If you come into close range you are detected. Simple as that. And GWF is so gear dependent its not even funny. As soon as you get yourself an awesome set of gear ( ie - level 60 tier 2 pve ) then the PVP turns into a joke.
Make sure you do not bring a guardian - as they just are a blatant detriment to any group t2+ as compared to all the other classes. 2-3 clerics, and 1-2 rogue/wiz/weapon fighter is all you need. If you have a guardian in your group and you wipe - the fault is on you for allowing them to stay.
Id rather have new mounts and companions, and also PLEASE WE NEED MORE FASHION ZEN ITEMS! way before fixing issues like server stability and foundry music.
I don't have the link, but if you keep looking through the threads you will find the one that notes the whole slew of feats that guardians have that do not work ( strength focus being one of them )
All of those items, title included, are easily obtainable in game. I got the title finishing the last quest zone. Thank you regardless for your tireless effort in keeping us updated with pertinent information.
Man it would be really cool to get the howler mount except in black - and charge like 200$ for it. Do the same with red. Then add a kangaroo mount for 50$ and no color, then after a week add a colored version for 80$. Also, is there anywhere I can apply to get a job with your How to make money division? I can tell you my…
What the hell else are we suppose to complain about? The combat is not to bad, the graphics are ok, the layout and general gameplay is fine. Might as well complain about the cash shop, give us that at least. If not, then we will find something worse to complain about that might actually affect how the game plays.