i misread the message when i tried to invoke it just said it wont give me anymore celectial coins not ardent coins sorry but thank you for answering me
I know there's a store for Ardent coins and Celestial coins you don't have to tell me that Im just asking how do I get more ardent coins if I can only carry 12?
Ok what is the items where you have peoples faces with like 10% effect what is that I got something from the adventures enclave after I learned some thing new like a tutorial on how to do something im going somewhere now and got no more time to talk sorry I couldnt be more clear but I gotta go thank you I will clear…
What did the update yesterday do?, all I know is that there's someone new at the protectors enclave with quests that's all I know what the update brought, forgive me cause Im still new to Neverwinter one of my friends was playing it and I decided to see what it was and we'll Im glad I downloaded it