At day time I have no ping playing neverwinter at night my internet is fast as ever athough I start getting 2k ping +. With proxy 2 I can play freely but it often gives me proxy 1 and i cannot connect. This is completely HAMSTER!
Isn`t the point of the wooden shield to trap the sword in it when hit ? :) If the shield is made of iron then it will loose this property and would be like facing sword with sword which is not very common in medieval times. Although it wont hurt if the wooden shield has some paint on it :D
I might not quite agreee with your other thoughts because after using anything the CW`s become slow walking for a while and the clerics could be easily stopped with any kind of croud control. You can kill them easy with 2 guys (actualy I usualy burst the clerics alone quite easy). But anyway man you couldn`t be more right…