OP is completely justified in his opinion. And Cryptic is suffering the consequences of releasing a game before it's ready. Population in this game has plummeted.
Thanks very much for the feedback. I am going to try your dungeon next! Alot of the issues you mentioned have been addressed in the most current version, as well as some other stuff added :)
I started your quest but got stuck. For some reason after I entered the portal after talking to the guard the quest disappeared from my log all together. I was still on the quest because I went to the Halls of Justice and talked to the merchant up there and he still is asking me to do stuff but there's no quest in my log…
Maddriver I played your quest and posted feedback in your thread. Really enjoyed your quest. http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?224751-Ignum-Chapter-1-Path-to-the-Underworld
This adventure was great. 5/5 more people need to try it. Encounters were numerous and well placed and felt perfectly natural for this setting. They were soloable but aren't a pushover, I used some potions but there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, infact I prefer it that way. The level of detail put into your areas…
Thank you so much for all your feedback!! Good point on the rooms being linear. I will add a few rooms for flavor and some more dialogue for the next version. I used to have some more monsters in the zombie room guarding the sides, but some of my testers said that room was too much for a soloer so i moved them. I'm…
Based on feedback I made several changes. The quest is a bit longer now and has an end boss. Also made it more solo-friendly. Thanks to those who tried it and for the feedback.
Name:Tomb of Talanos ID: NW-DGZ62JVB3 #Combat, #Story Short description: The Circle of Nevermana has enlisted in your aid. They have tracked the nefarious lich Talanos deep inside an ancient crypt and have requested assistance from capable adventurers. Soloable but will take some care. Especially at higher levels. Lots of…
I published mine a couple hours ago and it hasn't showed up yet. Publish is greyed out as well. It's probably just due to heavy server load though, considering its friday night.
Great remake of the map. Really liked the puzzles. You might want to make a note that it is soloable but only if you're brave that type of thing. More people might try it, I had to run it a cpl times solo because I'm dumb and managed to somehow skip the review process the first 2 times lol
Great remake of the map. Really liked the puzzles. You might want to make a note that it is soloable but only if you're brave that type of thing. More people might try it :P
Nice, thank you :) I am waiting for a friend or two to try yours since it's a 3-5 man but i will try it as soon as I can with them! The golems are just ogre's reskinned as bone golems :P I ran out of resources to put more mobs in but I can try to figure out how to do a last boss encounter, thanks for the feedback
Name: Tomb of Talanor ID: NW-DGZ62JVB3 Author: Xivilyn Tag: #Story, Campaign Q1: The tomb of Talanor Q2: (not released) Q3: (not released) Sub Tag: #Combat, #Exploration Party size: 3-5. Doable with 2 but challenging. Very very difficult to solo.