I'd suggest testing your internet speed, you can use speedtest.net, to see what your upload speed is. My problem was that it was super slow, so if you guys have unusually slow upload speeds, that might be the cause and you'll just have to figure out what's slowing it down.
Rizazx was able to discover a fix that has worked for both me and him. If you have Asus AI Suite II, either uninstall it or just shut off Network iControl. It was severely bottlenecking our upload speeds and getting rid of it has fixed the issue for us.
Have been able to load into Protector's Enclave seven times now without incident, by far the most I've ever made it. Rizazx, you're a genius! This seems to have fixed it along with issue with the loading bar getting stuck at 90-95%. Forumalcore, you should update your thread so everyone on there that was having the issue…
I do have Asus AI Suite II. Tried running speedtest.net to check my upload speed. Downloaded at 32.01 Mpbs but I only uploaded at 0.82 Mpbs. Pretty sure that's not a normal speed, especially when compared to my download speed.
Same issue. I'll try relogging for up to an hour and a half trying to fix the issue and I'll get to play up until my next loading screen and then it'll happen again.
Yea, I have the same thing. It doesn't always have my saved information. It'll have the account name from my old Cryptic account, from before the merger with Perfect World. Doesn't work when I try and log in with it though. Says to log in with my Perfect World account name. I just really hope either Cryptic fixes this if…