This is a continuing occurrence. After closing and restarting several times I'm able to play normally, after time outs of course. Takes a very long time just to claim vip because I can't interact and have to restart numerous times. It's cool floating around barovia forever in Shadow slip tho, I managed to clear the dark…
Maybe I'm just lucky because it's happening again. No chat log, no quests, cannot interact w anything, can stay in shadow slip indefinitely until it glitches me back to area entrance, no companions, and menu doesn't work. Please explain or fix it?
After four years I've never got anything other than a r6 or7 and millions of refinement, some epic companions. I saved 87 keys for the new "odds" w the lockboxes and was rewarded w more refinement points and a few trade bars. And the results of end game boxes are just as trash. I haven't recieved anything other than a few…
And the time it takes to queue for these dungeons just amounts to a waste of time. Not everyone can wait 45 minutes for a queue to pop only to have it fail because of other players. This is not a good system. Reduce these to three players tank/healer/dps and dps x3 and adjust rewards accordingly. This would also erase the…
Let's be clear, I'm not complaining about my class. I've been playing him for years now and he is pretty awesome at everything. My only point in the beginning of this thread is that a cleric w worse gear and stats did more damage. I out dps rogues and wizards w more power than me ALL the time and my power is now at 146. I…
Yeah totally understood, was just wondering if it is actually doing the right thing. And on that note, I'm all for story progression and expansion, but why not fix the bugs already in the game before adding a new mod? It's exactly like an author writing a book and publishing it w half the pages missing.
> @sandukutupu said: > Currently I would like to use all the chickens I keep tossing, out of Juma's Bags of Chicken. Maybe get the awesome Sword of Chickens for collecting 100 of them. :lol: Damages wielder, heals enemy
All they would have to do is add an AWARE button right next to the LIKE button. This way we could at least have an acknowledgment that they are aware of the issue and either working on fixing it or not. We would probably not post as many threads if we knew that our posts were at least acknowledged by someone.
Blue screen in lomm twice, really great since queue times are 45 minutes. Standing in barovia and blue screen. Try to go to stronghold and blue screen. Four reports in 2 hours.
R11 radiants, bonding 15 x 3, empowered 15. Augment companion, swarm, tensers, and brutality. Like I said, I can do some amazing damage. My only point is that a cleric w worse gear and stats did more damage than my warlock.
I appreciate your info. I have tried and tested MANY builds and gear and have almost everything. Like I said I can do some crazy damage and put my power up to 170 if I wanted (I know it's low for dps, but I'm not rich in radiants) but I get more damage out of the companions like xuna, grung, dire wolf currently. And yes…
Please address queue times, they are out of control. Stop scaling and make different dungeons, or the existing ones just not available until players have the proper statistics (NOT ITEM LEVEL). I would love to see a new class as much as anyone but please balance the warlock class first! 5 more magnitude means nothing in…