I would love to be able to have a deer run by or a fox. And place a frog on a lily pad or on the side of a waterfall. The problem with the birds as is, they fly way too low and just hoover there.
Well they still need to fix it. I had no problems with the game prior to the release of the new module. My computer is top of the line with a top of the line graphics card. So I know its NOT on my end.
What about the disconnect/rubberbanding issues??? I have been disconnected over 20 times today. I rubberband with every step I take. If I take 5 I am slung back 4. It takes up to 6 tried to get from point A to B sometimes more.
Come on DEVs need this fixed and fixed fast in the Foundry! How the heck are we suppose to make the kind of foundries we want without transition maps that take a person back into the same area before proceeding to the next one? Anyone know if there is a way to copy and past from one map to another and have it go into the…
I have removed all the dialogue from the mat. What its doing is making doubles of the details I have placed on the map and since there are already 1500, it makes 3000, thus making the new map over budget.
This is exactly the problem. I was able to find the problem but then the "Critically Over Budget" notice came up. So what do I do now? I have a version of the quest already up but due to the recent bug of searchable quests, it is not accessible. Now I cannot set it up so I can republish it.
Removed any form of dialog, contact information etc but I still cannot duplicate my map. Dev's need to seriously fix this. It's becoming a pain in the ***. I need at least 4 copies of this one map to progress between buildings and other maps in this quest. Its set up as an RP map. Though, I do wish one could visit any of…
Ok so if I have any objects linked to objectives, I need to remove them in order to duplicated the map? For instance, I have a town and you can click on signs to see what a building is or a door to see who owns it. Do I need to remove those as well?
Haven's Point is recruiting committed, active members!! If you join between now (9/19/13) and Sun (9/23/13), you will be a part of an unprecedented number of important guild meetings being held throughout the weekend. We are working on boosting our events, building on RP and reestablishing ourselves in the RP community.
Drows are not a class! And they promised Drows 60 days after the launch date, so we knew this was coming. But they advertised Sun elves for this expansion.
Nice trick you pulled there Cryptic/Perfect World. You said Sun Elves would be coming out with this Module and now you take it back. I call that False Advertisement!
So where is the regular drow now? Its been 60 days? Any plans for it anytime soon? As this is a race that was promised at some point after 60 days to those who did not purchase the Hero pack. Any news on Rangers...no planning to create a drow ranger but it is a class classic to D&D and Neverwinter.
Lots of new people coming in over the last week. Its a wonderful sight to see so many with a common interested. I cannot wait to plan out the guild events.
Description of Events Raffles- Raffles will be held every hour on the half hour. We will raffle off three items ranging from green to purple (Gear, Zen store items, lockbox items). People will be assigned numbers according to when they take their ticket. And three numbers will be drawn or rolled for the prizes. Happens at…
Description of Events Raffles- Raffles will be held every hour on the half hour. We will raffle off three items ranging from green to purple (Gear, Zen store items, lockbox items). People will be assigned numbers according to when they take their ticket. And three numbers will be drawn or rolled for the prizes. Happens at…
Please check us out at our Serverwide event- Newbie Day Sat 7/6/13 starting at 12pm EST! We are here to make the community a whole! We will be giving out door prizes, hosting contests, races and trivia to those below level 30. We will have some very special items raffled off. So come on down. The event starts at 12pm EST…
Well Haven's point is an RP guild, we are community of our own. Some call us a town of our own since we have a settlement (ICLY and in Foundry). But these types of events are something I plan to carry out regularly. It helps the RP/Player Community as a whole and it helps us maintain our good stature within the community.…
Haven's Point (Mindflayer server) will be hosting a Newbie Help Day for all those under level 30. This will be on Saturday July 6th at 12pm EST. We will be set up in Protector's Enclave. Instance to be announced on the day. We will also have a separate channel set up for it, so people know where to find us. The event will…
The pack was HAMSTER! It was all useless stuff that has to be stored in my bank because I cannot sell it. Only thing good might have been some scrolls and the health stone. You could have at least thrown in something valuable....some keys or something. The XP scrolls were nice. but still really?