Enct you are just wrong on every account. First off you can push mobs off the edge with your knock backs and EVERY instance has a place to do that somewhere. Secondly, No other skill you do can even come close to the amount of damage you can get with shield. You can literally RESET the skill if you stack arcane mastery…
CW's OP???? HAHAHAHAHA not even close. Try untargetable range spam from a TR then come back and talk to me. If you don't know what I'm talking about then don't even bother responding you ain't up to snuff. Not to mention smoke bomb which you run if you are a decent TR cause your at wills do more than enough when lined up…
As forefront on this subject I will say this. I out DPS almost everyone as a CW, even in Epic Dungeons, but that has nothing to do with the fact that you are a striker class or what not. It has to do with how the mobs are killed. AoE DPS will win out over single target every time due to the amount of adds on boss fights…