If the best gear is going to be BoE, like it is right now, then the game is P2W by my definition since you can trade it on AH for AD, and you can effectively buy AD for ZEN (dollars) So.. If: End gear = BoE, then the game is P2W and I'm not playing. Otherwise, it's just a really agressive F2P model
I think the essense of this whole discussion can be summed up pretty briefly. Everyone knows bad and good examples of the F2P model. Some of the good are GGG (PoE) and Riot (LoL). The bad are countless, lol. Anyway, this core difference is how far you take the model. To be honest, I believe the one single core difference…
While the first point doesnt matter the least in this context, the last point is truely interesting. For me this games is only worth playing of I have assurance that the best gear will be partly if not fully effectively BoP.
Incorrect :) WoW was one of the only MMOs that had the best gear being BoP. Im not talkign about the good gear. I'm talking about the BEST. there should always be a gear tier that is the best and BoP only.
I will explain it just for you then since it truely seems like you lack the mental ability to add two concepts :) The best gears is obtained with seals, both dragon and unicorn seals reward you with BoE items. BoE items are tradeable on the AH. thus gear can be obtained with $. I know it's quite a bit of informations you…
If you don't see that everything on AH can effectively be bought with real life money then you either havn't played the game or simply don't posses the ability to add two concepts. I do know that the end game gear will be BoE because the vendros selling the best gear in game for seals are already available in the…
Will there be any end game gear that is BoP? In BW4, I saw that the epic gear you accumulate through dragons seals seem to be BoE just like the best PvP gear is BoE as well, making it all trade able on the AH. Is this the overall plan or will BoP gear be introduced once the game goes into open beta?