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  • And we won't see it until Mod 8..... The bugs aren't the problem, the content is. The difficulty isn't the problem. It is the lack of rewards for said dificulty. Grinding, in a sense, in every MMO gets to a level of boredom but nothing in comparison to this game since Tiamat's release in mod 5 and more so since this mods…
  • My issues with this game isn't the dificulty in general. It is the high dificulty with the lack of rewards. You have to run about 145 t2's to get the 1800 seals needed for the elven set. This is based on the assumption you run nothing but t2's every day, all day, for an entire week. In most groups those runs can take…
  • I have been saying it since this mod released on preview. Copy and Paste. All it is. Now, don't get me wrong, I do enjoy a very small amount about this mod but most of it is, well, just meh. I like the dificulty but don't understand the lack of rewards. The harder the content the better the rewards.... Well, in just about…
  • If we are talking about without bugs. With Bugs I would put the SW 3rd and then all other classes.
  • Being both Faithful and Righteous (switch back and forth) I have to disagree with you. I was nearly one shot by a Pally a week or so ago. CW's I feel should be the top of every classes. TR's I feel are where they should be. I mean, if you run close enough to a TR they have a window of reveal. All other classes Geas works…
  • No, this specific mitigation is a bug from an at-will for SW. I have a few SW friends who have told me about it, one even used it in an Etos run.
  • It is from an at will. It lasts about 4 secs on the target used causing the SW to take no damage from said target.
  • I have also heard cryptic is working on another MMO at the moment.
  • Shut it down for the PC yes. But I called that when they announced the Xbox One version. They will slowly fade the PC version out to obsoletion and focus solely on the Xbox version. Anyone who knows gaming, knows the consoles are where the "real" money is made.
  • Here is to hoping the changes that have been "leaked" since the bugged NPC Dougan was introduced for the Champions league, actually happen. If the matchmaking (well, lack there of) remains the same, PvP in this game will remain obsolete, if not die out all together. If they happen to actually add a matchmaking your team…
  • I have played against your premade a couple times. Where is the fun a) playing with a group that wins 99% of the time with NO challenge b) playing againt people you know won't be a challenge? All the while spamming the same spells every match too. You are in large part what is wrong with the PvP in this game.
  • I have posted this a few other places. Here is to hoping it gets around and people actually learn the dungeons. Pretty soon here they will have to as, I assume, the bugs will be fixed. The key to all 3 is teamwork and communication. Without teamwork or communication you won't beat them without an exploit. eTOS: 1st 2…
  • A DC with Geas and GWD is easy.
  • All 3 are doable, TOS is the easiest. CC without a tank is impossible and GWD jsut needs a DC with Geas.
  • I have beaten all 3 without exploits. I know many others who have as well. To state no one can or is beating them without exploits is assinine. Yes, 99% of this games population are using exploits. I.E. AP bug (which btw there isn't any further way to exploit it, it is a set feat with a set offhand bonus with a set daily),…
  • People won't listen in-game and you seriously thought they would here? With the right party everything is easy but there is the problem. Gathering the right party is near impossible. Mainly because so many got use to the pre-mod 6 rambo everything mentality. Mainly from CW's. I still see so many CW's rushing in solo, well…
  • Attachment not found. And one with me in the Elemental Elven gear. 4008 IL. Lol, I need to work on resizing my screenshots.
  • Attachment not found. Not sure if this is going to show up properly but this is a screenshot of my toon currently. This is me in pvp gear without reinforcements. 3500+
  • Yea, that is max gear level. I have seen a few people myself.
  • lol 4600-4700 is max gear level with all rank 12's, legend arti gear, reinforced and mythic artifacts. 4720 to be exact.
  • Yea, when you inspect someone you see your own gear level. I am currenty at 4008 TiL. Elemental Elven gear with reinforced kits. Epic arti gear, new rings, shirt and pants. Reinforced belt, neck and rings. All 4 mythic artifacts and mostly rank 9's except for 2 rank 11's. Max gear level is around 4600 with all BIS…
  • I myself don't have much issues with TR like previous mods (even though the run away like scared little kids at a haunted house to get invis back gets fairly annoying). My issues now and have been for some time, is the spamming. We get 3 encounters, 2 at-wills and 2 dailies and I'll see people spam the same at-will, same…
  • This last patch took 5 hours and was all for not. The AP gain bug is still active. Only now it isn't with Hallowed Ground but Hammer Of Fate. The Lostmauth set may have been fixed but HR's can still bleed mobs without set (just like the set did pre-patch) and I have heard from a couple CW's that the Lostmauth set is still…
  • There are a few good things and quite a few bad or confusing. I like the fixes to some bugs but to change bugs for certain things and not others is confusing. For example, you fix the hastening light and lostmauth bug but you don't fix the bugs in eCC where you can stand on the ledge or in the net and not be hit by the…
  • There are a few good things and quite a few bad or confusing. I like the fixes to some bugs but to change bugs for certain things and not others is confusing. For example, you fix the hastening light and lostmauth bug but you don't fix the bugs in eCC where you can stand on the ledge or in the net and not be hit by the…
  • The random disconneting is a huge issue for me (as it is for most I am sure). You don't know how many times my whole party gets randomly disconnected and when we relog we have all been sent back to PE. Therefore, closing the dungeon we were all in and this always happens while we are on the boss. Epics are a pain as it is,…
  • It confuses me why this was even an issue. They fixed it on preview but didn't for the live release.....doesn't make much sense to me.
  • In your attempt to make him look dumb you answered his question. If there are only a few belts on ah (I.E. Like there were when elol first became available or even before that, the dragons from tod campaign) then the cost is substantially higher. The fact people held their rewards to get level 70 content for the lvl 60…
  • Off to work then, wonder if it will be fixed by the time I get home......
  • This is the issue. It was fixed for preview but somehow wasn't implemented on live release.