Maybe the same reason that a cheater cheats on their mate. They are never satisfied. Oh and for the record... this game isn't a challenge. So cheating on something that is already really easy is odd.
What is worse? Being (as you say) obsessed with the game or being obsessed with the forums & coddling PWE/Cryptic while harassing customers who talk about how bad (which is completely true) customer service is?
They do in game patching all the time, this is why you get random lag at times. They could have simply slipped it in and it seemed to work so they didn't bring the servers down.
I have played a lot of pvp matches and last night I was kicking about 8 bots on average before the match started. Typically this ruined the match since the game doesn't understand that we are still people short so it jumps to 7 seconds. The match should not start until we have 5 members. Also I have reported bot that were…
I agree the game needs a lot more added really fast. But not stuff that is Cryptic standards. Properly done. Sorry Cryptic, you have good intentions but you always have a way of HAMSTER something up. I really find it funny how many people can not wrap their head around the fact that they disguised a release with an open…
I don't blame you. I have a 60 rogue who can kill clerics 95% of the time. Once in a while I run into the god heal cleric that can take a massive hit and heal himself after I spent all my energy almost killing him. I also have a guardian fighter. I was doing fine in PVP until the 40s. Now a fight with a cleric might take…
I tend to win and would rather keep it that way. At times even when I lose I still win with a personal victory. I was just thinking that there might be methods to help the longevity of the game.
I am uncertain how fast you were posting or how fast the ban happens. But odds are you either spammed chat a lot at some point or the other spammers saw you as competition. When they report you they ignore you as well. So a lot of people must have you on ignore now.
Foundry content is player made content. If you count that, then Cryptic better start writing checks. I have beaten the game. In an MMO you have to set goals for yourself to consider it completed. There are a few things I could do. But the PVE side of the content is so wash rinse repeat at the end game. It is honestly…
This is why you don't spend money on a Cryptic game you haven't played through. Cryptic tends to hide the poo on the back side of everything they make. That way everything appears to be fine until...
Perfect World purchased Cryptic from Atari. So it is coming from Perfect World's wallet. Maybe they should have kick startered the game then? With the quality of games being release by Cryptic. They really need to hire and fire some people in there. Last 3 (including Neverwinter) games have had some major issues at release.
I have no idea what you mean by class balancing. But... you can see them while stealthed at range, teleporting behind a target or stealthing does not break line of sight or interrupt abilities and some abilities have auto targetting, Crowd Control has no diminishing returns. Various feats are broken aka do not actually…
This is what happens when a company buys another. Wizards of the Coast bought Dungeons and Dragons, I forget the year and don't feel like looking it up. But eventually things will change because of new ideas and new creative leads. It will go against the lore of the universe because someone thought... hey this would be…
This would have to be the first time in the history of beta testing where testers were banned for testing a bug. Beta testers would lose their privileges if they were being rude to other players, making racial comments, etc. Not for testing bugs even ones that impact the economy. Now with this bug being in effect for a…
A real open beta would fix the issue and start from scratch. They would not give out horrible care packages because it is a open beta. This game is live and launched. It will most likely hide behind the word beta for a while.
This is a released game. They even had a launch. A 5 day head start for paying customers for an open beta is unheard of. A 5 day head start for a game that is launching is. They also stated that there will be no further character wipes. If this was actually open beta, then there would be a wipe at the end of the beta. Then…
I haven't read all the posts. But look at the top of the page at the tab. They call it N. I rather go with NW. I think if it is just N, then it is a wanna be super model or something.
I just find the whole interaction with you funny because I basically predicted your point of view and yet I gave you more credit than what you had deserved because I was doing it sarcastically. Of course I am going to throw your own words back in your face for making feeble attempts at talking down at me. Now yes this game…
Your ignorance is showing... You would only realize the difference through the experience of playing MMOs at launch. Other wise, yes you would believe it was a beta.
All 3 were incomplete at release though. NW is MMO Light, extremely light. It is a decent game, but only about a 6 out of 10. It has a lot of potential but that probably wont be seen for another year or so.
Actually I am treating you like how you started to treat me with your first post. Doesn't feel good does it? Common courtesy goes a long way. Even on forums.
Ah so you didn't. They have as much time and money as they allocate or believes the project deserves before they wish to have return on their investment. Odds are the rushed release of this product was caused because of the recent acquisition of Cryptic. But my question is was it a valid choice? Do you realize that…