Come check us out. Constant teamspeak activity, plenty of players to group with. I give out free advice on raising chickens, its a win / win for everyone!
Im game for starting a guild, I have also had a hard time finding one as well though I'm not into RP at all. Add me in game ad whisper me whenever you see me online. Slater@vudujuice (or vudujoose) I still haven't figured out this adding friends thing. I'm a 45 Control Wizard. Edit: Just a post script type thing, but…
That's why they are called encounter powers, you only use them in encounters they are needed. While I understand that there are times when you need CC on adds I could also say that damage creates action points which allows you to use dailies more often. Arcane singularity can be used more often when you are doing more…
I see and hear a lot of "CW's are too squishy!" talk and I hear that they rely on potions too much. I would like to remind those of you that top DPS charts with glass cannon items (stacking power / crit / armor pen) that regeneration and life steal are the offset. If you stack a bit of Regen and a bit more life steal you…