It would be nice is there was a way to set what you want the default to be for a particular loadout. But that said, like you mentioned, it's not too hard to toggle back to melee. Still, there will be those embarrassing and funny moments where your ranger flies back 50 feet with Marauder's Escape, LOL
The short answer to your question is that a player can only have one summoned companion at a time during combat. But there is a bit more complexity involved. The current companion system, which was rolled out in Mod 16, is explained in the following post from the Cloak Alliance. Links in this post point to other useful…
The change to plant growth did seem excessive, what with the magnitude being set so low and the cooldown lengthened way off the charts. The power now seems fundamentally unusable. I feel like Split the Sky was weakened too much as well. But glad to see Hunter getting a boost, even if Warden gets a small nerf. Overall, I…
I've really been meaning to give PVP a try. I even have a loadout, but it needs some work. I've been too busy with PVE just lately. But that's kind of been a good thing. Been getting a lot of helpful feedback on the archery build and made another update to it today, notably for the single target loadout.
Here is a video of a Hunter Archer (loadout 2 from the build). If you compare it with the video above of Warden Archer, you can see how Warden Archer seems more capable of handling mobs, in particular because the daily becomes kind of like a 4th encounter power almost. You will also notice how I go up against the same…
Take 2 of solo Warden Archer. I like this better than the previous attempt. Warden Melee is still best, but this seemed to go more smoothly. Electric Shot (marks target) + Storm Conduit (+10% dmg on next lightening attack) + Call of the Storm (big hit and supercharges other attacks) is a good combination.…
Here is a brief video of Warden Archery on solo. Only loadout 1 is shown, not loadout 2. Nothing fancy here either but just to give the basic idea. Just to be clear, this isn't to suggest archery is BIS or even close to Warden Melee. Read the first page in the guide and you'll…
Looking ahead to Mod 18, here are the noteworthy changes we know of and how these changes compare to their current settings in Mod 17: * Focused - now increases 2% per second to a maximum of 20% (down from 2.5% per sec to a max of 25%) * To The Wind - now grants a 5% boost to Throw Caution (down from 10%) * Skirmisher's…
Looking ahead to Mod 18, here are the noteworthy changes we know of and how these changes compare to their current settings in Mod 17:* Disruptive Shot - magnitude increased to 300 (up from 250 magnitude) * More than Disruptive - now increases your ranged damage by 10% for 5 sec (up from 5% damage for 5 sec) * Slasher's…
That is very helpful to know on GW. As far as Crushing Roots, in my own personal testing, it seems to be working ok right now in Mod 17. But I don't know everything! What exactly is wrong with it now? Also, why would you say a Warden Melee should use Crushing Roots, as opposed to Blade Hurricane? Did you possibly mean to…
@rubytrue I routinely run the augment out of habit, but for solo you make a good point, especially on the combat advantage. :) Mostly I just wanted to show a fairly clean view of the rotation concept without distracting effects of other party members, etc. In a party, I might also use Careful Attack too, but by myself it…
Made a short video to demonstrate this type of build. It feels viable as an alternative to Warden Melee, even if not as good. It's certainly fun though.
I made a small build update this evening to incorporate a tad stronger role for at-wills. Core rotations remain unchanged and use of Careful Attack is also unchanged. But what is now different is the addition of Rapid Shot/Strike which helps to enhance AP recovery and adds to DPS, especially by maximizing the effects of…
Nice job and I enjoyed reading your insights. I do hope the guys at Cryptic will read your bugs and wish list carefully. I think most of us Rangers would cast our vote for more viable options to play. Just simply getting bugs fixed and making a few tweaks could be a huge difference. Nothing really seems to top Warden…
I've been thinking of switching to the Music Box set after the Orcus set gets nerfed. In a party, assuming the tank has the attention with aggro, it should not be hard to get into position to really take advantage of the 15% dmg bonus of the Music Box set. Interestingly, I have tried out the Demise set and it's not a bad…
I included a note about jumping with Mauraders Escape. I personally use longstriders just because of gushing wounds, since the bleed dmg ticks are at full damage where as mauraders rush is reduced by 50% due to the Longshot feat.
@rubytrue I agree. In fact, I am in the midst of finishing a second build guide (similar layout as this Trapper one) for a 100% bow build. I'm planning to share it before Christmas and it presents a dual loadout approach like you describe, among other things. There are still a couple key twists you didn't mention. Anyway,…
I don't think you necessarily "suck" because of that. I run an alt cleric and haven't worried about it too much because there are other sources of crit severity. My guild has the +15% crit severity boon. There is also the campaign boon and other sources. You could probably make some simple adjustments to boost that up a…
Feedback on Risk & Concern... Even just a training mode for dungeons (kind like a guided tour, maybe even with pop-up tips along the way) might be nice. No credit has to be awarded for completion but players would be able experience important mechanics, such as push-pull in CODG, which are otherwise difficult to pick up…
Charisma does noticeably help (a little) in terms of the recharge speed. But I do hate to give up damage from Str or Dex, so I've tried instead to incorporate other things like Disruptive Shot (up to four shots), Hindering Shot (repeat fire up to 3 times with small 3 second cooldown between shots), Careful Attack, Mount…
Do share your tests as there is certainly room for refinement here. :) I'll add, Crushing Roots does work as far as its effect on Thorned Roots. Without it, you get 4 ticks of damage per target hit. With it, you get 9 ticks of damage per target. So not only does it double the time, it actually more than doubles the damage…
Hi @gabrieldourden you hit the nail on the head with your observation. Part of how I deal with this issue is in the design of the rotation (see Rotation Strategy section). Disruptive Shot is definitely part of the rotation, sometimes more than once, depending on which of the rotations you look at in that guide. I also…
Here are some very basic builds. As you level up, you just use the gear you find along the way. When you reach level 70, go read the letter on the table behind Sergeant Knox in Protector's Enclave in order to do the quest An Important Invitation to get a complete set of 644 item level starter gear.…
There is a lot that can and should be tested with regard to Thorned Roots. Prior to Mod 16, many Trappers were complaining about all the things that did not work with roots. And since Mod 16, testing to date has not revealed anything worth celebrating, but given how much attention has been on Warden, it's worth taking a…
I agree. I personally like the challenge of doing something different part of the time, not because it's necessarily better or easier than the usual way, but simply because of the challenge of it. Of course, it's best to do this with friends who understand what I'm doing. Random groups might not appreciate it as much,…
Try making a +1 item, not just any item, and see if that helps. I can't recall exactly what I was doing when this issue happened to me, but I seem to remember the workshop quests are a little confusing in how they are written.