that does not add any progression for players be it PvE…
  • My opinion is based on experience. I am not here to take a dump on what you enjoy within a game or how you spend your time. However, in all the MMOs I have played, progression based content keeps people playing and feeling productive about the development and customization of their characters. There is nothing wrong with…
  • Well rad through it again, because you clearly did not comprehend it =) I do have all my gear, and the lockout was not the only suggested solution. Note I also suggested increasing the difficulty of the bosses. As with any new content, players will eventually get it on farm status, and an instance lockout would slow down…
  • Yes, and I explained my reasons behind it in above post if you read it. Calling it endgame is almost a joke considering it was being spam farmed before the actual "release" of this game. Buff the bosses and add a timer please =D
  • Everyone has their own perfect version of what an MMO should be. My thoughts and opinions are based on what will keep a player base around for the long-haul. If you are content dicking around in foundries and role playing I won't tell you that you're wrong, but you sir are in the minority.