Incoming wall of text. Incoming wall of text. Incoming wall of text. I do hope we get a level cap increase. I just came back to the game after a 2 year break (left right when River District opened), and as a returning player, I can see we're getting lots of issues with power creep and broken mechanics among classes. Yes, a…
I believe it's just a bug. It happens the most to me with rooms. I place details in play map/3d mode then transition back to the map view (because encounters and object still show on the white) to do my name editing/conversations. I've had name edits not take when done in 3d mode so yeah I transition back and forth a lot.…
Hello there, I'm a returning player who is also looking for a guild (haven't found one as of this message). I only have 1 level 70 I work on, but I see you are rolling a healer and if you are ever bored or want to finish some quests a bit faster (though I would let you read and listen to dialogue of course) I would be…
Hello there, Are you folks still recruiting? I'm a returning player coming back to the game after a 2 year break. I had previously played from release of Icewind Dale to Storm King's Thunder. I'm mostly a casual social gamer, and just enjoy doing stuff with folks. I just finished installing the game on my basic laptop…
They just announced on twitter that NWPC has been pushed back another hour.
@dread4moor I am definitely not opposed to the Foundry getting some reward system. I just see the specific "adventure hour" reward system as one I really hate, for both official and player content. When I log in, I want to choose what I want to do and be rewarded for it on a general standard, not for playing at a specific…
Just wanted to say I've enjoyed this round of blogs for the upcoming module. Usually I just skim through, but even as a technical novice, I found many of the blogs and the issues faced by the devs interesting, especially the environmental artists. Thank you to whomever wrote/edited and/or put these together.
3.1k ilvl is fine in my opinion. My guild/alliance has a number of players over 3k ilvl and some 4k people, and we have yet to run FBI or SVA. The reason people, I know at least, didn't try is basically they hated the layout of the mod 10 activities. I heard "I hate empowerment, I hate fishing, I hate running heroics". I…
Unfortunately, a trend I've noticed increasingly over the last 4 years is that more and more companies are downsizing pr/community management teams, and either abandoning those efforts, or leaving it up to the developers. Some games I've played from very well-off companies (and games that were making money) have laid off…
I think we'll probably just end up disagreeing in the end, but I am affected, and I still support the changes. I was out of greater demonic keys on one of my characters earlier, and I wanted to get keys for the demo rings. What I did was run heroics/skirmishes, etc. and I worked until I got enough stuff for the new key. I…
For myself, I love being dungeon master. That's what I enjoy the most from the foundry. Crafting a little story, and giving a player or my friends an adventure. While I have made some actual stories in the past, I much prefer a more combat/atmospheric dungeon designer approach to the foundry. I love looking back at my MMO…
I am a purely PvE player, and I am one of those players who is VEHEMENTLY opposed to them returning any kind of "adventure hour" that grants rewards or free keys etc. I fully support their current direction of allowing us to play what content we want, when we want. In fact, I believe, especially in the case of the Foundry,…
I actually think that's a wonderful thing. It means you get what work you put into stuff, and keeps the economy going. When stuff was farm friendly, people weren't running content except those dungeons, nor were they putting any money into either the game or Cryptic's economy. The grind to get keys and stuff for Storm…
I didn't like these because they emphasized running certain content at certain times. I very much like how in the new mod, for example, normal demo and tiamat are no longer time restricted. I would see returning to a system that reward players for playing at specific times a huge step backwards. I myself have not done any…
I've always felt that the Maze Engine story quests felt quite well-done (my favorite campaign by far), even though they were small and focused. But yes, in most other content, you can see compromises due to time/budge constraints.
If it isn't fixed in the next week, I would expect the devs probably decided to hold off until after mod 11; unless, some of the backend work they are doing is slowly working towards the issue.
Warning: The following is pure speculation and may be a load of HAMSTER: It might just be a case of having different producers at different stages of development. Sea of Moving ice was conceived and probably a lot further along under a different producer. Back in September, we got Thomas Foss, or Mimicking. It might just…
I already posted this where you replied elsewhere, but the quest text says "you do not have to change appearance to continue this quest", so I hit cancel and walked out and continued. The tokens are just there as a perk/rp bonus.
For me the quest said something along the lines of "you have been granted 2 change appearance tokens; you do not need to actually change appearance to continue this quest", so I hit cancel when the window popped up, and walked out.
I see multi-spec is coming, though I haven't figured out how to save my loadout yet. Whenever I make a spec change it seems to apply across all loadouts. Am I missing something? One other small but weird bug I noticed: my rusted trailblazer's axes now require class scourge warlock (I'm a hunter ranger). The restored piece…