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  • Nice character customization? It has one of the worst cc's out there. I'd say only TSW is worse. They basically use the same **** faces for all the races. Same hair across races as well. Hell, a lot of the same hair for both genders too. The sliders are nice, but it was lazy of them to not make each race unique. All males…
  • It's like this, the free drow open to everyone (including HoN folks) 60 days after launch. At launch HoN people have access to the Menzo Renegade Drow. It's basically an RP drow. You get special tattoos and faerie fire ability. I find it disingenuous for HoN folks to point out that they don't have access to regular drow…
  • This is pretty disingenuous. It's called a renegade DROW afterall and it allows HoN pack owners to effectively bypass the no drow for 60 days rule. The renegades have more cosmetic options like tattoos and a special racial, but they are still drow.
  • But you weren't promised exclusive access to Drow. You were promised just the renegade skin. Unfortunately, it seems the poor wording of Cryptic confused some of you into thinking otherwise.
  • Ah maybe the tanks I had in dungeons were just really bad. They seemed really useless and couldn't hold threat for <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. Was wondering if the class was just terrible or what. Ran dungeons more easily with an all dps team. O_O
  • Yes, when the game launches you get it back. However, when it's refunded it can only be used in NW. You won't be able to use it for another PWE game once you've designated it to NW even if it gets refunded. So it's not quite a complete zen reset.
  • Do foundry missions give as much xp as the developer-made missions? I did like two foundry missions, but I wasn't paying attention to how much xp they gave. One question though, I was just following the normal questing. I noticed when going to a gate to enter other areas that I was locked out of certain zones completely.…
  • NW is not an AAA mmo. It never will be. It's far too dated looking (other recent MMOs absolutely blow it out of the water in terms of graphics), the character creation is awful and the combat animations are among the worst I've ever seen. For a F2P game though, it will suffice and provide entertainment. Not sure it will be…
  • O_O Are you serious? That's rather gamebreaking to me. Clerics should definitely have the ability to rez people.
  • Well, I hope PWE is much more reasonable. Given they can make a decent amount of money from the idea, I definitely think they'd be open to it. I'm sorry but HoN people already got their money's worth. In fact, according to your very own thread you more than got your money's worth. Companions and mounts alone are worth the…
  • You're going to see tons of drow running around regardless. You know I'm really pissed with whatever marketing person came up with the HoN nonsense. They should have been more careful with the wording because now so many HoN seem to feel they are the only ones entitled to being drow. It's a special RP renegade skin that…
  • Um, but we're not playing a drow at launch. We're playing something else and race changing when drow unlock 60 days later. I'm rather appalled at the entitlement and selfishness from some HoN people. Not all, but some.
  • That sounds interesting. Though I think it shouldn't be too pricey. The cost should be comparable to what other games charge for race changes.
  • Oh and... My tiefling wizard:
  • my rogue (styled as a fake drow, since I coudn't make a real one) my half elf cleric:
  • Why not? Seriously, that's pretty **** selfish. But the fact is PWE is going to want to make money and tokens like these are very common it cash shops. I would be very surprised if they didn't put them in. It's a good way for them to earn money if anything. I'd much rather not have to pay anything at all and play drow at…
  • 60 days is a LONG time in MMO land. Everybody will be well ahead of you, so all this talk of starting your launch 60 days later seems like nonsense. You shouldn't have to wait 2 months to play the game. -_- My plan was for a drow rogue and a tiefling wizard. My plan was to level the wizard first and wait for the rogue.…