Greetings. Great question. While many Mods have pointed out that NW is really only based on D&D LORE not game mechanics, I will admit that this does leave a hole in my regard to play this game further. The limited weapon choices and armor restrictions seem to come straight out of games like TERA, or AION. As far as D&D…
Most MMO's are a "work in progress" as such, it's hard to get a feel if they are half empty or half full. But if the question is simply - are you optimistic or pessimistic about the game and it future. My answer would be: "At this point, I am optimistic, as it's a very new game, and has lots of room to grow and change from…
I have to agree, they really need to "finish" out the Character Builder to make it so that players can get a real 4e playing experience with all the classes, races, and everything, as if someone had built their character straight from the rule books. That would be super sweet. Monsters - All those monsters from the…
I have not done it, as I canceled my contract with discover many years ago. But, Once you give them your Social they pretty much know everything about you. So whatever you put on the application is only going to be used to validate that you are who you claim to be. IE: What you tell them aligns with what they already know.
I will have to agree to disagree with you on this unless you opt to use the term as it applies by Wikipedia or the other sites I listed. Meh, a Pure Arti was plenty self sufficient and very good DPS. I mean, I would have looked into the Tukaw if I was going to play a WF caster that wants to melee. WF mixed with Arcane were…
No, We are discussing if Neverwinter is a real Dungeons and Dragons Experience, and DDO was mentioned because it is another DnD MMO. Not to toss out cliche's but, every game is what you make of it, and thus any "Number crunching hell" you endured was of your own volition. The reality is, AD&D - 1 - 3, gave an astounding…
It seems, we do, so I looked it up to see if maybe things have changed. Other terms are: However, as good as Wikipedia is. this site, really explains Min.Max the best So, yes, we don't seem to use the term the same at all, and that can make for a very difficult…
In that regard, I don't see either of those on these forums. To say that one game made more an effort to abide by the 3x rules is not loving on, or have loved it, it is simply a matter of fact, and it would be expected to compare Neverwinter to other DnD MMO's and games out there. As it stands, DDO is afaik is the only…
I am more wondering why Neverwinter is abbreviated NWO (Neverwinter Online) as opposed to just NW? Is there another popular MMO (or Game company) out there that uses the NW abbreviation?
First- If you are going to say something is "different" then you should explain how. Secondly - really, I thought the main problem was it's total lack of advertisement, as I never head of it till it went F2P. And lets be real here, most DnD franchise stuff sucks as it depends on the name "Dungeons and Dragons" to entice…
Did anyone say they loved DDO? I missed that memo. Most of us left for one reason or another, I bet a few of us play both games as the mood strikes us, for me, I left a while ago, it was the grind (burn out mainly) and many other little things, (hey it was a few years, the little things added up), it was not because the…
Point of Reference - None of that was available when the game went F2P 3 years ago. Not to be rude, but a few other minor points: If you are TRing, or planning to, you should be a little past the "getting stonewalled at 10th" problem. Also, iirc, You said you soloed. As a F2P player, you would not be able to open beyond…
LOL. yah, those forums were rough to say the least, but that is what happens when you are trying to level and ask power gamers for advice, they pretty much find ways to suck the fun out of a game in any way they can. While yes, knowing when to split can help you out, it gives you a little boost, like my 18/2 Wiz/rogue, my…
This is a misnomer, and I am starting to realize that you either never played DDO or did not play it for any length of time at this point, and I know for a fact that you did not play a trapper. In counter to that, I played DDO for 3 years, and like most long standing players of DDO I had my completionist project underway,…
I am going to disagree with you there as well. Lets be real here, you could min/max yourself to silly levels, but if you forgot your death ward, you're still a pile of ash. Stats were no substitute for planing, prep, and skill. A player could have a sub optimal build, but via gear and planning do astonishingly well. Case…
To be fair, most games have a growth spike at their start and then equally fast decline, till they drop down to a "stable point" Because this game is F2P, there is also a very high turn over in players who are just in it to "try it out" not really worth doom calling at this point in the games development, I would say, with…
I believe it has already been well established that DDO is a dated game, pushing 7 years old now, and in that regard, things like cloaks and other graphics that the engine could not handle are an acceptable missing part of the game. Not to mention, what DnD player would wear a cloak on their back? It would cover the back…
DDO really did capture the DnD Feel and game play, too bad, as you said, it became a dated game, and really in need of an overhaul not a patch or expansion. And I have to agree, if they advertised that this was a "True Dungeons and Dragons Experience" they were outright lying.
Actually, if you had played TERA, you would see there are some striking similarities between the two games in regards to the mouse/key combat, and the single style of weapon use of the classes.
Yah, you might want to at least give DDO a look through. While I think there are better games then DDO out there, it was a more true to the rules DnD based MMO. Not sure how it is today, I stopped playing a while back, but, since it is F2P you lose nothing giving it a look over and seeing if what you think is true that a…
If you want, go check out DDO (Dungeons and Dragons Online) where they follow the spirit and the letter of the rules pretty close. Yes, the class imbalance is painful to say the least, and it's really lop sided in favor casters both divine and arcane. In theory , because DnD is supposed to be about PvE, you don't really…
And yet I had to stop playing that game due to the game breaking bugs making it a total kill-joy. But for many people who post up things like Game XYZ was so much better then this game or what have you, well, if that is the way you feel, then you need to take control of your game time and return back to the games you…