Don't add it. Makes you look like a moron like the rest of us. Its under your forum profile though if you seriously want to tell people you supported this clusterf&^%
Who wants to make a party and one shot bosses when server comes back up? 3.2MIL AD I started out with isn't jack now. Once sinister long dagger sells for 1.2MIL AD, and we can farm a ton of them in 7 hours.... can we not be getting a new shard...I just don't get it.
Heres what some CW and GF lost- Over 7 hours farming T2 items one shotting a boss by exploitation to sell said items for AD. OH wait this rollback doesn't fix that does it? Nor does it fix the fact people got 60 in one hour to do this exploit too? .....
Ok so NO new shard. NO wipe. 7 hour rollback. YAY all our problems have been solved!!!!!! We just have minimum amount of exploited glory items, loot from one shot bosses, and instant one hour 60s. Thank you for listening to the community. Happy it was all resolved.
I LOL at you Sir. Repeatedly. Then some more. Then my jaw pops out of place and I am rushed in an ambulance to the hospital for hysteria. Seriously. LOL. Thank you for making me laugh tonight. Funny post.
A wipe is inevitable. I don't like it, but I know in the long run its the most sensical/beneficial at hand task that has to happen. There is no way around it.