If your looking for a battlemage just check Rift and the harbinger class out.. best mage about if skilled up right.[pyrobringer] .harbinger/pyromancer mixed skills.but wouldnt work in this game guys
i totally agree..it seems that the Devs are trying to favour pvp..which ive never bothered with.and i have put a message up earlier about the classes being poor except for the rogue.which seems to be the only "true class".my arguement is for more classes and to make a healing class...a healing class.. and a tank...a…
Hi,Zeb. thanks for the reply. yes ive done a reboot/login. and when my internet shutsdown.it clears my cache automatically.its not a must-have issue to be honest but i was more puzzled about others having the title. :) but if i can be checked at some stage that would be good thanks
Ahhh do i have to have used the preview server? i havent used that at all. i just bought the feywild knight pack on thursday.i know its not unlocked for 5 days yet.but i was just puzzled by some of the forum users having the title but if they have been on the preview server.that might explain it ?
hi this is what comes up when i click it..........There are currently no public usergroups available for you to join. i cant see it being a billing is as the transaction as been "completed" in my tansactions area
Hi.i do play the game...lol and have 1 of each class though some not up to maximum level yet.[why would i be buying the feywild knight pack if i didnt play the game?].im not talking about gamplay how a toon is played geared etc. the post is all about the classes as opposed to almost all the other mmo out there. besides the…
Id rather prefer the Devs to concentrate on getting some new classes out...very soon!!.as i can see interest in the game going fast. this is a well built game with a lot of good ideas.but nerfing classes so early on is going to cause concern i would think. lets have a look at the 5 classes so far.. TR: this is the only…