All of the above is incorrect. I can tell you what happened... You said you were in CN, grabbing your chest. You were probably standing near the portal since it's right next to the chest. In CN you have to activate the portal and the party gets transported out all together - you cannot just leave by yourself.(Unless you do…
Dear nezraal, 1, I am not Ragingwizard. I have no idea who he/she is. Stop thinking you are so smart. You aren't. 2, I am NOT the gwf advocate. Not sure why would you even think I am. 3, Ragingwizard isn't the gwf advocate either. 4, The only embarrassment here is YOU. You are a disgrace to this class, acting like an…
Are you ... mentally challenged? The advocate's job is to, as I have said before, you clueless monkey, to COMPILE FEEDBACK from the forums. Can. You. Understand. That? The advocate does NOT voice his OWN opinion. Dear God why do I even bother with this sad little man. I like the red text though... color of rage? Haha.
... lolwut? The only one who is being unconstructive here is, not too surprisingly, YOU. I've been reading your posts for a while and you are an incredibly self-absorbed, irritating, obnoxious individual. I'd suggest taking a break from the game, as it'd appear you are taking what supposed to be entertainment and fun way…
All the advocates have been indeed chosen, including the gwf one. What you all fail to realize is that all these advocates do is compile the feedback from here the barracks and the preview feedback thread. Feedback is being sent every week about what's going on with the class. Not happy about something? Make a separate…