Currently Full at the moment if you are interested in joining feel free to hit me up anytime @xX TTGHD Xx Currently grinding new content including ESVA and SVA. Requirements are DPS 3.5IL and support 3.0IL if you are under any of these feel free to hit me up as out alliance guilds may be able to accommodate you....
Great guild to be in, very active and are progressing really fast always running content from dragonflight to edemo's and new content.These guys are a fantastic alliance and are part of the big family.
Awesome guild to have in alliance with us very well run and progressing really fast,really friendly members who are active and are constantly running activity's if your after a active,friendly, dedicated guild AND FREE TO JOIN get in contact with SF Green Beret before they are full you won't regret it.
Currently seeking a GH10 or higher to join our very Active Alliance with opportunity's to rotate as Helm guild and progress at a faster rate with donations coming in from other guilds your progression will be alot faster and smoother with our help. If you are interested please hit me up on xbox. @xX TTGHD Xx Darth Sidious.
Near full at the moment and with screenshots taken weekly we can confirm we currently have 147 active members which is fantastic. Please remember if you do not hit the requirements there are space's in our alliance guilds so do not hesitate to hit me up anytime. Our alliance guilds have lower Item Level Requirements than…
You are farming for item drops but mainly the voninblod as you need it for the campaign and yes there is new gear with EVERFROST RESIST but to keep this gear maintained it needs to be also fed with voninblood.The Big Heroics have a chance to drop some good items which you can look at under 'items then go to 'collections'…
I agree i'm a hard hitting Gf and i ain't even finished my build yet, yes we do exist just be careful wondering around IWP or DV you just might come across one of us :wink:
ok firstly let me point out this was before mount system and no high prophit etc just really good comms and as for the pc guys commenting you guys are where i spend all my time so i get future content and where the markets are heading and i enjoy your builds @thefabricant as my main is a CW. People putting posts up after…
Just to add to this it would be nice to have items that are pc exclusive not just the wild hunt rider but also these to name a few: Death Slaad, Cambion Magus, Loyal whatever accessories... etc Here is x4 Legendary outlaws and a random killing lostmauth in 13 seconds from start of combat to death. Here's What the group consisted of: Dps/Debuff Cleric 2.6IL (Outlaw Alt) ZEUS) GF 3.8IL (Outlaw) (Felgar) GWF 3.7IL (Outlaw) (Morglum NeckSNapper) SW 2.6 IL (Outlaw) (SMOKEY 2.0)…
Thanks jaw, yes will be getting a group together later if we get a renegade in with us and we have the luck, we can do this even faster i know it. But 1st i believe we shall have this also gonna try to spider in record time to.
I have put money into this game and plenty of it but now you take out wards,rubys and are making people pay zen to buy wards which costs MONEY and when people have paid MONEY on lockboxes and VIP you turn around and basically make the game pay to play this is not a free game no more and you have taken x2 AD and x2 Enchants…
GT xX TTGHD Xx Exp MMO player spent alot of time on WoW thought i would try this out on console and i love it apart from idiots in dungeons who kick for no reason. I am after groups who play dungeon's i will also help out anyone who need's help and advice and will contribute to the guild to help buy new space and expand.…