Stormdrag0n, while I kind of understand the people that like the BoE system(Working fella myself) I truly dislike the idea, not because people can get their loot on their auction house or because people will be making more money on the auction house(HAMSTER up the global economy fyi) BUT it's for the simple reason that…
Im not 60 yet so cant say about that but I really suggest a buff to GWF at low/mid levels! I know level 60 balance is more important but know serveral people that gave up on the class because it just werent fun enough to level so much slower than other classes without knowing if it would actually get fun later on or if it…
Not to be harping on you or anything but if you are from europe and cant get sub 150 ms on an NA based server you don't have a grade A connection/isp. Im sitting on approx 50-100ms all the time om both Beholder and Mindflayer servers playinig the game from Sweden. So it's obviously possible to have sub 150ms from europe to…