There are a few different ways to spec your PVP DC now. For Defense: 1, High HP/ High Defense: You have high damage reduction. With high HP. You can take a lot of hits. For this build, you need to up your healing power a bit. Otherwise u can't really recover after the 80% healing nerf on yourself. Benefit is your teammates…
It's not + , it's X 100 x 50% X 40% = 20 So it doubled your 10%.... oh well.. does that makes you happy? lol. not me. Anyways, delete the posts doesn't help much. Maybe they can delete the entire DC class If they don't want to see DC killing ppl nor healing ppl. Mon Chi Chi
lol I tried to look at this at the bright side. Just like some lovely newbies(who's not a DC) said "DCs are more like a supportive class in PVP nowady". When u see your HoT at 1xx per tick..... Do u feel that i'm...supportive at all? :p Mon Chi Chi