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What is the Arc Client?
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  • Sad to see many ppl from the big pvp guilds using this one already. I had a hard time against most of them already before this cheap shot item got in the game but now with more or less perma invis builds from most already broken classes it got really annoying. And while i understand why ppl who are undergeared need to…
  • Owlbear to the rescue
  • I tested this out with both my 65 TR and CW and i got the "Bug" with both chars that upon resurrection i got the usual 10%ish HP but bout 1 second later i got a big 45k HP tic. I dont have Lathander set on these chars or any other set that could be responsible. I couldnt test it on a LVL 70 unfortunately as none of mine…
  • Ah ok thanks for the info. Yes im using shield pretty much always. Guess i will try poping it when im beside a pally or stay away from pallys at all. Just last question do you think is this intended or just a bug/design flaw which maybe(insert hopeful thinking) will get patched?