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  • Even stealth then LA works, not sure if there's been a patch since last night that I'm unaware of but everything seemed okay last time I checked.
  • Thanks for adding your gear; now I have another goal to work towards :P (even though i'm only level 49 right now).
  • Assuming I get everything back from my founders packs, definitely (the AD included). Yeah, leveling over again would be a pain but I quite enjoyed questing to be honest, even if it is simple "kill x amount of x" or "find x amount of x" it's nice to relax and quest after a dungeon or something. As of right now, the people…
  • Thanks! Yeah I like how the DF follows enemies on the 3rd strike, although it does have its flaws like following them off a cliff xD I didn't realize you could take steps in between DF, i'll have to give that a go. Ty for the tips :)
  • Question; I follow this build, power rotations etc everything in this guide, and I've come across one small problem. For enemies that move around a lot, such as those wolfmen things (blademaster? battlemaster?) in the grey wolf den that like to just jump around for the majority of the time I find it hard to even land one…
  • aw I was following this build as I was leveling my cleric and just noticed your feats changed so now mine are all messed up xD I guess it's my own fault for following an end game build while leveling. Also while I'm here, what powers are best for soloing/questing? I'm only level 20-ish cleric so still learning :)
  • You get whatever stats the cat has. Give the cat a +100 power ring, that's +100 power to you.
  • Great guide! I have come top of damage scoreboard every dungeon/skirmish I've played so far, that being said I am only around level 23 or something but I've followed this guide since level 1 and it seems to be going well so far. Thanks. :) EDIT: Level 40 now, and I am yet to be out dps'd in any skirmish or dungeon i've…
  • Yes! Thanks to all the clerics. I'm very stingy when it comes to using health potions, even when I have like 50+ I'd sooner run around with a red screen than use one, so it's always a good feeling when green numbers start flashing everywhere around me :P
  • I love how everyone's calling the game a money grab game.. just don't spend money on it then? You can get everything for free, aside from the things included in founder packs of course. Just sell the items you get from lockboxes and you can make a profit on AD, especially if you buy the zen for keys instead of buying keys…