Agree with OP... The New Mod is a Grind & the battles are to difficult for casuals... Random Ancient Dragon Ques are now Time Sinks as OP said. You have Undergeared randoms who allow the quest for gear to hinder their own chance of success with modifiers lol. Que up for an evening of play and catch 1-2 fail runs and that’s…
> @"crypticpop#7861" said: > Updating since this is a higher priority issue - another engineer has identified and fixed the main cause for queues failing since m22 and it should be fixed in an upcoming patch once it gets through QA! Greatly Appreciate the Update and Diligence in Resolving the Issue! Thank You!!!
I would be all for this idea. They could announce the changes in advance and even build an entire module around its release. It would restore pvp and renew interest for a lot of players. Ayroux, I recognize your name as an old @handle. What was your characters names? Pretty sure I used to run with you...
+1 Amazing idea op... I was on the verge of starting a lv 10-60 pvp resurrection thread before I clicked this post. This would be an great temporary solution to the broken pvp problem...
Well as a returning high end player (as in paying customer, cryptic), the information within this thread was extremely helpful as well as disappointing. I have now researched drains and the rings in question... As if pvp didn't have enough problems due to boons and the power gaps they create. The only reason I play this…
Anyone care to enlighten a returning player from years past as to what drains are? Clarification on this whole mount stat fiasco would be appreciated as well... It would appear that pvp is still the long forgotten step child. As a returning player, who has spent money on this game... why would I want to return when the…
Outstanding post op! I agree with you 100% I began playing nw at launch on pc. I was a high end pvper who quit the game out of frustration a few months after tenacity was first introduced. I have recently picked up nw again a few weeks ago on PS4. Returning to the game I knew I would be way behind on boons, upon learning…
As I stated in my original post, the let down for me here is the lack of Communication in regards to what the majority of the player base has been asking for (new maps, matchmaking system, rankings, duels). I have never seen an outcry in regards to how stats work in pvp... Adding a tenacity stat (which is the exact same…
For months the PVP community/player base has submitted fantastic ideas to vastly improve the current state of PVP in Nw. Amongst all of these suggestions never once have I seen a request to add a pvp specific stat to gear (Tenacity), or to change the way the games current stats function (crit,arm pen,regen). Currently End…
This helps immensely!!! And thank you for the quick reply! If you don't mind me asking a second question?: What would you say is a good default "tanking rotation"? That would help me get thru most dungeons? I tried to follow the rotations you posted in the beginning of your thread but found it kind of confusing because I…
Rokuthy thank you for this guide! I have been using it since I began playing and I greatly appreciate your effort! Question: I have been thru your thread and I have noticed that you have never posted a screen shot of your HUD/Hotkey Setup. Could you please post this for me? My biggest challenge has been setting up my…