Are you serious so when you get 4K IL you should just quit? It's not like when a 4K team or person ques there is a spot to request to fight a group at a lower item level. Everyone is a bunch of whiners don't expect to be a part time pvper and get anywhere it's the same for PVE. I don't see anyone making EDEMO gold easier…
Your complaint isn't just PVP it's PVE to you basically have an issue with high end competitive gamers that use every means possible to be on top. You will run into these issues no matter what MMORPG you play, in my opinion MMO's have gone soft. Be glad you can't get killed and have your gear taken or your astral diamonds…
If you read above i agree with you about exploits, my points about moving gear is it doesnt matter why remove it ... its not going to change the outcome. On top of that they usually do get rid of there ambush and sight rings and switch to rosegold when they know it less competitive, they also change out spells. Exploits in…
You need atleast 600 points to get glory, that's 2 captures... and in my experience if your not a whiner and it's a strong pre-made like Asylum, LGPG, Defiant, The Nation... usually if you handle your beating they will let you cap for points... it's when people talk HAMSTER that they don't give you a break. You qued you…
Impossible is an exaggeration, get guild marks get the blue gear stronghold gear and then Grind Dom. Even in a lose you can get 100+ glory without any bonus from enchants. so let say you use 5 rank 7 glory enchants in your utility.. That's 155 per game, then lets say you win 1 in 10 games ( 1 in 10 is realistic how else…
I understand the exploits comment but do you seriously, think they que hoping for a PUG they don't. If you think they are going to start spending gold to remove their drains and then take the time to take of their rings... it wont matter they will still beat you. I personally don't feel sorry for anyone who is going to…
So in an effort to bring everyone together that wants to do Seige, i realized it would be nice if we could see the number of people qued before it pops. That being said we know that wont happen anytime soon with programing so i have create an IRC channel on IRCCloud which is available on PC, IOS, and Android. This will…
Seige was ran at-least 15 times this last Saturday .. it didn't start consistently until about 2pm est, I was able to get enough banners for 2 pieces. It all got started because someone started a que group and i split off to form a second one then we all split up and qued with the 40 people. Once it starts running it…
Here is the problem with Adding a new pvp mode not enough people PVP as is, creating a new mode will just spread the pvp community further making que times even more unbearable for Siege. That being said here are my suggestions as a player who only played on PVP servers in Everquest and WoW for the last 16 years. #1.…