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What is the Arc Client?
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  • This isnt a true beta. We are playing the 'release client' for all intent and purposes. If you want an idea of what a 'true' beta is.. Check out FireFall. Its going threw complete redesigns during its 'beta'.. all based on player feedback.
  • Launcher worked for me now. Servers down, and such. but atlest i got past the 'looking for updated launcher' thingie it does prior to opening the launcher.
  • not working for me as of 11pm EST.
  • Was gonna mention the need for 'dual-tool tip windows on mouse-over' as well... but i can deal with that... having to muck around with the inventory just to get an offhand to equip is a pain =(.
  • Talk about an odd place to hide the title's at.... ty =)
  • Not sure how 'mechanically' inclined you are. but here's a car-version of an example as to why. Say you have a Car with a 454 with-block in it, set to run at a drag strip. The motor, timings, and gearing are all set to top-end, high speed. Now, imagine your driving that same car, with the same 'power', but your on a road…
  • Technically it 'is' breaking a rule (as your useing a feature in a way it not intended.) BUT, here's the key difference. In doing so, you are NOT gaining any advantage over another player in a 'game related' way. If anything, you found a way to fix an issue that does not tie up tech-support for 30 minutes while you and…
  • Here's the thing witht the Queue's and the 'perk' of being able to skip the line. And Planetside 2 shows this as a fact in practice. The people who pay the 200$ 'soely' for the perk of skipping queue lines, are buying a 'temporary' perk. Termporary not because the Dev's will remove that perk later on,but because at some…
  • That one... was actually fairly decent when it came out. What made it crappy was the over-use of slimes/oozes.. as a money-sink (in-game money that is). In the actual D&D Books Oozes were rare to find, and were a pain as they 'ate' threw all armor and weapons not made of wood. in DDO, they were put in EVERYTHING, just for…
  • i actcually havnt bought anything EA puts out since they destroyed the Nascar Racing series of games, turning them from a simulation game into a arcade game. The last MMO EA put out that i got was Earth and Beyond, and they 'literally' killed it. (as well as Motor City Online and a few other mmo's EA's put out). Ive put…
  • extra points if its a female with a mustache :p
  • Its only a waist of money if you bought it for the wrong reasons. 'Right' reasons to buy ANY founders pack for ANY game. 1. Want to support the game and company, and get some 'goodies' while your at it. 2. LIKE the goodies that are offered. 3. Plan to continue playing the game, even threw rough times as you like the GAME…
  • Most "Beta"s nowadays are pre-release runs of the MMO given to a wide range of people to get a general feel for how well the client is running on various machine configurations in a real-world environment. ALL of the development has ALREADY been done. Only minor things are changed from the point of 'beta' into release. A…
  • Guild Wars 2?... i think it reset at the end of 'open-beta'.. but everything form "head start" onwards was kept. There's actually been a few MMO Beta's that wype at the end of 'open beta'.. then let in the 'headstarts' who get to keep their toys earned durring the head-start. But as for the actual question.. Answered it =)
  • They likely did it because SOE does it with Planetside 2. Though its 15$ a month to do it, not a 1-time payment.
  • Its normal to have queue's durring a Beta, especially when it hits 'open' beta. Whats not normal is for a player to get iinto a queue, and see this as the number of people in line: Granted, it is a display issue (as we later learned), But still.. That will put alot of people off to have that kind of a bug pop up. Think of…
  • Forgot about that... think i already have the @name i wanted too thanks to one of the closed beta weekends =)
  • Wasnt saying it was a valid excuse. What i meant by that is that asside from Firefall, i have YET to see a F2P game actualy 'built up' to the standards that are almost required to run a beta. And by 'built up' I mean having a decent number of servers, KNOWING they were going to get slammed with thousands of logins, Have a…
  • 1. Its a FTP game 2. the 3 (count them again 3) servers that are up, are the same servers used during closed Beta and the Beta Weekends. 3. Its a FP Game, meaning at LEAST 5000 of those 7000 in line are Gold-farmer bots trying to log in so they can spam their RMT websites (gods, if i knew a 'safe' way to contact them.. i'd…
  • i use: " uTorrent " Its actually a differnt letter than U at the beginning, like a backwards y... but the fourm seems to HATE that special character and keeps deleting the name.
  • Are they really that anal about downloader clients?... yesh.. 369mb as of Thursday (3-7-2013) Though the patch goes about 9000000x faster than the client download.
  • Not upset =) just commenting that its slow on my end incase they tried to localize were to work on the 'slow-spots' at =)
  • Just got the weekend Beta invite tonight. Chose the direct download of the installer. Launched it, it took it a good 10 minutes before it started to download. Its working, but its only going at 100kbps or Less. Gonna be a loooong night of downloading heh. Though i guess its to be expected, as im assuming all of the weekend…