Ok you have me sold now if Thorn Strike is so much more viable because currently Thorn Ward is already on our bars in high-end pvp as it really tears up tanky char's making node capture that much easier. Also, Thorn Ward helps to identify where stealth TR's are located. So if your saying Thorn Strike is now a very nice…
Thank you for the fast response regarding the immunity, but this skill does not need a rework whatsoever. Top-end pvp is BALANCED as it is ( Good Job btw with Tenacity), just ask all of the top tier players. This is a very unjustified nerf imo and needs to be VERY carefully thought out. If there is not a single-target nuke…
Still broken......we had 2 full teams that Q'ed up and we got booted from Q before entering the Arena's. We tried again and waited 5 more minutes and still no "Q" pop.
That is quite a cheap shot at the Dev's that is not needed in this forum. However, after playing with the Dev's for close to 8 hours I can assure you that they do know what they are doing. Not only did they play well enough, but they took the time to answer our questions all day long and replied with honesty and good…
^^ Emblem was acknowledged by Archwizard Crush as being OP and he said that he would make that point in his internal testing currently going on as I post. I am sure that this will get toned down in the next major patch from its current form.
The current Meta game with the ultra-tanky DC's in LIVE is B O R I N G. They can single-handedly tank 3 top-tier geared PVP players. Healing Depression is perfect for this as it makes PVP faster-paced and much more interesting. That being said, DC's will need to receive a massive DPS buff to offset their lack of healing…
Really good games on the Preview Shard and Archwizard Crush did a great job fielding questions. I hope that there is more of this type of interaction and perhaps even a weekly DEV blog on when they can participate in matches. Tenacity in my experience is actually quite nice as is the Healing Depression in General as long…
I play this game for one reason only.....PVP. It is the only end-game content worth doing in that when fighting in PVP it will never be the same fight. Humans react differently and each close match there seems to be something new that happened worth sharing a laugh, or something new discovered that will make you want to…