Maybe it has been changed, but the "key check" used to happen when you entered the dungeon. Buying keys once in wouldn't allow you to open the chest(s).
Actually, there's a threshold (a pretty high one) after which steam purchase are instant. I couldn't give you numbers, but I usually buy thru steam and haven't been put on probation for years.
We ran some act test in t2 dungeons when a buddy got a trans thunderhead in a trade... In a whole eToS it did something like 60k damage ... Impressive, and disruptive, visual but kinda crappy ...
I agree with the general idea ... But the powers you suggest are ... Quite powerful, not to say game breaking ... Simplest and more realistic option might be an ability point. Moradin +1 con, oghma+1 int etc.
@manufracture You will still be able to play your alt as you did before, what most complaints are about now is the change to refining system, with enchants going up to rank 14/unparalleled. Those new ranks are extremely expensive and will make gearing up multiple character harder. That being said, it is mostly true for…
As far as I'm concerned there's two likely scenario when I'm doing dailies ... I'm either relaxing, taking it easy and watching some Netflix while I play, or I'm waiting for Q to pop. Either way, I don't really wanna bother with party members ...
@rgutscheradev Lucky you, you pulled the lucky straw ! Of all the feedback thread up now, yours is the only one unlikely to end up with a pitchforks bearing mobs ! Joke aside, I really like this. One thing I'd like to clarify tho : can a main character create more than one Signet ?
@ravenskya @micky1p00 Easiest way around the Hati bug is to simply wait it out if you die. Releasing after your party finished Hati put you back down in the fighting area.
Tbh, as far as T9G is concerned, GWF are mostly wanted as DPS for their survivability. I've seen many squishier classes go down, mostly on the 2nd boss. That's the issue imo, cause good cw or hr can do as much damage than gwf. Tr and SW might need some love tho. *Edited for typos
Well, if I get it right, your point seems to be that the parangon path you're playing isn't as good as your class other parangon ... Tbh it's the same with most classes ... If the hypothetical 15k gwf you talk about was running Sentinel, because he likes it, he would do quite a bit less damage ... It's nothing new in NW…
@"noworries#8859" :: Take out a riot shield :: A simple idea to make pets with bondings or eldritch on par with augments would be to remove the % from eldritch stones on augments. That way you could either have : - 100% stats and uptime (augment) - 195% stats, 50% uptime and pet skills (pet + bondings) - 76.5% stats, 100%…
I'm not rejoicing about that change, thinking of all the stuff I will have to change on all my characters, but I understand the reasoning behind the devs decision. I do think that the numbers currently proposed are a bit low. As mentioned by many, stats with a 50% uptime are hard to balance and I think the the total stats…
Here is a 6 feeders method we've been using for a while, which dont require to get feeders to legendary.
I have yet to run TONG, but I'm guessing the seal of the brave are capped at 1200 too ... Would be pretty funny to add exactly what you asked for but not change the cap ...
Yup had the same issue while fighting the Dragon turtle ... Lost all my temp hp a few time without knowing why. I noticed it in some runs but not others. I'll try to see if it might be an interaction with something from another class ...
Funniest part, smaller, casual guilds which it is supposed to help can have trouble completing this. We did it on the first day, lag was okay for us, not great but playable but after 10 waves, which took us about 30 mins, we ended up with 7 dark gift vouchers each ... Let's just say we weren't impressed ...
Had a look at IV today, which power do you guys use to proc Trample the fallen ? Or do you simply rely on others ? All the controlling powers are rather ... Meh.
I use the Destroy Enchantments button pretty much everyday ... I wont pay Gold to unslot half used slayer or Ward overload when I want to slot a new one in ...